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Cradle 1.34a

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  • #31
    I posted 1.34b as an 'unofficial' patch as the changes had not been tested in a game.

    I'm assuming that you did have 1.34a already on your system and unzipped 1.34b over existing files. 1.34b included only the files that changed from 1.34a - and you do need to have 1.34a.

    The files included in 1.34b are all in the default_aidata folder...
    CRA_Goals.txt (numerical changes only)
    CRA_strategies.txt (numerical changes only)

    and default_gamedata folder...
    CRAEU_gamefile.txt (changes the Modswapper option to 1.34b)
    CRAS_gamefile.txt (changes the Modswapper option to 1.34b)
    CRARR_gamefile.txt (changes the Modswapper option to 1.34b)
    CRAB_gamefile.txt (changes the Modswapper option to 1.34b)
    CRAG_gamefile.txt (changes the Modswapper option to 1.34b)
    CRAI_pw_cheat.slc (numerical changes only)

    Since I have never worked with the foreign language files, I'm not sure about the process, and exactly what files you have to switch to get it to work on the Italian version that you have, but I'm assuming that all you need to change for language compatibility are in the english_gamedata folder.

    But if you want to do the changes yourself on your current setup, the changes are listed in this thread.

    To cut the AI tech gap, go into

    and locate the line
    my_gold = my_pop * 5;

    and change to
    my_gold = my_pop * 2;
    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


    • #32
      Originally posted by Turambar
      I had the same problem.

      Make a copy of the MESSAGEICON.TXT file in the Ctp2_data/default/gamedata directory and rename it CRA_MESSAGEICON.TXT and it should work.
      Thanks that seems to sort the problem - i'll post my impressions later.
      'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

      Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


      • #33
        1.34 b

        Hey the barbarian kicks!!!!.
        Three times I was banished before 1500 BC.

        The last time 2 hordles of 10,7 units approached my capital Hextapul..... way.

        Now I wanna try 1.34a with A.I. bonus reduced

        Cradle 1.34b
        UG Map
        Hard level
        Nasty barb.


        • #34

          Craddle 1.34b (used the more relaxed Diplomod, 3.6 i think?).
          Huge map
          8 civs
          Medium dif
          Roaming barbs.

          Present year 510bc(about 4hrs ish total play).

          Something strange with the Science graph in the rankings tab. I shows rather odd readings, i don't know if it does it from the begining(I don't like to check the rankings untill i've met a few other civs). It was showing that at around turn 97ish all civs apart from myself and the Zulu's 'crashed' and decided not to pursue science anymore???? This may not be specific to 1.3b but as the science files have been changed - i dunno.
          Anyway the Zulu's according to the chart have a huge science lead(like maybe the combination of all the other civs?) and then there is one else.....strange.

          I tested this out by establishing a few embassies and of course the Zulu's didn't have more than a few techs over myself and a couple of the other civs were showing normal tech levels - so it's just the science graph that is messed up.

          The game itself is going very nicely. I'm about the second emerging superpower with a few very close 3rd and 4th civs nipping at my heals.
          I've lost cities on 5 occasions(and reclaimed 4 of them) and failed to take cities about the same amount of times. I've been spectacularly betrayed by my closest ally(cost me one city!).
          I have seen a few barb cities(I took one and gave it my ally) and have had a small amount of barbarian sightings within my empire, but not to the degree Hexagonian hinted he was seeing(different barb setting?).
          I've built 6 wonders(maybe too many?!) and have a nice internal trade system going on(about 320gold per turn).
          I'll have to play the unchanged diplomod 1.34b to see the difference with diplomacy compared to my current game - but it's been quite fair overall, I win some i lose some.

          Ok a few other things, I do see what you(hex) meant by the barbs disrupting the ai civs alot. One civ has been having a constant back and forth problem with cities within it's empire turning barbarian. It even built Hadrians Wall wonder to sort it out i think(!), but after about 20-30 turns they were back. The barbs never threatend to take over the civ, but were constantly getting one or two cities, loseing them and getting them back again.
          Early on i destroyed one civ and recently a new(not one of the origonal 8) civ took over a city of an existing civ in much the same way the barbs seemed to spring up?

