Besides giving AI a huge start, ie. dozens of settlers, millions of dollars, how can I make AI aggressive in the course of game play? I mean to make AI gang up armies, use armies to attack, not one by one, and defend their cities with 12 quality units, etc. etc.
I noticed there are a few fields in DiffDB.txt:
AI_Intelligence_Factor 1 (it's '1' throught out from 'Beginner' level to 'Impossible' level)
AI_Gang_Up_Factor 1 (also '1' from 'Beginner' to 'Impossible')
so, the question is what are they and do they matter to the AI aggressiveness? also, is there any other thing we can modify?
Please help, I just feel AI is too weak to play with.
Thanks in advance,
I noticed there are a few fields in DiffDB.txt:
AI_Intelligence_Factor 1 (it's '1' throught out from 'Beginner' level to 'Impossible' level)
AI_Gang_Up_Factor 1 (also '1' from 'Beginner' to 'Impossible')
so, the question is what are they and do they matter to the AI aggressiveness? also, is there any other thing we can modify?
Please help, I just feel AI is too weak to play with.
Thanks in advance,