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how do i get my new city sprite to work

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  • how do i get my new city sprite to work

    I Want to know how to get my new city sprite to load into ctp2 so that it appears when I enter a new age after the diamond age city.
    "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
    The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
    Visit the big mc’s website

  • #2
    If you have ApolytonPack or CityMod2 or Cradle you should open the according agecitystyle.txt. In this file you find the following entries. Cities of Type 0 are land cities. Cities of type 1 are sea cities. Unfortunatly the is a bug that converts the tiles under the cities in land tiles. So you never see sea cities, although there are on water tiles. If you just need to modify this file just replace the numbers after sprites with your sprite numbers. If you don't have these mods you have to look into the age.txt and citystyle.txt additionally. And you should make a new Great Library concept about your age. However these mods contain a post diamond age. I just called it future and I used the sprites of the diamond age.

    Note the is another bug that limits the your maximal sprite number to 199.


    	Sprites { Type 0 MinSize 0  MaxSize 5  Sprite 81 }
    	Sprites { Type 0 MinSize 6  MaxSize 10 Sprite 82 }
    	Sprites { Type 0 MinSize 11 MaxSize 15 Sprite 83 }
    	Sprites { Type 0 MinSize 16 MaxSize 20 Sprite 84 }
    	Sprites { Type 0 MinSize 21 MaxSize 25 Sprite 85 }
    	Sprites { Type 0 MinSize 26 MaxSize 30 Sprite 86 }
    	Sprites { Type 0 MinSize 31 MaxSize 35 Sprite 87 }
    	Sprites { Type 0 MinSize 36 MaxSize 40 Sprite 88 }
    	Sprites { Type 0 MinSize 41 MaxSize 999 Sprite 88 }
    	Sprites { Type 1 MinSize 0  MaxSize 5  Sprite 89 }
    	Sprites { Type 1 MinSize 6  MaxSize 10 Sprite 90 }
    	Sprites { Type 1 MinSize 11 MaxSize 15 Sprite 91 }
    	Sprites { Type 1 MinSize 16 MaxSize 20 Sprite 92 }
    	Sprites { Type 1 MinSize 21 MaxSize 25 Sprite 93 }
    	Sprites { Type 1 MinSize 26 MaxSize 30 Sprite 94 }
    	Sprites { Type 1 MinSize 31 MaxSize 35 Sprite 95 }
    	Sprites { Type 1 MinSize 36 MaxSize 40 Sprite 96 }
    	Sprites { Type 1 MinSize 41 MaxSize 999 Sprite 96 }
    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


    • #3
      thanks did not know about the bug. i thinck i had my sprites in the 200 or domthing i did take a look at the city pack. and found most of it help full.just could not get the sprite to start up when i entered the new era
      "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
      The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
      Visit the big mc’s website


      • #4
        Originally posted by The Big Mc
        thanks did not know about the bug. i think i had my sprites in the 200 or something i did take a look at the city pack and found most of it helpfull. Just could not get the sprite to start up when i entered the new era
        "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
        The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
        Visit the big mc’s website

