Here's a couple of idea for modswapper.
1. How about a Random option just to make it a little more interesting so that when you start a game you don't know which mod you're playing until you start to get into it. For that matter, have a bunch of mods that are very similar but the variations only become obvious later on so that you don't know what you're getting into until further down the track. This might spice things up a bit.
2. Is there some way that whatever mod you're in, it has its own exclusive save folder so you can't see other saved games, only the ones applying to the current mod? This could avoid some confusion.
1. How about a Random option just to make it a little more interesting so that when you start a game you don't know which mod you're playing until you start to get into it. For that matter, have a bunch of mods that are very similar but the variations only become obvious later on so that you don't know what you're getting into until further down the track. This might spice things up a bit.
2. Is there some way that whatever mod you're in, it has its own exclusive save folder so you can't see other saved games, only the ones applying to the current mod? This could avoid some confusion.