In my first attempt to write SLIC, I am trying to write code that will create a unit whenever & wherever you build a city. The unit you get will depend on technology as well as make the city start at an increased size. I am getting an error message that points to a syntax error in line 23 (I think where the unit creating process begins) and I can't figure it out. Please help! Here is the code:
This is my first attempt at SLIC and I wouldn't be suprised if there are many errors.
//Quickstart Mod SLIC //events HandleEvent(CreateCity) 'citycreate' post { int_t a; //set value of a a = 1; if(hasAdvance(player[0], AdvanceDB(ADVANCE_FEUDALISM))) { a = 2; } if(hasAdvance(player[0], AdvanceDB(ADVANCE_GUNPOWDER))) { a = 3; } if(hasAdvance(player[0], AdvanceDB(ADVANCE_ADV_INFANTRY_TACTICS))) { a = 4; } //make free unit if(a = 1) { CreateUnit(player[0], UnitDB(UNIT_HOPLITE), city[0].location, 0); } if(a = 2) { CreateUnit(player[0], UnitDB(UNIT_PIKEMEN), city[0].location, 0); } if(a = 3) { CreateUnit(player[0], UnitDB(UNIT_INFANTRYMAN), city[0].location, 0); } if(a = 4) { CreateUnit(player[0], UnitDB(UNIT_MARINE), city[0].location, 0); } //increase city size to 3 (5 if build with urban planner) {AddPops(city[0], 4); } }