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Well I'm happy now... I had a revolution

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  • Well I'm happy now... I had a revolution

    I had my first revolution in the colonization scenario that I've created, and it resulted in the Americans... how realistic All I had to do was edit the gov't files, changing anarchy a little bit... I made the max cities 3 (just a number I liked) and martial law is 1 per unit, but since I had a larger empire and not a lot of militia in the city it and a few others decided to leave me... didn't loose anything major just every city I had in North America... the distance to capital must have played a role... but at least it's realistic, cuz who ever heard of a smooth transition of power... ala Russia to USSR to Russia... going to tweak it a little more and I'll check back with you guys...

    Omni - the mapper turned moder - but I still map
    [This message has been edited by OmniGod (edited December 09, 2000).]

  • #2
    Do you think we'll hear of any news of a revolution in Florida?
    A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


    • #3
      Omni, by changing the anarchy settings you set up a situation whereby any change in government results in a revolution me thinks.

      That seems appropriate for some scenario-based features but in a usual game it would trigger chaos for any player.

      I like the idea though for those instances where govt is assumed to be stable and any change in structure could undermine order and result in secession. I could envision a scenario where the idea is to maintain the integrity of a current govt structure in the face of forces (like income, resources, units) that make it tempting to change. The player would have to balance the gain of chaging to a more "effective" government with the certain loss of a portion of its "domain".

      But the AI may not be able to figure that out. WOuldn't that place it at a more distinct disadvantage?

      'Blood will run'
      [This message has been edited by Savant (edited December 09, 2000).]
      'Blood will run'


      • #4
        The funny thing is Savant.... despite the AI having changed governments numerous times they've not experienced a revolution. I think it's due to them having a large number of troops in cities, at the time of the change I'm not sure... but sofar they seems unaffected... cheaters



        • #5
          I think any real revolution should be accompanied by a great deal of civil unrest. I'm thinking of real revolutions like the French revolution, the Republican and Communist revolutions in China, the Mexican revolution, etc.

          Great idea.


          • #6
            Okay I think that this should work as I had hoped, the changes that I've made are as follows

            changes to govern.txt
            Icon ICON_GOV_ANARCHY
            Rank 0
            RationsExpectation -1
            PositiveRationsCoef 1
            NegativeRationsCoef 1
            WorkdayExpectation -1
            PositiveWorkdayCoef 1
            NegativeWorkdayCoef 1
            WagesExpectation -1
            PositiveWagesCoef 1
            NegativeWagesCoef 1
            FoodCoef 0.75
            ProductionCoef 0.75
            InfrastructureCoefficient 0.25
            CrimeCoef 2
            CrimeOffset 95
            KnowledgeCoef 0.1
            MaxScienceRate 0
            GoldCoef 0.75
            CapitalizationCoefficient 0.25
            UnitRushModifier 4
            BuildingRushModifier 3
            WonderRushModifier 6
            EndGameRushModifier 6
            MaxIncomingTrade 100000
            MaxOutgoingTrade 100000
            PollutionCoef 1
            PollutionUnhappyCoef 0
            SupportCoef 1
            TurnsToNewReadiness 20
            ReadyPeaceCoef 0.5
            ReadyPeaceHP 0.5
            ReadyAlertCoef 0.75
            ReadyAlertHP 0.8
            ReadyWarCoef 1
            ReadyWarHP 1
            DefenseCoef 1
            WarDiscontentMaxUnits 0
            WarDiscontentPerUnit 0.1
            ConquestDistress -5
            ConquestDistressDecay 0.2
            OverseasCoef 0
            OverseasDefeatDecay 0
            OverseasDefeatCoef 1
            HomeDefeatDecay 0.5
            HomeDefeatCoef 1
            MaxMartialLawUnits 5 #Greatest amount of forced happiness
            MartialLawEffect 1 #Forced happiness by militia units
            MartialLawThreshold 80
            AtHomeRadius 2
            EmpireDistanceScale 0.00001
            MinEmpireDistance 100
            MaxEmpireDistance 4000
            TooManyCitiesThreshold 2 #Above this number causes unhappiness
            TooManyCitiesCoefficient 1.5 #Unhappiness per city above threshold
            ProfessionalUnits 0
            GrowthRank 0
            ProductionRank 0
            CommerceRank 0
            ScienceRank 0
            GoldRank 0
            MilitaryRank 0
            PollutionRank 0
            LoyaltyRank 0
            MartialLawRank 0

            As you can see people can get really unhappy, but if you look at your const.txt the riot level is set at 60... thus there's little chance that you'd have a revolution in the early years but if you decide to colonize, expand greatly and not keep the military up to match the growing size, you almost will have a revolution on your hands... good thing is that if you have a military presence nearby then you can easily retake some of the cities before the upstart nation can get going... the only problem I'm having is that to have specific civs start up you have to change the civilisation.txt... is there any other way to accomplish a random start rather than a follow the list start?

            Any comments, think any changes should be made or did I make too much of a change?


            [This message has been edited by OmniGod (edited December 09, 2000).]
            [This message has been edited by OmniGod (edited December 09, 2000).]
            [This message has been edited by OmniGod (edited December 09, 2000).]


            • #7
              Omni, it may be good the AI are less affected as I thought the change would imperil them more. If they are relatively immune, that makes for a greater human challenge to balance the need for tech & resources with stability.

              'Blood will run'
              'Blood will run'

