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Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
Now that I read it, I must say I'd be confused too What Imeant is the following: When one of your cities gets converted you'll pay that player x gold, now if you convert your state religion to this player's should you not pay naything at all (as it was in your code) or should you pay x/2 or x/3? Because if there's no penalty at all anymore after changing your religion - what would you make go back to your ancient one?
i dont like the idea of mony coming from nowhere
No, I don't want that either. So I thought when a player converts your city he'll get x gold - now another player has taken this players religion. How can he still have a desire to convert you. Only if he gets gold. If we give him also x gold then you'd have to pay 2x in order not to have money appear out from nowhere, and so on if there were more players with that religion. Pretty expensive! So that's why I thought limit it to a maximum twice the amount by using that particular series of numbers. The more leaders have chosen this religion the less they'll get from your cities but the original religion founder who aleways gets a full amount of x. Do I make sense?
I rather have advances that gives bonus if the player has it.
Only that in this case it'd be a malus... So I should do it the following way. 3 per pop is paid - after Christianity is discovered it rises to 5? and then when we get renaissance it's back to three and when television is discovered it goes down to 1. And throw out that stupid teleevangelist altogether who in my opinion doesn't make sense. There's no way the influence of religion was actually increased by television even if we take the church's programs into account.
I am getting the feeling that are opinions are diverging now.
Because if there's no penalty at all anymore after changing your religion - what would you make go back to your ancient one?
I dont see why the starting religion civ should get any kind of advantage. And the reason to get back to the old religion will depend on how is it going in the holy war with the others civ,
Pretty expensive! So that's why I thought limit it to a maximum twice the amount by using that particular series of numbers. The more leaders have chosen this religion the less they'll get from your cities but the original religion founder who aleways gets a full amount of x. Do I make sense?
I thought i limited the money income by dividing the money collected by the religion by the number of plyrs with the same religion. Lets go to formuls. They are much more clear:
theTenth = gold that should be given to every player with the a given religion (they all get the same in my formula) PopNum = number of population converted to the given but its owner has another religion. PlayerNum = number of player with the given religion
theTenth = (3*PopNum)/PlayerNum;
So I should do it the following way. 3 per pop is paid - after Christianity is discovered it rises to 5? and then when we get renaissance it's back to three and when television is discovered it goes down to 1.
Seems fair. I guess you are thinking in Craddle terms. Since there is no Christianity in the original game. I can will set this to my mod once i have my hands in the code.
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!" -Jean Rostand
Since there is no Christianity in the original game.
There isn´t? Gee, I´m getting old... So it´s monotheism or what?
Ok, the Tenth doesn´t have to be too complicated after all, but, if more than one player has turned to a certain religion then it´s decreasing drastically. oh well, I´ll see what I feel like on Sunday...
Originally posted by Pedrunn
I guess i am having bad memory problems
Originally posted by mapfi
There isn´t? Gee, I´m getting old...
Or we are being punished by the gods because this code is a heresy
Ok, the Tenth doesn´t have to be too complicated after all, but, if more than one player has turned to a certain religion then it´s decreasing drastically. oh well, I´ll see what I feel like on Sunday...
Thats true. I am looking foward to see what good idea you have in your mind for the tenth.
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!" -Jean Rostand
OK - my new solution for the tenth is the following:
0 players with the city religion -> city won't pay anything
1 player with the city religion -> city pays popNum*factor
player gets the same amount
2 players with the city religion -> city pays popNum * (1+0.5) * factor
each player gets half of that amount
3 player with the city religion -> city pays popNum * (1+0.5+0.5)*factor
each player gets a third of that amount
and so on...
of course, if the state religion is equal to the city religion you won't pay either
I'm almost done with what I wanted - some minor bugs I have to fix and I want to do a good playtest with it. So mid-week I'd say. If you want to have a look before that PM me.
what'll be new/different to Pedrunns nr 9:
-bigger and throughout religious info
-HappyMod is now on a scale of 0 to 100, this means that:
loosing all your empire to another religion while not having converted the state religion is equal to converting the whole world
-AI can convert is state religion back to the ancient/original one
-bugs, codelayout etc... (hopefully no new bugs)
-the whole thing packed up as a mod-addition to SAP
Just for the record: That stupid @#!!! LogRegardEvent just doesn't want to work in this code... but I'll leave it in and you'll have to test with DebugSlic=Yes.
