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World At War! (1900 - 1950) V1.03

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  • World At War! (1900 - 1950) V1.03

    Greetings one 'n all! The World At War! (1900 - 1950) MOD has entered its release phase. V1.03 has been uploaded to my website.

    If you are running V1.02 then you only need to download from my website, otherwise, you'll need all four files.

    Please read the readme first.

    Overview of World At War!

    It is January 1st, 1900............

    You have ascended to power of your nation....................

    Beginning with the acquired knowledge of mankind to 1900, and a handful of rag-tag military and civilian units at your command, you must guide your nation through the diplomatic, scientific and military web that is the World At War era!

    Will you be the spider or the fly?

    We shall soon see.................

  • #2
    Hey Dale,

    For whatever reason, your link is sending me to a page that says the site doesn't exist. Are you down right now?

    And here I was, all excited about 1.3!

    Oh, and what govn't types are able to build u-boats? I played a game of 1.2 as the Germans and couldn't build them. My govn't was democracy.

    Hope to hear from you soon!


    • #3

      Yeah, my site was closed as I created a brand new look. Yep, I finally did my website properly.

      Anyways, to answer your question:

      "Oh, and what govn't types are able to build u-boats? I played a game of 1.2 as the Germans and couldn't build them. My govn't was democracy."

      Even though it would be lovely to build U-Boats as a democratic Germany, only the fascist governments can build them.


      • #4
        Great work Dale.

        I'm downloading as I type


        • #5
          Hi Dale:

          I think both copies of the "" for "World at War" on your website are corrupt. I downloaded both using my browser and Getright, and both times I found the zip files wouldn't open (and I got the message "unexpected end of archive").

          Hope this can be fixed soon



          • #6

            Just downloaded the and didn't have a problem. Both WinRAR and Winzip extract the files correctly. Maybe it's getright. The file is only 310kb. Anyways, here's the file attached here.....
            Attached Files


            • #7
              possible bug

              Hi Dale,

              I've been trying out your WAW mod, and have to say that so far I love it , I have found a potential problem however. Sorry if this has been addressed previously, but It freezes up on me everytime that I attempt to check out the science advisor . Do you know why this might be occurring? Other than that, I think that this is possibly the best mod I've tried so far. Great work


              • #8
                You can always tell when someone hasn't read the "Readme First.txt" file.

                From Readme First.txt.......

                KNOWN BUGS:

                Unfortunately in the case of any game/MOD/add-on, there are some bugs in World At War. These are listed here. There is no need to report these bugs as they are being addressed.

                - Science advisor (either by pressing F6 or clicking on the button) will lockup the game. Sorry, don't use it.

                I have no idea why it's happening. You can get the information you require by using the science embassy info tab of the Civ. A bit of a hassle, but it gets you there. Thanks for the vote of confidence too.


                • #9
                  Hi Dale:

                  Thanks for the atachment. It downloaded fine and everything extracted without a hitch. . .

                  Weird that I couldn't open thezip from your website.

                  Oh, well everything's fine now. . .

                  Many thanks - I'm going to try a game tonight


                  • #10

                    WOW!(my new name for WAW - replace 'at' with 'of' )
                    My god Dale - i've just had my arse kicked in 61 turns !! In fact its the first time since playing CTP2 singleplayer that i've seen the defeat/end game animation.
                    You warmonger - i'm outraged at the violent death of my people - i want to go on a rally for world peace , tell everyone about the horror of war.
                    I didn't get a chance to build much of anything(teach me to start a war i guess). Erm thank you, i think. This will silence those critics of CTP2:

                    Passive i don't think so, my poor democracy was ruthlessly crushed under the fascist boot of Indonesia(61 turns!)
                    Slow boring start........not anymore.

                    I'm still in shock......might have to play CTP2 vanilla style just to recover. This should be banned

                    One thing, had a spy that got caught spying - said he was caught and killed but it didn't happen, got the same message twice in a row(same spy different city) but he was still alive(untill a Stormtrooper shot him). That's all i had time to test out! Oh yeah M1 artillary seems very powerfull against a machinegunner - seeing that only its bombard score is the highest vs? a couple of times in one on one with a machine gunner it won(i hadn't even invented M1 at this time - seems very hard for the beginning of the game?). Love it......i just feel war is an evil thing

                    EDIT: OK if you haven't downloaded this MOD(very easy) and played it you should ASAP - evil warmongers need only apply! This should be topped - those who whine about passive CTP2, point them in its direction
                    'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

                    Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


                    • #11
                      Re: World At War! (1900 - 1950) V1.03

                      Child of Thor:

                      Originally posted by Dale
                      Will you be the spider or the fly?

                      We shall soon see.................
                      Well, you were warned!

                      But thanks for a great testament.