          The tech tree has done something strange - I already have a longship but 'ocean fareing' which gives that unit has appeared in my techs to research list. I'm pretty sure i had already discovered this tech or got it in an exchange - which promted my coracle to be upgraded to the Longship????? Or maybe i've done too many hours of CTP2 recently

          But overall the Ai is much less hesitant to launch an attack on a city - this is very apparent and that change is working well(in fact there has been some angry city swaping going on between the various civs, mine included ). It still pillages from time to time but i'm alot more worried when a decent stack starts heading my way - which is how it should be!
          I haven't been attacked by barbs much, but that could be the setting i chose.
          The tech gap is much more even and for me this makes it more fun to play. I'm not the top in advances but it just feels more balanced and i don't feel like the Ai are all swapping techs(even if they are at war with each other) between each other.
          The flip side of that is that my now 15 city empire can churn out alot of Wonders and I've beaten the Ai to the last three in a row. It's now 100bc and i guess my tech level is about right - i haven't got tanks yet!
          Still i have to make sure my cities are well defended where as before i would leave 2-3 units in most(more on the frontiers), i don't feel secure with less than 6 in most and more on the frontiers. I've had the Ai march straight into the heart of my civ and attack less well defended cities.

          Overall i think this is going very nicely and apart from the few odd things mentioned above i'm having one of my best games of CTP2, excellent work
          'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

          Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


          • #35
            Disaster Slics

            I was perusing/modding the slics in this mod when I noticed there were 3 disasters in the two related slics which I have never seen in the game (which I have played extensively):

            Epidemics (as opposed to Plagues)

            I altered the statistics in Disaster.slc so the last 2 would occur at every other turn, and I think I added new messages in DisMsg.slc, unless \\ denotes comments - then I just added comments. I am new to the slic language.

            My question is are these active in the game and the messages just aren't working (I have seen tiles die early in the game for no reason) or have they been disabled? If they have, why and can/should I flip them back on?


            Get 84 Resources, 96 Resources, or the NEW 153 Resources! Get Rockier Bonus Grassland versions1.0 or 2.0! Get My Mix of Snoopy and Womocks early terrain! Get Varied Goody Huts!
            Upcoming Mods - Optimator (with over 1000 new units!!!) & Godzilla, Revenge of the Kaiju!
            I am in dire need of new dino and Kaiju units!


            • #36
              Re: 1.34b

              Originally posted by child of Thor
              Something strange with the Science graph in the rankings tab. I shows rather odd readings, i don't know if it does it from the begining(I don't like to check the rankings untill i've met a few other civs). It was showing that at around turn 97ish all civs apart from myself and the Zulu's 'crashed' and decided not to pursue science anymore???? This may not be specific to 1.3b but as the science files have been changed - i dunno.
              Anyway the Zulu's according to the chart have a huge science lead(like maybe the combination of all the other civs?) and then there is one else.....strange.

              I tested this out by establishing a few embassies and of course the Zulu's didn't have more than a few techs over myself and a couple of the other civs were showing normal tech levels - so it's just the science graph that is messed up.
              This one has me stumped because I've noticed it too, and that chart was working in Cradle 1.3. But based on your observation, the AI is researching. I would say for the time being, players will have to ignore that chart and use the overall powergraph to gauge their standings (along with embassies). Not ideal though...

              Originally posted by child of Thor
              The tech tree has done something strange - I already have a longship but 'ocean fareing' which gives that unit has appeared in my techs to research list. I'm pretty sure i had already discovered this tech or got it in an exchange - which promted my coracle to be upgraded to the Longship????? Or maybe i've done too many hours of CTP2 recently
              I originally had Longships enabled at Hullmaking, but changed it for 1.34 to Ocean Faring. Looks like I forgot to fix the updater code to reflect the change I made for the enable advance for Longships.

              Originally posted by child of Thor
              I'm not the top in advances but it just feels more balanced and i don't feel like the Ai are all swapping techs(even if they are at war with each other) between each other.
              The flip side of that is that my now 15 city empire can churn out alot of Wonders and I've beaten the Ai to the last three in a row. It's now 100bc and i guess my tech level is about right - i haven't got tanks yet!
              The downside of tech parity is that you probably will have the inside track for Wonders.

              The cut I made to the AI was a drastic cut, but I can bump it up a notch. That way the AI will maintain a good lead, but not an overpowering one.

              Originally posted by Amesjustin
              I was perusing/modding the slics in this mod when I noticed there were 3 disasters in the two related slics which I have never seen in the game (which I have played extensively):

              Epidemics (as opposed to Plagues)

              I altered the statistics in Disaster.slc so the last 2 would occur at every other turn, and I think I added new messages in DisMsg.slc, unless \\ denotes comments - then I just added comments. I am new to the slic language.

              My question is are these active in the game and the messages just aren't working (I have seen tiles die early in the game for no reason) or have they been disabled? If they have, why and can/should I flip them back on?
              Did you do a /reloadslic on your current game or start a new one???

              There's also a CRA_disaster_str.txt in the english/gamedata folder that may need to be changed.

              I'm not a SLIC expert either - Immortal Wombat created the code and he could probably fill you in on more of the details.
              Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


              • #37
                Re: Re: 1.34b

                Originally posted by hexagonian

                Did you do a /reloadslic on your current game or start a new one???