I am still a bit reluctant about the new tenth amount but all the other stuff is totally great. I really really cant wait to see it
Specially the religious info, AI converting, bugs and happy mod parts. .
LogRegardEvent just doesn't want to work in this code...
I have a theory. I think this is caused by the player variable. I am guessing that you must use the built-in array: player[]. After all many functions only work with these built in variables. I wont be surprised if LogRegarEvent were one of these.
Thats the only difference i see between our LogRegardEvent and the NewDiplomod one.
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!" -Jean Rostand
OK, now what happened to me last night:
The code worked fine with the messaging system you invented. Then I tried the player[] stuff. It worked! Then I put it into action everywhere and BANG - I get a array error again. Can you believe it? It's not like I changed too much in the second step, the code for the religion info stayed even the same as in the test and now - errors.
I'll look at it again tonight.
This RL thing where you have to do something so you get money - work, was it? - just keeps getting in my way.
Just wanted to let you know I'm still on this but it'll take another while. I got some problems with the player array still. Only a small problem though. I tried to send a message to everybody when a player converts his state religion but in that case the values in player[0] and [3] where already lost, when the message of an AI changing arrived. The only idea I've had so far is to store such a change in an array and then fire the messages on the human's turn... I'll try.
I also tested the code with multiplayer. He he... As you can guess after you've read the IsHumanPlayer thread - it doesn't quite work. The second human player didn't get the DoYouWantToConvert message when i converted his city since the function IsHumanPlayer didn't work. So this code is no good for MP... (Anyway it wouldn't work like the KillCityOption from Martin because of code in a messagebox)
On side note, funny thing with the first city founded in the first turn of the host - it turned to the barbarian religion and had to be converted later on. Which would mean that the settingreligion trigger hadn't fired up then yet. Strange!
The only idea I've had so far is to store such a change in an array and then fire the messages on the human's turn... I'll try.
This will do the trick
So this code is no good for MP... (Anyway it wouldn't work like the KillCityOption from Martin because of code in a messagebox)
Actually we can send the message for every player. AI will get the message although he wont use it.
This will make the code ok for MP. Just make sure you send a messagebox and not a alertbox otherwise the game will stop.
The problem will be the other parts of the code. Like the ones tat teach the AI stuff.
This MP bug will make most of the codes unplayable in MP That really is bad news.
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!" -Jean Rostand
Originally posted by Pedrunn
This will do the trick
You mean my idea - had some trouble quoting there, didn't you.
Just make sure you send a messagebox and not a alertbox otherwise the game will stop.
Are you completely sure about that? I know I've read it before in some thread about your coding, but... Because that's what I just tried in a code before I added the new post to the slic oddities. Had an AlertBox sent to the AI on the BeginTurn handler and the game didn't stop.
Originally posted by mapfi
You mean my idea - had some trouble quoting there, didn't you.
Are you completely sure about that? I know I've read it before in some thread about your coding, but... Because that's what I just tried in a code before I added the new post to the slic oddities. Had an AlertBox sent to the AI on the BeginTurn handler and the game didn't stop.
I think these message (and alert) boxes just don't show up for the AI, so there shouldn't be a problem. I hope I it is possible to send an alert box from a non host in MP to all the other human players inclusivly the host, in this way I could fix the resync problem, by notifying all the other players about bloodbathes. Why should the AI reduce its regard for the bloody warrior and other human players not.
So the are informed by an alert box and if the city is still valid then, they pressed close and the city has to go.
Originally posted by mapfi
You mean my idea - had some trouble quoting there, didn't you.
Ooops I deleted the wrong part of your post It is fixed now (likes that is going to help in anything
Originally posted by mapfi
Are you completely sure about that? I know I've read it before in some thread about your coding, but... Because that's what I just tried in a code before I added the new post to the slic oddities. Had an AlertBox sent to the AI on the BeginTurn handler and the game didn't stop.
No. This info was given to me. I did not tested it to confirm.
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!" -Jean Rostand