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  • #16
    OK, here is the first few steps in clearing up the confusion regarding the multiple options available in Cradle.

    I have reworked my site and have eliminated all unnecessary downloads. Now there is:

    1. The standard Cradle download section with the Base Files/Patch/Modswapper (dated 04/08/02) Please note that this base file includes the 04/08/02 Update listed below.

    2. A separate download with just the texts and updated graphics since 12/19/01 (also dated 04/08/02)

    3. A separate Add-on download that incorporates Leonardo's Graphic update.

    If you are interested in starting Multi-play at this point in time, I would recommend that a player download the 04/08/02 Update and unzip it over the existing files - and communicate with anyone who you are playing against to do the same. I cannot completely clean up past problems, but at least I can get everyone on the same page starting now.

    Because of the structure of Modswapper, earlier versions of Cradle have to be manually deleted from your system. If you have earlier versions of Cradle, you can delete the following files from your setup, as they are now obsolete.

    CRAD_gamefile.txt - Preference of Hextapul
    CRAI_gamefile.txt - Deity Slayer
    CRAP_gamefile.txt - Peaceful AI (Diplo 3.6)
    CRAO_gamefile.txt - Seafarers Edition
    CRA_gamefile.txt - Cradle 1.2

    This will remove these options from your Modswapper selection box. Please note that if you are Multi-playing with any of these versions, you will need to retain these files.

    CRADLE Playing Options
    These are the playing options that are currently being supported by the creator of Cradle.

    CRADLE 1.3
    This is the base from which all other of the options are established. This uses the standard victory options (Diplomacy, Gaia Controller, Bloodlust). The SLIC files are as follows and are standard for all subsequent Options.

    CRA_airunit.slc - Airunit Lander
    CRA_capturecity.slc - Building Destroyer (when cities are captured/attacked)
    CRA_homeguard.slc - Militia Code
    CRA_springfield.slc - Capitol Rebuilder for AI
    CRA_wonderbuildings.slc - Removes Wonder-created Buildings from Build Lists
    CRA_wonderunits.slc - Historic Generals
    CRA_frenzy.slc - Moves AI forces into Human Territory
    CRA_diplomod.slc - Diplomacy Model
    CRA_pow.slc - Prisoner of War
    CRAG_updater.slc - Unit Updater
    CRA_disasters.slc - In game Disasters
    CRA_Goods.slc - GoodMod
    CRA_soundfix.slc - Sound Additions
    CRAI_KillCityOption.slc - Option to raze Captured Cities
    CRAI_FortsForAIs.slc - Helps AI build Forts
    CRAI_ComImpSForAIs2.slc - Boost AI Tile Improvements
    CRAI_pw_cheat.slc - Public Works Boost for AI
    CRAI_infras.slc - Helps AI Convert to Infrastructure

    CRADLE Ultra Gigantic Maps
    Using Cradle 1.3 as the base, this is a setup that expands the settings to play with a 140x280 tile map - (Gigantic Setting in the Selection Box)

    CRADLE Victory Options
    The Victory Options are as follows:

    CRADLE - Birth of an Empire (600 Turns)
    You must have the following to succeed
    - Appian Way Wonder (enable advance Bureaucracy)
    - 20 Theatres (enable advance Drama)
    - 20 Arenas (enable advance Civic Engineering)
    - 20 Courthouses (enable advance Jurisprudence)
    - 20 Forums (enable advance Ethics)
    - 60% Coverage of the world with Obelisk Tile Improvement (enable advance Civic Engineering)

    Maintain your Empire for 30 turns. In addition, the Coliseum Wonder has been changed to give a (+1) Empire Happiness, instead of a free Arena for every city.

    CRADLE - Global Empire (800 Turns)
    You must have the following to succeed
    - Voyage of Columbus Wonder (enable advance Nationalism)
    - 30 Governorships (enable advance Nationalism)
    - 30 Manufactories (enable advance Nationalism)
    - 70% Coverage of the world with Colony Tile Improvement (enable advance Nationalism)

    Maintain your Empire for 40 turns.