                There's also a CRA_disaster_str.txt in the english/gamedata folder that may need to be changed.

                I'm not a SLIC expert either - Immortal Wombat created the code and he could probably fill you in on more of the details.
                Starting new games (several dozen) from Modswapper.

                I'll check out the the txt file when I get home tonight.
                Get 84 Resources, 96 Resources, or the NEW 153 Resources! Get Rockier Bonus Grassland versions1.0 or 2.0! Get My Mix of Snoopy and Womocks early terrain! Get Varied Goody Huts!
                Upcoming Mods - Optimator (with over 1000 new units!!!) & Godzilla, Revenge of the Kaiju!
                I am in dire need of new dino and Kaiju units!


                • #38
                  Tsunamis should have been disabled, they weren't working as I wanted. Epidemics I never had any problem with, although they do only work after you have discovered "Medicine" - and they replace plagues.

                  Volcanoes are just really really unlikely. Probably too unlikely actually. It's about a 1 in 166 each turn, but then the volcano only occurs if that 1/166 happens to hit a mountain, volcano, or rift. So you'll get one erutption a game if you're (un)lucky...
                  Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                  "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                  • #39
                    Could smeone explain the difference between medium and hard level?
                    Is the second settler the only or they have different statistics


                    • #40
                      Re: 1.34 possible bugs

                      Originally posted by Adriano
                      I was in very late about techs discovering so i contacted another civ to try change chariot tech for money.
                      Although the civ agreed to it ( and so my cash lost 2000 ) I did'nt find the tech in my discovered techs window!!!. I replied the negotiation with the same result.......
                      From Dale...
                      The bug: (This is on the Pacific version, patch v1.11)
                      I've had a look into it, and can actually replicate it. It seems to only occur when you "Request a tech" and "Offer gold". However, I received the tech if I did "Offer gold" and "Request a tech". Interestingly too, the AI didn't receive the gold in the later request. My belief is that there is a problem with "offer gold" related diplomacy proposals where the first part of the offer doesn't occur even if the second part does. Unfortunately I
                      haven't had enough time to experiment further with other types of offers.

                      One's I think need full testing are:

                      - Request something, offer gold.
                      - Offer gold, request somthing.
                      - Offer something, request gold.
                      - Request gold, offer something.
                      - With an embassy, without an embassy.
                      - With a treaty (whichever), without a treaty.

                      Maybe we can enlist the help of players to do this?

                      RE: Difficulty levels
                      Medium AI has equal bonuses to the human in the areas of production and food Basically, if you are running close to the AI or behind the AI you will both be getting the same. The AI, if it is far behind, still gets a sizable bonus in those areas.

                      On 'Hard' those bonuses are increased - anywhere from 5-10% and the AI starts with an additional settler.

                      In terms of gold and PW, the AI does get a large boost due to a SLIC file addition - it is 5 gold per pop. and 0-20 PW per pop (I cannot set this file up to be different based on difficulty level). This file greatly slants the game toward the AI, even more that I anticipated, and also skews the difficulty levels, so even the lower levels are tough.

                      There is a 1.34b setup available that greatly reduces the gold bonus. Currently I'm not happy with the changes in the Strategies when playing with Barbarians, but a player can use the SLIC file (CRAI_pw_cheat_slc) in that setup to bring the AI more down to earth. Simply take that file and replace the existing one in your 1.34a setup - discard the other files if you do not want to use them.
                      Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                      • #41
                        I'm missing something here. I've downloaded 1.34a although I haven't had a chance to play it yet. But where do I get 1.34b. Its not on hexegonians website.


                        • #42
                          Lou it's in the thread 'This packs AI fighting ability sucks' in this forum, futher down.........i'd giva a link but last time i tried it wanted me to put such stupid long number/letter combinations i decided not to bother! hope you find it.

                          EDIT: it works now? try here
                          'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

                          Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


                          • #43
                            I'd like to try out the Cradle mod. What do I need to download to use it? Just the most recent update or 1.3 then the most recent update or some other combination? All I have now is Modswapper and an old version of MedMod, nothing for Cradle. Thanks.

                            BTW: Locutus posted code to determine governments. I downloaded it but haven't looked at it yet. It's under Files/Modification/Text and slic files.


                            • #44
                              RM:Act patch 1.11 Modswapper
                              Cradle 1.3; 1.32 Update 1.34a update; eventually 1.34b
                              I suggest Leonardo Graphic pack
                              Don't forget to edit userprofle.txt and set debugslic=No.


                              • #45
                                I think only one of the version 1.3 + updates 1.34 is enough
                                "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                                Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                                Kill all and you are a God!"
                                -Jean Rostand

