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Crusade! files MIA

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  • Crusade! files MIA

    Wes (et al):

    I downloaded and when I installed it last night, I got "MM2_strings.txt not found in asset tree." Well, it wasn't in the zip file, either, so Locutus was kind enough to email the file. Unfortunately--as is often the case--there are other files missing. So tonight I got "MM2_civ_str.txt not found..." That file is also not in the zip file. I think I used the link right out of the Medieval Mod II v2.0 Crusade! thread. Naturally, I don't know what *else* may be missing.
    Now it's possible that others didn't see this because they have earlier copies of MedMod (with those files) in place. Maybe someone who has a working copy can do a "virgin" install and copy missing files one by one.

    -- Hermann (waiting with baited breath)

    (yuck! worm breath!)
    "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."

  • #2
    Taking my own suggestion, I went to WesW's site and downloaded "" and unzipped that into the Call To Power 2 directory. Now the program launches OK, but when I try to start a new game, I get "Paths Error: GU102.SPR not found..."

    So then I checked the dates on the two archives. The time stamp on the archives (unfortunately) shows when I downloaded them, not when Wes uploaded them. However, sorting by date inside the zips, I see that the latest file in is 11/15/01, while the latest in is 12/16/01. (I may have swapped the 15 and the 16, but you get the idea.)

    I think part of the problem is that there are too many threads out there with too many links to too many versions of MedMod2. Please point me to the "definitive" version so that I can clear this up. Thanks!

    -- Hermann
    "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


    • #3
      I had a copy of MedMod Call to Arms and just copied the missing files from that mod. It solved the problem for me.


      • #4
        Thanks, Master D. I'll give that a try.
        "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


        • #5
          How *did* you install the mod? You're supposed to install *all* files on Wes's website (intro plus part 1-6) and install the zip(s) from the Crusade thread in this forum on top of those. Just installing the files from the MedMod-thread is not enough, I think those only gives you the text files that have changed compared to the ones on Wes's website. I agree it can be a bit confusing perhaps but did you really expect a completely different game ('cause that's basically what MedMod is) from a file smaller than 500k?
          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


          • #6
            I double-checked my zips, and the files are in them. You need the 6 zips from my site, and then you can check out any attachments I make in the Crusade thread.


            • #7
              Originally posted by WesW
              I double-checked my zips, and the files are in them. You need the 6 zips from my site, and then you can check out any attachments I make in the Crusade thread.
              My apologies, Wes. If you like, you can tell me to RTFM.

              I thought I *had* read the instructions, but...

              So I got Crusade working last night, though without the attachments from the thread (so far).

              "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


              • #8
                Glad you got it working. I have a hard time with instructions sometimes, so I empathize.