    CRADLE - SETI Colony (1000 Turns)
    You must have the following to succeed
    - Icarus Project Wonder (enable advance Computer)
    - 20 Command Centers (enable advance Computer)
    - 40 Think Tanks (enable advance Computer)
    - 70% Coverage of the world with Satellite Relay Stations Tile Improvement (enable advance Computer)

    Have everything in place - it will take 75 turns to fly to Alpha Centauri.

    ...and finally

    Peter Triggs Diplomod
    This is only available throgh the Cradle 1.3 Thread, and is very much in an early test stage (alpha), due to the complexity of what this file is trying to accomplish. There are many crashes and imbalances at this point in time, but as future updates are released, there will be a need for players to test.

    The files will not overwrite any files from the other options.

    One final note, regarding future SLIC bug fixes and updated text files. These will all be noted on my site by the date posted, labled as update(date).zip, and will only include the actual files that are altered. Each update will change the Modswapper designation by 01, so the next Update will change the name of 'Cradle 1.3' to 'Cradle 1.31'. I also hope to severely limit the in-game tweaking that I do too.

    I would suggest that all players keep as backups on their systems, the following files...

    victory.ZIP file

    as well as any files on their system so they can quickly set up their files for whatever configuration is out there. This will probably mean that a player will have to keep track of my thread/website for any posted updates.
    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


    • #17
      I thought I was on the track and kept up with the mods. After reading this thread, now I am confused and feel totally lost. Sorry about that....


      • #18
        Originally posted by FrenzyHuman
        I thought I was on the track and kept up with the mods. After reading this thread, now I am confused and feel totally lost. Sorry about that....
        Well, as far as the Medpack, all you have to do is follow the Crusade update thread. I don't think it could be much simpler than that.


        • #19
          Originally posted by WesW

          Well, as far as the Medpack, all you have to do is follow the Crusade update thread. I don't think it could be much simpler than that.
          Hi WesW...

          It would be good with MedMod however to have some index for the SLIC's that have been provided by others...

          For example you have a SLIC for Dale's code... it would be good to know which functions and what versions of their stuff has been incoroporated into MedMod.

          It would also be good to know which SLIC's are dependent on MedMod...

          For example if GoodMod 0.99 was released tomorrow could I incorporate into MedMod or would it break something.



          • #20
            Originally posted by exeter0
            It would be good with MedMod however to have some index for the SLIC's that have been provided by others...
            Well, at the start of MM2_SLC_Wouter.slc I have always had an index with the contents of the file, which I have reposted below with the contents of Dale's and Martin's file and scenario.slc (although these files don't have an index, they do clear mark the start and ending of features and document the purpose and working of them).
            For example if GoodMod 0.99 was released tomorrow could I incorporate into MedMod or would it break something.
            As it was said before, most pieces of SLIC code are mod-dependent because they all have different units, advances, wonders, trade goods, etc, so unless the creator of the coder says otherwise, it's not possible to add a certain piece of SLIC code to just any mod. You'd have to ask the creator of the mod or code to incorporate the SLIC feature to a specific mod for you (or do it yourself but for most people that's not an option). Usually the SLICers at least will gladly help out with this.

            Anyway, this is the SLIC code in the MedMod:

            // Current contents of this file:
            // 0) Miscellaneous code                - Code to set up the constants and
            //                                        other stuff that is needed in the
            //                                        rest of the file
            // 1) Militia code            - Takes care of Militia creation and
            //                                        maintenance in cities
            // 2) Partisan code                     - Creates Partisans outside city when
            //                                        city is captured and happiness
            //                                        decreases
            // 3) Unit repair code                  - Makes unit repair in cities cost PW
            //                                        and if insufficent PW is available
            //                                        slows it down
            // 4) Clear orders code                 - Clears orders of all units of every
            //                                        AI civ once every 3 turns, to get the
            //                                        AI to rethink his actions more often
            // 5) Wonder code                       - Takes certain buildings out of the
            //                                        build lists when a player owns a
            //                                        certain Wonder
            // 6) Capital code                      - Rebuilds capitol of AI civs elsewhere
            //                                        if they loose their capital
            // 7) Disband code			- Kills all obsolete units at discovery
            //                                        of certain advances
            // 8) Piracy code                       - Creates Barbarian ships every few
            //                                        turns, what unit is created depends on
            //                                        available technology
            // 9) Elite Units code                  - Gives every civ a change of getting a
            //                                        unique unit when they discover an
            //                                        advance; chance of getting a certain
            //                                        unit depends on terrain around cities
            //                                        and chance
            // Any changes modmakers would like to make (e.g. what militia units are 
            // available, how much repair costs, etc) can be made in the function
            // MM2_SetUp(), currently starting at line 70.
            Diplomod v3.6 - see readme
            Withdraw script v1.3 - see readme
            Destroy building script v1.1 - see readme
            Air unit script v1.0 - to make the AI move air units back to base

            City Settler Disband Add A Pops Code v.1.3
            By The Immortal Wombat, improved by Martin Gühmann for Pedrunn. This code adds a Pop to a city if there is a settler, urban planner or sea engineer disbanded in it, regardless of its size.

            Soundfix V1.1
            This file contains a small sound fix for CTP2. I never liked the fact that I never heard a sound when I built a tile improvement. This small slic file will solve that problem. Feel free to copy, modify or use it for your own mod as it is.

            New City Capture Option for CTP2 v1.2
            This script file adds the possibility for the human player to eleminate a city after capture. It gives the player 100 gold and 75 PW per city pop. But unfortunately there is also a regard loss concerning other nations. Additionally, this script adds gold and PW to the capturing player and subtracts this amount from the player that lost the city. The values depends on city numbers plus the PW and Gold values of the attacked player.

            Martin Gühmann's MM2X_Goods.slc v.1.4 for MedPack2 v.2.0 beta
            This script file creates on every good tile an "good tile improvement". Unfortunately I wasn't able to find a possibility to create on every good a player independant tile improvement directly. It is also not possible to create a tile improvement like a fort outside of the vision range of a unit. My conclusion was to create first a Barbarian unit in the neighbourhood of a good tile (it could be that on the good tile is a settler) and create under the unit a border expanding tile improvement without its own graphic. My observation was that a tile improvement loses its owner if the borders around it are deleted. So after the first tile improvement is finished on the good tile, the actual good tile improvement is created and the frist tile improvement is be pillaged. Unfortunately the game crashes if you put the creation of the second improvement and the deletion of the first improvement into one event handler, therefore both events can be now found in different event handler.

            Commerce Improvements for AIs v2.0 by Martin Gühmann for MedPack2
            This script file creates in the city radius (it is a square not a cycle, it was easier to program this in that way) commerce improvements like ports on beach tiles, drilling platforms on continental shelf tiles and at least trading post, outlet malls and nature preserves on tundra, swamp, forest and jungle tiles.

            pw_cheat.slc by player1 ver 1.0
            gives 5 gold per global pop evry turn,
            gives 0-10 PW per global pop evry turn (depending of PW tax)
            for AI players only

            Scenario script for PW Mod by Mr. Ogre (Joe Rumsey)
            (Explained on forums et al: ensures Mayors always leave a reserve of PW for the humans to spend)

            Population Boom code for the Medieval Mod II by David Reznichek (last update 24 July 2001)
            This section handles the two major demographic shifts that occur in the game. The first is a population boom following the discoveries of Germ Theory and later Immunization. The second occurs when the player possesses both Contraception and Equal Rights which ends the growth spurt.

            SLIC2 Refugee trigger for CTP2v1.1 by Chris Whitaker (Gedrin)
            (Makes pop from captured cities flee to other cities)
            Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


            • #21
              Thanks Locutus...

              it's just that I havnlt been playing for a while... and I was having some trouble catching up... difficult when yo havn;t been on the forums before.

              What I have done is compile a consolidated release list for Med-Mod.. so now when something is released on the forum I will easily be able to cross-reference.

