Can anyone tell me how to change the sounds in the game.
I found where the sound I want to change is referenced in the units.txt file and I found the specific sound file listed in sound.txt (it's "WSADDLE1.WAV"), but I cannot find that this file is one my hard drive. It is probably bundled in a larger file (sound.zfs?).
I just want to change the "clip-clop, clip-clop" sound to a gallop.
Rumaging throught the modificiation section here at Apolyton, didn't turn up how to do this (although it lead me to the above files).
Any help?
I found where the sound I want to change is referenced in the units.txt file and I found the specific sound file listed in sound.txt (it's "WSADDLE1.WAV"), but I cannot find that this file is one my hard drive. It is probably bundled in a larger file (sound.zfs?).
I just want to change the "clip-clop, clip-clop" sound to a gallop.
Rumaging throught the modificiation section here at Apolyton, didn't turn up how to do this (although it lead me to the above files).
Any help?
