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Super Apolyton Pack! The Fan's Unofficial Patch.

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  • Thank You!, Pedrunn, Locutus, Martin, and IW.

    You guys really make this easier than you have to, and I
    want you all to know, that I am truly grateful, for all of your help.

    You guys, as well as a few others that I haven't named, are the real reason that the Apolyton site is such a success, IMO.
    "Kill a man and you are a murder.
    Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
    Kill all and you are a God!"
    -Jean Rostand


    • Originally posted by snoochems
      how do i get the ultra gigantic maps that it says it has on the webpage? I can only get the normal size gigantic maps.
      Dave removed them, because of some problems, I thought the decission should lie at the player if he use them or not, therefore I did not removed them from GoodMod, so just download GoodMod and add it on your ApolytonPack. And then you have a new option in your ModSwapoper: GoodMod for Apolyton Pack V2.0! Ultra-gigantic map.

      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


      • I'm playing SAP 2.0. I think I have a bug that involves barbarians. After the barbarian turn ends, the turn counter does not advance to my color, and I can't move my units. I can examine my units and cites etc. but I can't move them.

        Things I tried to fix it:

        - at first I could hobble forwards a few turns doing some kind of save/load shuffle. This would restore the game to a normal working mode. But after about 5 turns, this no longer worked.

        - added the "no neutral pillaging" fix. Didn't help. Also I cycled Modswapper so I do think the slic code was actually loaded.

        - tried deleting various/all barbarian units with the Cheat tool. This would result in a game crash when I tried to resume. An interesting clue: one stack of barbarian settlers was invisibly located at one tile, but visibly "ghosted" upon another tile about 10 units away. Maybe corrupted coordinates?

        - turned DebugSlic=Yes, hoping for an error message. Didn't get one. Either I don't know what I'm doing or the behavior doesn't generate an error.

        Anyone seen this before? Any idea whether this is a SAP error or a general CTP2 error? I've never seen this behavior in an unmodded CTP2 game, or any game before this one actually. I was playing with 16 players and the barbarians had taken over a couple of towns and had some big stacks roaming around.

        It's annoying because I was finally starting to do well....
        20% of the world is real.
        80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.


        • Originally posted by vanevery0
          - tried deleting various/all barbarian units with the Cheat tool. This would result in a game crash when I tried to resume. An interesting clue: one stack of barbarian settlers was invisibly located at one tile, but visibly "ghosted" upon another tile about 10 units away. Maybe corrupted coordinates?
          Did you try to move this stack of ten units afterwards you switched to the Barbarians.

          If this doesn't work you could force the end turn event for the Barbarians. To do this open the scenario.slc in your ..\ctp2_data\default\gamedata\ folder and add there these lines of code:

          This code should end the Barbarian turn if you click on one of your cities, note untested, untryed.

          Afterwads you have saved the scenario.slc with the code and you are again in the game then you have to reload slic. To do this just press the reload slic button in the cheat editor or open the chat screen by using the apostrophe key (') and enter: /reloadslic

          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


          • Small Bug

            These 2 errors happen when i build a city then disband it in the same turn (to build a farm outside my borders). Its a fresh install with only SAP2 on it. I close both windows and the game continues okay, but its kinda annoying.
            Attached Files
            Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
            CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
            One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


            • Obviously a missing is city valid check. Open the file APOL_capital.slc, there you find several MM2_CaptureCapital event handler. Modify them all like this one:

              HandleEvent(CaptureCity) 'MM2_CapitalCaptured' pre {
              		int_t	tmpPlayer;
              		city_t	tmpCity;
              		tmpCity = city[0];
              		tmpPlayer = tmpCity.owner;
              		player[3] = tmpPlayer;
              		if (CityHasBuilding(tmpCity, "IMPROVE_CAPITOL")) {	// if city is capital/has capitol
              			if (!IsHumanPlayer(tmpPlayer)) {		// if player isn't human
              				MM2_CreateCapital(tmpPlayer);		// find new capital
              Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


              • I have fond a curiouse inconsitency between the gl and the SAP2 terrain.

                In the gl it says that desert can be terraformed after the discovery of Agricultural revolution, but in the terrain file the enabeling advance is Conservation. (in the unmodded game it is Agricultural Revolution)

                Has this been intentionally changed, if so what was the reason. IMO deserts are too plentyfull, in CTP2, along with equatoriala and low latitude glaciers and tundras. So I don't like the idea of making terafonming them more difficult.
                Visit my CTP-page and get TileEdit and a few other CTP related programs.
                Download and test SpriteEdit development build.


                • Maybe the reason for moving the advance forward was because its not very efficient to terraform until the modern age anyway when you produce alot of PW. You could build 3 farms instead of terraforming in some cases. I dont even terraform deserts sometimes all way through to Gaia Victory because the tile improvement on top will be lost. The only tiles i do terraform are swamps.

                  What map settings are you using? I dont know how much the map settings have been changed in SAP but i usually play,


                  and dont get too much desert on a gigantic map. In fact its pretty balanced like that.
                  Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                  CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                  One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                  • Thanks for the explanation Maq I tried your settings, and did I get desrts?

                    My guess is that 30% of alle land tiles are either desert, dunes, or desert mountains. And 20% is quite frozen. The rest is mostly plains, interspaced with jungels and swaps, only little mountains, hills, and grassland. ost forests are in the frozen regions. No I'll not be playing that map, I used the editor to se it, and it doesn't look fun.

                    Ok This just points back to finding some way of making a more realistic map-generator. But that's outside the scope of this thread.
                    Visit my CTP-page and get TileEdit and a few other CTP related programs.
                    Download and test SpriteEdit development build.


                    • Originally posted by Maquiladora
                      The only tiles i do terraform are swamps.
                      Same for me to the exception I am terraforming some tiles when a city is surrounded with forest for example and I want to give it a growth boost.
                      "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                      • Hi, I was just wondering if the SAP in the files section of Apolyton contains the three bug fixes that are mentioned in the fist page of this thread. I ask because for some reason I couldn’t download the files from Dale’s page, where he states that the bug fixes are included.

                        "Between nations, as between persons, respect for each other's rights is peace".- Benito Juárez.


                        • Originally posted by tlatoani
                          Hi, I was just wondering if the SAP in the files section of Apolyton contains the three bug fixes that are mentioned in the fist page of this thread. I ask because for some reason I couldn’t download the files from Dale’s page, where he states that the bug fixes are included.

                          I wasn't able to find any hint about that Dale included the three bug fixes on his homepage and also the text files I just downloaded, does not seem to include the bug fixes. So the best thing would be to download the ApolytonPack from Apolyton and apply the bugfixes found in this thread on it.

                          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                          • Martin,

                            I am currently playing a SAP2 game with your MG_ComImpsForAIs3.slc file and I wonder if there is not a problem with it.

                            Though the AI Civs seem to buid various improvements the Phenician has not used its PW to build anything else than mines on land and ports on sea tiles. Its territory is littered with mines and does not show anything except mines.
                            "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                            • Originally posted by Tamerlin

                              I am currently playing a SAP2 game with your MG_ComImpsForAIs3.slc file and I wonder if there is not a problem with it.

                              Though the AI Civs seem to buid various improvements the Phenician has not used its PW to build anything else than mines on land and ports on sea tiles. Its territory is littered with mines and does not show anything except mines.
                              The commerce improvements for AIs slic builds only ports, drilling platforms, trading posts, shopping malls and nature preserves. Ports will be build on beach tiles, drilling platforms on Continental Shelf tiles, and all the land commerce improvements on green and brown hills and on jungle and forests tiles.

                              The rest is doing the AI itself so it would also without this code litter all the plain and desert tiles with mines. The AI of the original game put commerce tile improvements on desert tiles and production and food improvements on plains.

                              Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                              • Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
                                The rest is doing the AI itself so it would also without this code litter all the plain and desert tiles with mines. The AI of the original game put commerce tile improvements on desert tiles and production and food improvements on plains.

                                The territory of the Phenicians is only made of plains so it explains all.

                                Thanks Martin!
                                "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill

