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Weak AI? Give it more roads!!!

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  • Weak AI? Give it more roads!!!

    That's right, fatting up the ai road network will actually make the ai more aggressive! .. at least in my current game.

    In my current game with 25 ai on the largest map size, after around 500 turns or so, I noticed the ai isn't taking cities anymore. (by this time, only 3 ai came out on top, rest are just fodders) I even launched an attack against the strongest ai. I took my strongest stack, and captured city after city leaving no units to defend the recently captured cities. The ai did NOTHING!!!

    Frustrated, I turned off fog of war. I saw that the ai had around 10 BIG stacks fortified around one of its city, along the rail network. Two other strong ai did the same, they had around 3-4 BIG stacks fortified on one of the cities, along their rail network. Hmm, so I added more railroads along the network. Some of the stacks MOVED! But a lot of it still got stuck.. so I deleted a stack here and there. Next turn, all the stacks MOVED!!! Some of those 10-12ish stack head straight to my border cities (and yes, I got attacked by HUGE stacks a few turns later), some to other destination (I assume, other ai cities), and some got into a big tangle at another city along the rail network again... Anyways, I added more railroad network to the other ais, and deleted a stack here and there, if it appeared the extra rails didn't help. And again, those stacks moved. Didn't keep track what they did, but it seemed they were moving to attack other cities elsewhere.

    Come to think of it, in my previous games, I saw a lot of 'fortifed stacks' in other ais too. Seems, if you are experiencing very passive ai, its the pathfinding algorithm that is broken.

    Can anyone else confirm this? Turn off fog of war, and then add extra rails to a bunch of fortifed stacks. If that doesn't help, delete every other stacks, to get them moving again...

  • #2


    That's an interesting observation - I'll try it.

    One way to fix this might be to change some of the distance-associated values for attacks such as DistanceToTarget. But, the last time I tried that, it didn't help ...

