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New world map

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  • #46
    Originally posted by child of Thor
    well yeah it is big, but what kind of population does it have? I've never met anyone from Greenland, and isn't it just an annex of U.S. or Canada?
    Of Denmark, I thought. Which makes Denmark one of the largest countries in the world, I suppose... Though Greenland is not nearly as large as it looks on most maps.

    I would say the largest island nation is Australia, but we all have different definitions of 'island' (mine being a land mass all of one country - and under that definition PNG is actually not an island, so perhaps it needs revision).


    • #47
      Well, I don't know about population, I would estimate that Great Britain or Japan is the biggest in this category. Greenland has maybe a few hundred thousand inhabitants (wild guess), but when it comes to geographic size, I'm pretty sure it is the biggest island in the world... And yes, it's an automomous part of Denmark. If it were counted as part of Denmark (which it usually isn't), I think it would place Denmark somewhere near the bottom of the top 15 largest countries in the world (I remember reading somewhere that Greenland is smaller than Congo (former Zaire, this country lies on the equator and appears much smaller on a world map), and I'm quite sure Congo isn't in the top 10).

      As far as a civ goes, I think Polynesia *does* deserve to get it's own civ (although it's 'edgy'), but Polynesia is still located a few thousand kilometres east of Papua (in between lie Micronesia and some other island groups which are both culturally and geographically distinctly different)...
      Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


      • #48

        I have just arrived from the national jamboree of iceland and a weak of hiking is a wery fun one

        PS there do live 40000 souls on Greenland.

        PSS The Scotts were funny in ther skirts

        When it all comes to it, life is nothing more than saltfish - Salka Valka


        • #49
          Good to hear you had a good time...

          Only 40,000

          Anyway, could you sort out your maps, ískallin? Apparently not all of them are what you said they would be (haven't tested all of them myself yet though, so I can't confirm). Quite annoying if I want to make news items about them or add them to the database...
          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


          • #50
            What about the small map


            • #51
              the small one is

              for SAP

              so has anyone had a good time in those maps?
              When it all comes to it, life is nothing more than saltfish - Salka Valka


              • #52
                Okay, because there is so much confusion, I decided to go figure it out myself. There are 4 files in this thread. In the order in which they have been posted these are the following:

                1) Super Apolyton Pack Map: mapsize 224x209, a full scenario, meaning that there are 16 settlers on the map even before the game starts, you can choose from 1 of 16 different civs, all 16 will play in the game.

                2) MedMod2 Map: mapsize 199x399; nation flags placed, meaning that for every civ there is a marker on the map with a starting locaiton: if that civ plays, it will start on this location; all 42 civs playable, you can choose the number of opponents.

                3) World at War Map: see MM2: mapsize 199x399; nation flags placed, all 41(?) civs playable, you can choose the number of opponents.

                4) Small Super Apolyton Pack Map: mapsize 224x209; nation flags placed, all 44 civs playable, you can choose the number of opponents.

                So everything seems to check out except that the orignal file that was posted has a smaller map than it should have and it doesn't have all civs playable. Also, it would seem to me that the Small map is too wide: it should be about 110x210, not the 225x210 that it currently is.

                I hope this clears up the confusion for everyone, and I hope ískallin can fix the first map that was posted, and possibly adjust the size of the small map.

                Contents-wise, I had a good look at the starting locations and I must say that overall they look pretty good. A couple of suggestions though (just suggestions, see if you want to do anything with them). Note that some of these apply to every map (except the original one with the 16 settlers), some nations only exist in one or two:

                - The Nigerians shouldn't start in the middle of the Sahara, that's (1) not good for gameplay and (2) not historically accurate. They should start much further south-west, near the Niger river (hence the name ), in present day western Nigeria/Benin (their capital isn't called Benin by accident, you know ).

                - Polynesia is located on the maps where in the real world Micronesia is located. These are two distinctly different cultures, you may want to consider moving the Polynesians much further south and if possible further west as well (unless you placed them there for gamebalance reasons or anything).

                - The Thai should start in Thailand, not in Northern Vietnam. Somewhat further to the south-west, in real history their 'starting location' was on a straight line north of Bangkok and on a straight line east of Rangoon.

                - On all these maps the Chinese start north of Vladivostok, Russia, nowhere near their historic location. Their capipal of Beijing today lies roughly on the same height as Seoul and Tokyo, but their origin is in the Yangtse river valley, much further south. Either way, they should start much further south-west than where they are now.

                - the Aztec start in the Middle of Mayaland on your MM2 map; in reality their capital was where Mexico City is today and they originally cam from someplace north of this city. Either way, much further north than where they are now.

                - Bantu: perhaps the Bantu should start further to the west, that gives them a better starting position and puts them closer to their historic starting location (which was in eastern Nigeria/Cameroon).

                But as I said, overall it looks pretty good...
                Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                • #53
                  The Chinese should Start in NanJing (hint: it translates to SouthernCapitol)...

                  BeiJing (the north one) on the other hand was found (or started being called that) after the birth of Christ... a little late

                  Also its a real pain that the Thai start in Vietnam

                  Also if they incuded Mongolia and all the other Euros, why not include those nations of the once undivided China... Like the Man People you all call Manchurians, not just the Han and Mungu...
                  believe me their are more "peoples" in The Central Empire than europe + N Africa + Middle East + the rest of Russia...

                  Just to let you know...
                  After all I am their Divine Emperor...


                  • #54
                    Oh.. and great work so far


                    • #55
                      Yes i'll

                      fix those right away. I weren't sure on this wery starting locations
                      When it all comes to it, life is nothing more than saltfish - Salka Valka


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by HuangShang
                        Also if they incuded Mongolia and all the other Euros...
                        Are you saying Mongolia is European?


                        • #57

                          when i said "and all the other Euros" i meant all the european countries/peoples the included... only 4 out of like 50 (something like that) E Asian peoples are included if they have Korea


                          • #58
                            Only getting 9 players!

                            On isk's small world map for SAP2

                            I edit userprofile to be 16 run CTP2 load scenario and when # of players is asked 1-8 its already on 8 and I click ok, the game starts with only 9 players.

                            How do I get around this??
                            Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


                            • #59
                              You could try write-protecting userprofile.txt, but I doubt it would work.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by J Bytheway
                                You could try write-protecting userprofile.txt, but I doubt it would work.
                                It doesn't work the eight opponents are in the memory and not in the userprofile.txt, the problem here is that this a scenario with given start positions, in this case you can only play with a maximum number of seven opponents + the Barbarians and yourself.

                                You can only play scenarios (that are premade maps, too) if you put the settlers on the map instead of start positions, the disadvantage of this method is that not every Civ is playable and the number of players is given. The sollution here would be to make a version with settlers on the map and maybe 14 up to 16 civs or ask ískallin.

                                Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

