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World At War! (1900 - 1950) V1.02

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  • World At War! (1900 - 1950) V1.02

    Announcing World At War V1.02!

    The updates are complete, and uploaded to my new site (sorry about the popups). I've attached the readme folder to this post.

    Install procedure:
    1. CTP2 (well DUR!)
    2. Official Activision patch v1.1 or v1.11.
    3. Modswapper.
    4. Three zip files (pics/sprites/texts).

    Run Modswapper and select World At War!

    Known issues:
    - The Global Library is not complete. Don't use it. Sorry. Read the design notes and readme to find out what everything does.
    - I haven't implemented Peter's NewDiplomod.slc yet as there are quite a few bugs to iron out of it.
    - Barbs still seem to be spawning illegal units. If this bothers you in this version, delete them from cheat mode.

    - The AI is very aggressive. It ICS's, builds heaps of military units, and will try to eliminate you. This MOD is very agressive.
    - There are only 600 turns. But these turns are action-packed, aggressive and testing for the human (well I thought so).

    You may download the MOD from <a href="">here</a>.

    I hope you enjoy this MOD. I've always loved the World War period and that's what led me to this project.

    Attached Files

  • #2
    The sprites file is corrupt, I've downloaded it at least 4 times but still nogo...
    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


    • #3
      All 3 wont open with winzip, and the sprites zip was particularly erractic downloading (finishing at the wrong time etc). Still, cant wait to try it out


      • #4
        See below.....


        • #5
          See below....


          • #6
            See below....


            • #7
              See below....


              • #8
                Okay, I've fixed up the zips on my website, and checked them. Once again that website address is:

                I'll clear off these attached files (3 posts above) as it'll be confusing when I post updates.


                • #9
                  Ok having a few problems, dunno if its just me but i tried to install the MOD 3 times, all on fresh installations (in the right order) i got these 3 messages everytime before it reached the title screen and dropped back to desktop...

                  ''WAW_diplomacyproposal.txt : 158 : Expected string ID''

                  ''WAW_diplomacyproposal.txt : 158 : Warning : required field image missing''

                  ''Unable to Init the Databases''

                  Hope this helps


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Lab Rat
                    Ok having a few problems, dunno if its just me but i tried to install the MOD 3 times, all on fresh installations (in the right order) i got these 3 messages everytime before it reached the title screen and dropped back to desktop...

                    ''WAW_diplomacyproposal.txt : 158 : Expected string ID''

                    ''WAW_diplomacyproposal.txt : 158 : Warning : required field image missing''

                    ''Unable to Init the Databases''

                    Hope this helps

                    DOH! Wrong version of the file. Replace WAW_diplomacyproposal.txt in \Call To Power 2\ctp2_data\default\aidata\ with the attached file.

                    EDIT: Website has been updated too.

                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      How are people going now? I'm assuming silence means no bugs.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dale
                        How are people going now? I'm assuming silence means no bugs.
                        Well, in my case it means no time
                        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                        • #13
                          How are people going now? I'm assuming silence means no bugs.
                          I only just started a new game as the Scottish on Regular map, with 5 other civs, on Impossible and marauding barbs. Ive played 20 turns so far and ive already took the Dutch city of Amsterdam, I gathered a quick 12 stack of 8 Infantry, 3 cannons and a HOVER infantry (???) that i found in a goody hut in the first couple of turns. I thought it odd that such an advanced unit should be given. It kinda reminded me of the ''The Rocketeer'', where he saves the yanks from the Nazis. lol anyway...also i think ive had it easy so far, being at the end of a long continent is really helping me leave my cities unguarded and really give it to the Dutch, who are the only civ right next to me, on land anyway. And probably the default high happiness, has helped alot to build quick armies, as i chose communism.
                          Anyway Ill keep you posted.


                          • #14

                            I'm assuming that the future units will not be able to be built in your mod because a player will never be able to reach the required tech.

                            What you may want to do about the inappropiate units showing up from the goody huts is to link those units to more appropiate sprites, and then changing the name of the unit in the gl_str.txt file, as well as the descriptive in the Great Library. You can also give them the same stats as the units in your game.

                            A bit of work, but this may at least make the in-game atmosphere more consistent.
                            Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                            • #15

                              Thanks for the idea mate. I've done that and it appears to be working. It also fixes the hut problem to where you could get funny units. I redid all the units as machine-gunners, and am calling them "Revolutionaries". Similar to the Free French and the Free Polish who joined the Poms, or just simply revolutionary forces within your own empire, like the French Resistence to the Germans. So basically, revolutionaries will join you or kill you.

                              Lab Rat:

                              Don't ya just love Communism for it's production base? That's the gov choice of me. Though later on, the pollution really kicks in.

                              Coming in V1.03

                              - Completed Great Library. (That's a bugger of file!!!!)
                              - Bug fix which stopped AI's not getting beginning units sometimes.
                              - Bug fix in diplomod.slc to allow multiplayer playing (see the thread about the diplomod crashing in multiplayer in Cradle and Med Mod).
                              - Bug fix to allow AI to terraform.
                              - A number of fixes/balances that enhance the gameplay.

                              Should be coming soon. Just gotta finish this game of Empire Earth........

