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Error Messages while loading of scenarios

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  • Error Messages while loading of scenarios

    I've just installed the relatively new scenario "Ultima".
    (Basic: CTP2, Patch 1.11, Modswapper 1.12, ApolytonPack)

    But while loading of this (or another one) scenario, first a lot of error messages are generated, with contents like "Could not find ... in string database", and then ctp crashes; by starting ApolytonPack before, ctp crashes immediately without messages but a few seconds later.

    Other scenarios are running correctly.

    What's the problem ??

  • #2
    You have to run Ultima using default game rules, not AP rules.
    Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
    "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


    • #3
      What does your advice mean in detail ?
      Do you think, that I have to deinstall AP and then reinstall ctp2, or what ??

      Ultima didn't run correctly too, BEFORE I installed AP, and now it doesn't run by starting with MOD option "Original Game".

      I also wonder, how does Modswapper work, if ctp2 is not closed normally, but if it CRASHES. Will all modifications reset correctly then, so that all following loaded games or scenarios can run without errors ???

      Please help !!!


      • #4
        Oh, ok, I misunderstood you. Sorry.

        I think from my own experience, Ultima unzips incorrectly. In your "scenarios" folder, you should have a folder for each scenario you have.
        I suspect Ultima has not unzipped like this. If you have in your "Scenarios" folder the following files:
        scen0000 (folder)

        then you need to create a folder, name it "Ultima" and drop those files into it.

        Then select "Original Game" in ModSwapper, and it should run.

        If CtP2 crashes, I think next time it will load with the same mod as when it crashed. What I have done is to point all my CtP2 shortcuts to ModSwapper, so I have to choose every time. It means I always get the right one.
        Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
        "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


        • #5
          Originally posted by Svensson
          I also wonder, how does Modswapper work, if ctp2 is not closed normally, but if it CRASHES. Will all modifications reset correctly then, so that all following loaded games or scenarios can run without errors ???
          The only use for ModSwapper is to swap (exchange) mods, as it is named. So once you swapped a mod then you start the game always with the same mod, nevertheless how you closed the game (or how it was closed). So as long as you don't swap mods again you will start with the last mod, definatly.

          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


          • #6
            It doesn't work !!!

            My last steps were:
            1. Deinstallation of CTP2
            2. Removing of all remaining files and folders in former installation folder including Modswapper and AP
            3. Rebooting
            4. Reinstallation of CTP2
            5. Updating by patch 1.11
            6. Unzipping Ultima files into new-created scenario folder "Ultima"
            7. Start of CTP2 and loading "Ultima"
            8. Waiting for success ...
            ... but
            9. Error messages:
            a) Caption: "concept.txt line 72: Error";
            Text: "Couldn't find CONCEPT_CENARIO in string data base"
            b) Caption: "civilisation.txt line 47: Error";
            Text: "Couldn't find BARDS in string data base"
            c) Caption: the first chars weren't readable (ASCII ??)
            "???isation.txt line 47: Error"
            Text: "Expected number of Civilisations not found"

            10. CRASH, BOOM, BANG

            I want to play this game !!!
            Why does it fail ???

            P.S. Does it have to run under Windows XP ?!?!


            • #7
              oh, of course... Are you running a german version of the game?

              If so, find scenarios/ultima/scen0000/ and rename folder "english" to "german". That should sort it, though all your text will be in english...
              Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
              "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


              • #8
                well i was suffering from the german version for a long time as well, fortunately i bookmarked martins hints on this:

                well, actually i meant

                but perhaps the above link is helpful as well, haven't read it again now

                damn, wrong thread again. can't find it anymore, but all you need to do is to get a clean reinstall of the german game, copy everything in your german folder to the english folder delete the german folder (not necessary but helps against confusion) and unzip the files martin had provided in some thread i can't find (so we will need his help again i think) into the english folder.

                afterwards install any patches (not that theres a big choice) and modswapper and mods as you wish.

                everything except some stupid soundfiles will be in english and working.


                well have the file still on my harddisk, so we need somebody who finds martins orginal post or tells me how to uplaod the file here (~300k)

