In CTP2 the AI doesn't build happiness building very well, therefore it will get some serious problems, in empire efficiency, growth and power.
Unfortunatly the CTP2 AI doesn't use entertainers to cure unhappiness, either. Instead of using entertainers it will max out the global sliders according happiness on the cost of an efficient empire. In the default game the AI tries to keep the happiness level at 73 and in ApolytonPack at 75. To achieve this goal via the sliders is very inefficient. Another problem is if a city is rioting the AI doesn't clear the build queue and add a happiness building on this list. The default behaviour is to finish the current building and maybe later to add this happiness building to the build queue. This script file adds clears the build queue and adds the happiness building on top of the build queue and tries to rush buy it. In this strategies.txt the priority for happiness is also increased but not the top priority, so AI cities will now build the happiness buildings when they are needed.
To install this script just unzip the *zip file into your default CTP2 folder and open the file script.slc in your ..\ctp2_data\default\gamedata\ folder and add to the end of this file the line #include "MG_HappyBuilding.slc". If you want to use this file with ApolytonPack search for the according file APOL_script.slc. If you like to use this script with GoodMod you have to look for a file called GM1_script.slc if you are playing for CityMod2 or for a file called GM1_APOL_script.slc if you are playing GoodMod for ApolytonPack. Unfortunatly the settings in the original strategies.txt or APOL_strategies.txt don't allow the AI to let drop the happiness level under 73 (or 75 in Apolyton Pack) therefore you have to replace the default strategies.txt's. If you are playing GoodMod you don't need to do that, because the GM1_strategies.txt is allready a part of GoodMod. To do that just move the GM1_strategies.txt to the ..\ctp2_data\default\aidata\ directory. If you unzip this *.zip file into the above directory you should find the GM1_strategies.txt there. Now you have to make CTP2 use the GM1_strategies.txt. To do that open the gamefile.txt (If you are playing an unmodded CTP2, if use one of the mods here are the prefixes: CM2_ for CityMod2, APOL_ for ApolytonPack and APOLUL_ for the Ultra Gigantic Map version of ApolytonPack.) Look in that file for a line strategies.txt and replace it by GM1_strategies.txt. If the entry allready has a prefix replace it by GM1_.
Unfortunatly this script file is not compartible with Craddle or MedPack2.
Unfortunatly the CTP2 AI doesn't use entertainers to cure unhappiness, either. Instead of using entertainers it will max out the global sliders according happiness on the cost of an efficient empire. In the default game the AI tries to keep the happiness level at 73 and in ApolytonPack at 75. To achieve this goal via the sliders is very inefficient. Another problem is if a city is rioting the AI doesn't clear the build queue and add a happiness building on this list. The default behaviour is to finish the current building and maybe later to add this happiness building to the build queue. This script file adds clears the build queue and adds the happiness building on top of the build queue and tries to rush buy it. In this strategies.txt the priority for happiness is also increased but not the top priority, so AI cities will now build the happiness buildings when they are needed.
To install this script just unzip the *zip file into your default CTP2 folder and open the file script.slc in your ..\ctp2_data\default\gamedata\ folder and add to the end of this file the line #include "MG_HappyBuilding.slc". If you want to use this file with ApolytonPack search for the according file APOL_script.slc. If you like to use this script with GoodMod you have to look for a file called GM1_script.slc if you are playing for CityMod2 or for a file called GM1_APOL_script.slc if you are playing GoodMod for ApolytonPack. Unfortunatly the settings in the original strategies.txt or APOL_strategies.txt don't allow the AI to let drop the happiness level under 73 (or 75 in Apolyton Pack) therefore you have to replace the default strategies.txt's. If you are playing GoodMod you don't need to do that, because the GM1_strategies.txt is allready a part of GoodMod. To do that just move the GM1_strategies.txt to the ..\ctp2_data\default\aidata\ directory. If you unzip this *.zip file into the above directory you should find the GM1_strategies.txt there. Now you have to make CTP2 use the GM1_strategies.txt. To do that open the gamefile.txt (If you are playing an unmodded CTP2, if use one of the mods here are the prefixes: CM2_ for CityMod2, APOL_ for ApolytonPack and APOLUL_ for the Ultra Gigantic Map version of ApolytonPack.) Look in that file for a line strategies.txt and replace it by GM1_strategies.txt. If the entry allready has a prefix replace it by GM1_.
Unfortunatly this script file is not compartible with Craddle or MedPack2.