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OK, whats the CTP2 opinion abot the 'BIG NEWS'

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  • OK, whats the CTP2 opinion abot the 'BIG NEWS'

    ...about the civ3 Expansion Pack, that is!!!

    More what!!!! A nice feature but not one to make me rush out and get it - same with the added UUs that those civs will have. More eye candy than anything.

    Turnless multiplay...Hmm, sounds somewhat intriguing. My guess is that it allows all players to move their units and then at the end of the turn, the computer resolves everything. I don't think it means something like AOE or EE, in a purely RTS format.

    Here's the biggie though - It's supposed to include some scenarios, which implies that the Editor may be in a workable state. After all, if Firaxis can place cities, units and so forth, they must be using a workable Editor to make that occur.

    How workable though remains to be seen. Any guesses whether Modders can create scripted events? Based on Mikes quote (see Immortal Wombat's sig) that appears unlikely.

    Overall...not too impressed by it - wait and see after the initial rush of fanatic players to buy and test.

    Let's see if they can get a true stacking/grouping feature and eliminate some of the late game tedium issues.
    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner

  • #2
    Re: OK, whats the CTP2 opinion abot the 'BIG NEWS'

    Well, I for one will buy it sooner or later. I like Civ3, and have been waiting for scenarios for the game. That however doesn't mean that I will abandon CTP2.

    Originally posted by hexagonian

    More what!!!!
    I'm hoping that the Mongols will be included

    Originally posted by hexagonian Turnless multiplay...Hmm, sounds somewhat intriguing.
    I've never played a Civ game multiplayer. I don't have the time or the patience, but if this turnless multiplay feature pans out...then who knows?

    Originally posted by hexagonian
    Here's the biggie though - It's supposed to include some scenarios, which implies that the Editor may be in a workable state.
    I personally don't believe that the modding ability will be anywhere near as easy as CTP2, maybe a prettier package, but without the depth.

    Originally posted by hexagonian
    Let's see if they can get a true stacking/grouping feature and eliminate some of the late game tedium issues.
    Don't count on it. The Sid Civ games historically have had a 1on1 base combat system. Civ 3 tweaked that a little by allowing the creation of armies. The armies can only hold a max of 4 units (with Pentagon wonder) and stacked moving... well the Civ3 version sucks period.


    • #3
      Its what I was expecting, a MP/scenario editor X-Pack, but I certainly won't be rushing out to the shops straight away, I'll wait for the first 3 X-Pack patches, and see what player reports are like.

      re my sig Mike only said that for languages, and from what I gleaned in my thirty seconds of having his attention in the last Patch chat, he will endeavour as far as possible to make a non-scripted events technique just as good as SLIC. IMO, that is well nigh impossible, but we'll see. If it surpasses AoK's one by a significant amount, I may see about buying it.

      But turnless multiplay sounds interesting. I found a RTS chess game online somewhere (search the Other Games forum for details) but that was mental. Pieces going everywhere, and strategy goes out the window...
      Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
      "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


      • #4
        I will buy it with no doubt, although I have no need to rush in the stores. I probably will have to buy it in Amazon, because Infogreed Germany won't sell an English XP here since the German version is out.

        Hexagonian, I dare to disagree with you concerning the UU's. They add a nice individuality to each civ. They are short-living and hence not much imbalancing. Although it's not so far developed like the faction differences in SMAC, traits and UU's add more color (not eye-candy, graphics are unimportant) to the game. So, for instance, if you plan to attack Greece, you'd better don't do it in the ancient age (where the Greeks were really strong), because you'll face Hoplites. And so on. CtP2 would do well also to allow more differences between it's civs. What use do I have of so many civs if they are all the same, except for a name and a color? By the way, if you find it imbalancing, let's say for multiplayer: They can be turned off with one mouseclick.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sir Ralph
          Hexagonian, I dare to disagree with you concerning the UU's. They add a nice individuality to each civ. They are short-living and hence not much imbalancing. Although it's not so far developed like the faction differences in SMAC, traits and UU's add more color (not eye-candy, graphics are unimportant) to the game.
          No disagreement there in terms of their importance to adding in-game atmosphere and some additional elements of strategy, but I am hoping for some new features/concepts that are different than what they already have in place.

