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Future Based Mods?

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  • Future Based Mods?

    I know there are some great mods out there that focus on and stretch out the earlier eras. But are there any mods or scenarios that concentrate on modern to future portions of the game?
    "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"

  • #2
    WaW is the early modern age (to 1950), but that's the latest mod. Only Pedrunn's space scenario and my Mars Scenario, both unreleased...

    I think the majority of posters here are historians rather than sci-fi-ers, and SMAC does a good job on the future

    I was considering it though. Its hard to know how to start. Civilisations don't tend to appear anew these days, and short of giving everyone a hugely accelerated start, you're down to "post-nuclear winter" situations that leave a horrible mess of half-known modern tech, but still re-learning farming.

    I guess I could resort to my mod I planned for CtP1 with a lot more focus on bio-tech and mind control. But then the first 6000 years would be very similar
    Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
    "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


    • #3
      Actual I would like to play a mod more fiocussed on the future therefore I wanted to have my new GoodMod put more emphasis on the future but I am afraid that this will be interfere with the main idea if it is done too extremly. And maybe Locutus, too. A mod full of Borg technology and all the assimilation stuff...

      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


      • #4
        Could someone please answer me this question as its bugging me.

        I play MM2, i have not tried Cradle

        The reason for this is that i have heard MM2 has more units than Cradle (and all the ones in it are cool thats for sure) and MAINLY as I have heard that Cradle is way more focused on the eairly part of the game and the Industrial/Modern etc are basically the same as in un-modded CtP2.

        I just cant face loosing my units and cool future stuff

        Am i correct in these statements ? a +for cradle also as Ive heard it has way more extra new .slic stuff in it like Disasters. Could someone go deeper into this plz and if MM2 has any Cradle doesnt.

        (oh yea, how come in a screenshot of Cradle {the latest tourney one} i see the old CtP1 .spr as the settler {one without donkey} why is this and is the CtP2 donkey settler used in cradle.

        To Locutus:
        I was thinking, when/if the Colony code gets finished maybe in l History of the World mod, the CtP1 Settler could be used as the "Colonist" and the donkey guy could be used as the normal settler. Also would there be away of making the colonist -2 pop point from the city it was built and the settler -1 as in Civ3. I think this is a good point from Civ3 (one of very little)

        Damn i bet locutus wont even read this thread, oh well

        Oxygen should be considered a drug
        Tiberian Sun Retro
        My Mod for Tiberian Sun Webmaster of


        • #5
          I read *all* threads. Check the design doc, I already have both a Nomad (CtP1 Settler) and a Settler (CtP2 Settler) unit, as in Cradle...
          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


          • #6
            Do you mean "The best of both worlds" thread or have you written it on notepad??

            If notepad could you attach it please

            Ill read through that thread anyway
            Oxygen should be considered a drug
            Tiberian Sun Retro
            My Mod for Tiberian Sun Webmaster of


            • #7
              Originally posted by SMIFFGIG's
              "The best of both worlds"

              Nice slip. "The Best of Both Worlds" is the name of the Star Trek episode (or rather episodes, it was a double episode: season ender/opener) where I got my handle from. The thread you're referring to is called "Best of all worlds". (I did actually consider asking Ming to change the title of that thread )

              Yes, it *is* in that thread, or at least it should be (perhaps I included the second Settler after publishing the design doc, but I'm fairly certain that I didn't).
              Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


              • #8
                Originally posted by SMIFFGIG's
                Could someone please answer me this question as its bugging me. I play MM2, i have not tried Cradle. The reason for this is that i have heard MM2 has more units than Cradle (and all the ones in it are cool thats for sure) and MAINLY as I have heard that Cradle is way more focused on the eairly part of the game and the Industrial/Modern etc are basically the same as in un-modded CtP2.
                You can play Cradle to the future/normal endgame. But the bulk of your playing will concentrate on the Ancient age - at turn 500, you are normally at late BC/early AD in tech. The game is extended to play approximately 1300 turns. I have not ever played it to that point, but other players have done so.

                Cradle is focused on the earlier history of man - there are approx. 57 new advances, 6 new governments, 17 new wonders, 17 new buildings and a total of 120 units (approx 40 new ones). Most of the additions are ancient/medieval. There are very little changes to the game starting with the modern age.

                The main reason why this is the case is because Wes was working on a Mod that encompassed all of history at the same time I was creating Cradle, so rather than duplicate what he was doing, I focused the game on the Ancient/Medieval timeframe - thus offering players a distinct alternative.

                Originally posted by SMIFFGIG's
                Am i correct in these statements ? a +for cradle also as Ive heard it has way more extra new .slic stuff in it like Disasters. Could someone go deeper into this plz and if MM2 has any Cradle doesnt.
                Overall, Cradle has more SLIC...
                CRA_airunit.slc - Airunit Lander
                CRA_capturecity.slc - Building Destroyer (when cities are captured/attacked)
                CRA_homeguard.slc - Militia Code
                CRA_springfield.slc - Capitol Rebuilder for AI
                CRA_wonderbuildings.slc - Removes Wonder-created Buildings from Build Lists
                CRA_wonderunits.slc - Historic Generals
                CRA_frenzy.slc - Moves AI forces into Human Territory
                CRA_diplomod.slc - Diplomacy Model
                CRA_pow.slc - Prisoner of War
                CRAG_updater.slc - Unit Updater
                CRA_disasters.slc - In game Disasters
                CRA_Goods.slc - GoodMod
                CRA_soundfix.slc - Sound Additions
                CRAI_KillCityOption.slc - Option to raze Captured Cities
                CRAI_FortsForAIs.slc - Helps AI build Forts
                CRAI_ComImpSForAIs2.slc - Boost AI Tile Improvements
                CRAI_pw_cheat.slc - Public Works Boost for AI
                CRAI_infras.slc - Helps AI Convert to Infrastructure

                Cradle 1.32 now includes the following MM2 SLICS...

                The one SLIC in MM2 that is not in Cradle is Unique Units.

                Originally posted by SMIFFGIG's
                (oh yea, how come in a screenshot of Cradle {the latest tourney one} i see the old CtP1 .spr as the settler {one without donkey} why is this and is the CtP2 donkey settler used in cradle.
                Cradle has several levels of Settler units. The one you see is the earliest Settler available in the game.

                What I can say about Cradle is that it is that the AI is more aggressive in military matters than MM2. Cradle is a challenge.

                Give it a try - Attached is the readme files so you can take a closer look before tackling the main download.
                Attached Files
                Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                • #9
                  The reason I asked if there were future mods is I find in the unmodded game in order to get far enough along the tech tree to explore some of the more interesting future, wonders, units, etc. after a certain point you have to play a fairly static game. I am finding that I am doing nothing more than keeping the AI civs alive long after I can destroy them or gain an alliance to end the game. And in the modded games (SAP, GoodMod), the science seems to come at such a slower rate that the game hits the end year long before the future techs are available.

                  Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
                  I was considering it though. Its hard to know how to start. Civilisations don't tend to appear anew these days, and short of giving everyone a hugely accelerated start, you're down to "post-nuclear winter" situations that leave a horrible mess of half-known modern tech, but still re-learning farming.
                  Hugely accelerated start would be interesting. I think a mod/scenario that started in the modern age or so and went forward would be fascinating. And starting a game behind in science against an AI that was racing toward stealth bombers, war walkers and the like would be flat out cool.

                  A scenario as far as starting after "post-nuclear winter" would be to assume each civ saw the war coming and placed its best and brightest underground. They would emerge with modern era knowledge fully intact, but still have to rebuild entire nations. And by that logic, hordes of better armed Barbarians would exist as well. And goodie huts etc. would also sense.

                  If I only had the time to learn to mod ....
                  "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


                  • #10
                    The problem with putting your best and brightest underground means that you emerge with a brilliant theoretical knowledge, but no farmers, miners, tank drivers, machinery operators... etc.

                    The barbarians would be cool though.
                    Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                    "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by TheArsenal
                      And in the modded games (SAP, GoodMod), the science seems to come at such a slower rate that the game hits the end year long before the future techs are available.
                      Yeah this is a serious problem I already lowered the tech costs of the later advances for the ApolytonPack version, and I replayed the tourny game. Actual I didn't change my strategy fundamentally. I only build more Greek Fires and more Submarines instaed of Cannons and Artelery. The result of that was that my invasion started later and I had less time with the high number of cities to reach my score from the original game. But that wasn't the only problem I made it aslo more difficuilt to max out the sliders in the later governments, so in Democracy more time to work means now two more unhappy peoper per city. But I found also another thing in the govern.txt that could fix the problem. If you like you can compare my two games of the tourny they are available in that thread.

                      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by hexagonian
                        Overall, Cradle has more SLIC...
                        CRA_airunit.slc - Airunit Lander
                        CRA_Goods.slc - GoodMod
                        CRAI_ComImpSForAIs2.slc - Boost AI Tile Improvements
                        CRAI_pw_cheat.slc - Public Works Boost for AI
                        Well this reminds me to send you some new stuff, when I am ready with these message icons. Of course if I wait longer I could include more but then I fear I will wait forever.

                        BTW I thought you included the BetterAI.slc.

                        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
                          Well this reminds me to send you some new stuff, when I am ready with these message icons. Of course if I wait longer I could include more but then I fear I will wait forever.
                          If you have something let me know ASAP, because I would like to post my final update for Cradle. I now have the Visible Wonders Mod incorporated into Cradle, and have made all the textfile changes that I want to make. If possible, I would like to post this final update by next Friday (09/13/02).

                          This is not to say that I will not make any future additions or changes - but I probably will not actively pursue making any additional changes for the time being.

                          Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
                          BTW I thought you included the BetterAI.slc.
                          My bad - I pulled the SLIC list from the 1.31 readme. BetterAI is currently part of 1.32.
                          Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner

