hey there, i need some help with my scenarios. i have made 3 or 4 that are close to finishing but ALL need messages added. can someone give me a step by step description on what files to edit and what to say to add messages to a scenario? for example, off the bat i want 3 messages to pop up, all three linked together with next-> and <-back buttons. the last one, i would like a scenario rules button that links to my great library CONCEPT_SCENARIO. i also would then like to add messages when the following things happen (please say how to do each one..)
when you are near an enemy city
when one of your cities is taken over
when you take over the enemy's capital city
when you conquer an enemy nation
when you step onto an enemy's territory (for the first time)
when your civ dies
thanks a bunch all
it is appreciated...also...
how do you set the game to end at a certain point? for example, i have a scenario that needs to end when you conquer a certain enemy...or, you lose when a certain number of turns has passed. let's just say for example, i want the war victory movie and ending and score to show up when you conquer the Americans. also i want you to lose after (example) 20 turns. what would i have to say and where would i put it?
...and is there a way to factor in less turns u take = better score? how / where do i do this?
UNITS...big problems. i edit Units.txt in default gamedata but i think this is where the prob is. i also great library and gl_str. but when i load the scenario i get a large string of errors. how can i prevent this from always happening!? haha...
well thanks for reading i know i need help but please reply if u have answers to ANY of these. quote the part of my question you are responding to right before u answer it, if u would. thanks a bunch
when you are near an enemy city
when one of your cities is taken over
when you take over the enemy's capital city
when you conquer an enemy nation
when you step onto an enemy's territory (for the first time)
when your civ dies
thanks a bunch all

how do you set the game to end at a certain point? for example, i have a scenario that needs to end when you conquer a certain enemy...or, you lose when a certain number of turns has passed. let's just say for example, i want the war victory movie and ending and score to show up when you conquer the Americans. also i want you to lose after (example) 20 turns. what would i have to say and where would i put it?
...and is there a way to factor in less turns u take = better score? how / where do i do this?
UNITS...big problems. i edit Units.txt in default gamedata but i think this is where the prob is. i also great library and gl_str. but when i load the scenario i get a large string of errors. how can i prevent this from always happening!? haha...

well thanks for reading i know i need help but please reply if u have answers to ANY of these. quote the part of my question you are responding to right before u answer it, if u would. thanks a bunch