                      As for M1 arty vs Machine-gunner:

                      M1 artys were WAY ahead of their time. Also remember, machine-guns were a recent tech and hadn't been perfected into the deadly guns we know today till after WWI (I say how many machineguns overheated and jammed in WWI). So I see it as fair.

                      I just think you're spitting chips at being handed ya but on a silver platter.


                      • #12
                        Hi Dale:

                        Just reporting from the front:

                        I'm at turn 70, and it is TOTAL WAR (lol)

                        My little German Empire is hanging on by the skin of its teeth. Bloody AI is everywhere

                        The fixes for this version work very well: the AI moves in stacks; it attacks with a nice mix of troops; and it defends it's larger cities with a variety of troops. No bugs to report. . .

                        People who want to play with most of the modern toys, and who enjoy a good knock-down fight, should be playing this Mod. . .

                        Nicely done, Dale

                        I'll keep you informed of my progress. . .


                        • #13
                          Death on the frontlines!

                          I want my money back!

                          COT, you got it lucky mate. I started a new game (8 civs/impos/raging/huge). Orange declared war on me by slaughtering my innocent politician (innocent? sic) and then proceeded to pound my cities with stacks of 7!!!! The AI's I'd met had heaps of cities (see the map in the corner) and I only had 5 when he attacked.

                          Anyways, take a look at this:
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Hi Dale:

                            I started another game to playtest the Mod more fully.

                            This time I played: huge map; 5 civs; hard; ocean; islands. Now on turn 179.

                            My main comments will be for the naval portion of the game.


                            1) When the AI is on an island, it will develop cities along the coast and it will send transports loaded with troops to attack me. However, the transports are always alone and are never grouped with a warship.

                            2) The AI will build warships, but even though battleships are available, it will always build cruisers (and I think I know why). Again, the cruisers always attack one at a time. It would be great if they could be grouped together like armies to form fleets before they attack.

                            3) This is why I think the AI only builds cruisers: when a cruiser is matched with a battleship, the cruiser will usually win 3 times out of five, or more. I lost 4 battleships in a row to cruisers.

                            I think in CTP2, the cruisers are too powerful. The cruisers have the same armour rating (3) and the same damage rating (4) as battleships. And cruisers are only ten points behind a battleship in Attack, Defense, and Ranged Damage indicators, which again, I think may be too high.

                            If everything else remains the same, then at least the armour and damage ratings should be adjusted to reflect the battleship's heavier metal plating and gun sizes.

                            4) This is a suggestion on how to improve the naval battle portion of the game (this is a product of the game itself, and not your Mod, Dale):

                            When two fleets meet, the ships fight one-on-one. I'm wondering if it would be possible to have the ships fight the same way armies now fight: with battleships in front; cruisers behind them with ranged attack like artillery; and the destroyers providing flank attacks. Would this be possible?

                            This would provide incentive to have a balanced fleet. Hopefuly, the AI can be "trained" to put together proper fleets as it has been made to do with armies.

                            I think the above would greatly strengthen the naval portion of CTP2 generally, and your Mod in particular. If these areas can be worked on, then this knowledge on the naval portion of the game could be used in other Mods as well as for a scenario about the Pacific War.

                            I love playing on island maps. So I'm hoping something can be done to improve this portion of the game.

                            One small correction:

                            In the build list propaganda is spelled "propeganda".

                            Fantastic Mod, Dale. It just keeps getting better. The above suggestions are just ways of adding to the gameplay

                            Keep up the great work. I'm having a blast playing this Mod. . .


                            • #15
                              More information on battleships and cruisers.

                              The following information will compare US battleships and cruisers in armour and armament:


                              1) USS Arizona:

                              Armour - (14") Belt; (8") deck
                              Armament - 14" main guns

                              2) South Dakota:

                              Armour - (12.25") belt; (5") decks
                              Armament - 16" main guns


                              1) US "Cleveland" Class:

                              Armour - (5") belt; (3") deck
                              Armament - 6" main guns

                              2) Salem Class Heavy Cruiser:

                              Armour - (6-8") belt; (3") deck
                              Armament - 8" main guns

                              From this quick survey (all information for the above was from The Complete Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War II), battleships have twice the firepower and twice the armour of cruisers (even the heavy cruisers). This does not include the extra range of the battleships over the cruisers.

                              So I hope something can be done to adjust the ship values for the game.

                              Another question: I'm just wondering why it's possible to obtain battleships and cruisers before getting destroyers? Shouldn't they all make their appearance at once?

                              Or would it be possible for the destroyers to appear first, then the cruisers and later, the battleships.

                              If I remember correctly, in Civ 2 the destroyer came first, then you could research to obtain the cruiser and then the battleship. Would it be possible to have them appear in this order in the Mod?

                              I'm looking forward to more great things


