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1.35 Cradle game repots request...

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  • #16
    I had a similar problem with a "normal" game, means no mod installed, but changed the map size to 200x400. At about round 350 it was not possible to save via the menu nor >shift + s<. Only a quick save was possible. A reload of the game was not helpful. About 25 turns later a normal save worked w/o problems. There was no civ splitting or something similar that could affect this problem...??


    • #17
      I'm curious to see if this type of thing is happening on the normal-sized maps.
      Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


      • #18
        Normal size maps are for wooses.

        Cradle is bigger than Ben Hur and should be played that way, ultra gig maps, very hard, max barbs and plenty of opposition.


        • #19
          Originally posted by stankarp
          Normal size maps are for wooses.
          Cradle is bigger than Ben Hur and should be played that way, ultra gig maps, very hard, max barbs and plenty of opposition.
          Guess I'm a wuss then...
          Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


          • #20
            "Guess I'm a wuss then..."(hex).

            Seems like it


            • #21
              I never had such a problem on a normal sized map, but on a extra large map w/o any other modifications this problem seems also not to appear. OK, sometimes a crash, but I'm afraid this is normal whether the game is moded or not. I had some strange errors with diplomod before I set debugslic to no (array out of range or something like this) and I'm not sure if there could be a problem with diplomod and a higher number of AI (22).


              • #22
                I just remembered that the original CTP2 game was shipped with a save game bug. Patch 1.1 was issued fairly quickly and one of the first things it fixed was a "save game crash bug".

                After thinking about it, as far as I can remmeber, when Cradle crashes for me it occurs differently, ie. when I press save game. With the pre patch original game, the save files were corrupted. However, I mentioned one cradle big game that crashed repeatedly during turn execution phase. The curious thing is that the crashes occurred about the same time as the original game crashes, ie, just after you got gunpowder, cavalry and canons.

                I get the occassional crash for no apparent reason, but that happens with all games with windows, ie freezes or crashes just out of the blue occassionally.


                • #23
                  really abandon slavery!

                  With the building of the emancipation act, slavery should be abandoned, as are all slavers/slavemasters and all existing slaves are converted into regular citizens. unfortunately that doesn't count for enslaving wonder units. so if some of them are still alive and kicking around, you will find yourself rather soon with a bunch of slaves with the only way to turn them into regular citizens is to overthrow town authorities before, which is rather unsatisfactory. is there some way to give the wonderunits the "pow" ability and steal them the slavery ability via slic?


                  • #24
                    Here's my take on why the slavery setup, as it stands in Cradle, is actually a good thing and reflects history and the present world...

                    It can be argued from a historical standpoint that slavery did not end with Emancipation. First of all the actual proclaimation did not resonanate with the South - it was seen as a worthless scrap of paper. Slavery ended because the North won the war...

                    The purpose of the document was tied into ulterior and pragmatic motives as much as the noble purpose of restoring human dignity. The North used the Proclaimation more as a weapon to possibly incite slave rebellions in the South and thus weaken the infrastructure and military of the South.

                    And we have seen that slavery has been in effect in different forms throughout the 20th century. The one that jumps to mind is the the treatment of Jews and various other races that were exploited and then killed by Germany during WW2. This, to me, is slavery of the worst kind because these people had no rights and eventually were worked to death or destroyed. They were not POWs, but citizens who were denied even their basic rights - robbed of their possessions and their dignity. The sad thing is that I can point to numerous other instances where this still goes on today.

                    To me, the civ-style games are not only about defeating the AI, but also are about creating a history that is determined by the choices you make. If you do not like slavery at all, don't build units that enslave and try to win with those parameters. At the same time, if you feel compelled to stop slaving after Emancipation, disband the units that enslave, or retire them to some nice villa in the countryside as an antique of a more barbaric time.

                    What I find interesting is the decision to continue slaving even after Emancipation is completed. It says something about the desire in mankind to continue to exploit a situation even after the moral high ground has been established. As a player, I would find it tempting to continue slaving because of the payoff. I have not played Cradle up to that point, but I've thought about it as an interesting dilemma. Sure its a game, but it is a reflection of human nature, and a reminder that as much as we may argue against it, we may have not progressed as far as we think we have from a moral standpoint.

                    As for the revolting city/recapture/citizen exploit, the decision is up to you to use it or not.

                    The Cradle setup as it officially stands now, will not change. But feel free to alter your own setup.
                    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by hexagonian
                      What I find interesting is the decision to continue slaving even after Emancipation is completed.
                      well, it wasn't a real decision, just didn't think about what the wonder units still in some offensive stacks would do after the wonder is built and was rather suprised what happened. but i believe you are referring to the truly sad history and state of the world (given the fact that slavery is still in use in some parts of what we call the third world, even much more, if we don't use that expression in a narrow meaning ), not to my style of gameplay.

                      Originally posted by hexagonian
                      As for the revolting city/recapture/citizen exploit, the decision is up to you to use it or not.
                      well, was only exploited accidentally.

                      Originally posted by hexagonian
                      The Cradle setup as it officially stands now, will not change. But feel free to alter your own setup.
                      i'm already experimenting a bit. in my current game (which i just decided to have become boring after owning about half of the world, being best friends with everybody except 2 dumb ai-nations who continue plundering trade routes while i continue conquering their lands) i tried out cityexpansion, the new updater, martins new city capture slic and a few minor changes of myself. all of them work fine but need some finetuning for cradle, for eachother (especially citycapture vs. cityexpansion). which brings me to another question: while i'm tinkering around a little, i try to keep most changes in line with your truly great mod: how do you calculate the update costs for units? is there a formula or something?


                      • #26

                        What do you think about killing off the Wonder Units that have the 'VictoryEnslavement' flag when the Emancipation Act is completed?

                        Also, if you're adding the updater code to Cradle, you might find the following attachment useful. It doesn't refer to Cradle's units but it should be fairly clear what's going on.
                        Attached Files


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Peter Triggs

                          What do you think about killing off the Wonder Units that have the 'VictoryEnslavement' flag when the Emancipation Act is completed?
                          killing the brave heros of my nation? the people might kill me and elect a new leader

                          Originally posted by Peter Triggs

                          Also, if you're adding the updater code to Cradle, you might find the following attachment useful. It doesn't refer to Cradle's units but it should be fairly clear what's going on.
                          thanks, will have a look at it right now


                          • #28
                            Update costs, for the most part, were 1:1 - (Gold Update Cost = Production Cost of new unit)
                            Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                            • #29
                              killing the brave heros of my nation? the people might kill me and elect a new leader
                              I meant with SLIC. Another possibility is to give them a fixed life-span (say 50 turns).


                              • #30
                                well, i was thinking about updating them into a nonenslaving version triggered by the building of the emancipation act.