          Still, it is a wait-and-see proposition as to what additional new concepts there will be...
          Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


          • #6
            Turnless multiplayer! This worries me, call me old-fashioned but this just smells of click-fest! Strategy out the window in combat then.....hmmmm, i'll do like IW and wait to see how it pans out, plus a few patches and it might be intresting enough to think about. I guess anything we say/think at this point is pure conjecture..... maybe they will just re-release the origonal game with the latest patch and just shrug their shoulders when MP is mentioned(like the first time)
            Civ3 is like Moo3 for me at the momment, untill i hear(from these forums) that they are both great games(and the kind of game i want to play) then my money stays in my pocket - no way i'm going to encourage a company that doesn't care squat about messing-up two of the best pc games ever produced(and most loyally followed).
            To be honest i'm more than content with my 'broken' ol CTP2, good stuff is happening here and the game gets better. It's already got more civs than you can shake a stick at, MP that does work(in a wobbly way ), and lots of talented poeple who really care about it. That's good enough for me.
            'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

            Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


            • #7
              Originally posted by child of Thor
              To be honest i'm more than content with my 'broken' ol CTP2, good stuff is happening here and the game gets better. It's already got more civs than you can shake a stick at, MP that does work(in a wobbly way ), and lots of talented poeple who really care about it. That's good enough for me.
              Brings a tear to the eye Just being a putz...The CTP2 modders are doing great things.


              • #8
                Apples and Oranges.

                I like CTP2 for whatever reasons I do. I played around with Civ3 and it just wasnt for me. Dosn't matter what they do with it.


                • #9
                  Well i 'bought' Civ3 but i dont think ill be buying the XP, ive had some enjoyment from civ3 but i like to multiplay (when i have the time) and well the single player experience is over for me. Thats why i still play ctp2, cause all these guys here keep changing the game, sometimes radically, but always for the better, IMHO ie cradle/frenzy mod

                  I just wonder what this new release will spell for the ctp2 forums? I noticed a few more people converting over the last 2 months or so, will this slow down or even reverse, and draw them all back to the civ3 general area thingy whatever. Any thoughts?
                  Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                  CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                  One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                  • #10
                    Ahem, i forgot that maybe the XP will include a multiplayer mode and i forgot to mention that it sounds a little dodgy to say the least

                    I found a RTS chess game online somewhere (search the Other Games forum for details) but that was mental. Pieces going everywhere, and strategy goes out the window...
                    Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                    CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                    One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                    • #11
                      Well, civ3 was a complete and absolute dud for me. It lasted all of 8 hours on hard drive and is currently gathering dust on my shelf. I am totally underwhelmed by the add on pack. To be even vaguely interested I want to see grouped combat and military units with zones of control. I also want a decent trade system to be introduced. While strategic resources are OK they are NOT a substitute for a general trade module.


                      • #12
                        A - I'm still going to have to move 200 workers per turn. How's THAT going to work well in turnless multiplay???

                        B - In this day 'n age, to make gamers buy the game, then buy a multiplayer XP is criminal in my book.


                        • #13
                          I'll probably buy Civ 3 when it reaches the "Gold Edition", which should be 2 more expansion packs from now

                          By then it should be a "complete game".


                          • #14
                            Well,I bought Civ 3 and was distinctly unimpressed.Because of there being no stacking system moving around every single unit every turn the game quickly became boring and I have only played Civ 3 half-heartedly ever since.So no,I will not be buying the expansion pack.CTP 2 and all the mod games are good enough enough for me
                            I need Scooby Snacks.


                            • #15
                              The only reason why I'm even remotely interested in this expansion pack to see if/how much the Expansion Pack Civs poll I used to run affected Firaxis's choice of civs. Other than that, Firaxis lost me a long time ago (to be precise, almost a year ago when a certain J. Morris spoke of a "conservative sequel")...

                              BTW, as a Staff Member I really ought to have this thread moved to the Civ3 Forums. Oh wait, my nose is bleeding...
                              Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery

