Theoretically there should be no limit, but in play testing I have found (through work with Matte) that 210x210 is the maximum size that allows for the AI to create and use roads. A vital link for any civilization. The 3 number as pointed out by Scorpion has like it's predecessors been left behind and not implemented... it has no effect on the characteristics of the map... Saying that, now I have to redo a few maps... DAM... if anyone has found anything else that seems to go haywire when you increase the maps above 210x210 please let us know... I don't want to recreate maps over and over again... I've not checked palpatine's world map yet to see if it is also affected by the size issue. I would love to have found a solution other than shrinking map sizes but in a week of testing nothing has been shown... so, off to the editor to rework my map... 
Omni - the unhappy editor

Omni - the unhappy editor