Richard Myers, if you didn't know, wrote the AI routines for Ctp2. He contacted me a couple of weeks ago and offered his help with an AI questions that I had. Needless to say, I was delighted to hear from him, and had many questions to ask. Below I have pasted Richard's answers to my first round of questions, which dealt with issues in the strategies.txt.
My questions were aimed at addressing problems or questions I had regarding the Med mod II, but I think his answers shed light on things that many of us have been wondering about. In his second letter, he covered some things that I am a little fuzzy on, so I would like for some of you who can expound upon these things further to post your comments and help me out. I have marked these areas with "Apolyton question".
In addition to posting Richard's answers, I want us to put our heads together and share notes and ideas of our own regarding AI problems still in the game. I read through the second patch wishlist a couple of days ago, and made notes on the issues that I would like for us here at Apolyton to get together and work on, since they affect gameplay in general. There are also some questions that others here have asked me to ask Richard, and I have posted those below as well so that we can work on them too.
NOTE: I want to restrict this thread to only those topics and questions raised in my initial posts here.
I will make another thread for other questions that any of you might have, and perhaps Richard will answer them when he visits the forums.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by WesW (edited February 06, 2001).]</font>
My questions were aimed at addressing problems or questions I had regarding the Med mod II, but I think his answers shed light on things that many of us have been wondering about. In his second letter, he covered some things that I am a little fuzzy on, so I would like for some of you who can expound upon these things further to post your comments and help me out. I have marked these areas with "Apolyton question".
In addition to posting Richard's answers, I want us to put our heads together and share notes and ideas of our own regarding AI problems still in the game. I read through the second patch wishlist a couple of days ago, and made notes on the issues that I would like for us here at Apolyton to get together and work on, since they affect gameplay in general. There are also some questions that others here have asked me to ask Richard, and I have posted those below as well so that we can work on them too.
NOTE: I want to restrict this thread to only those topics and questions raised in my initial posts here.
I will make another thread for other questions that any of you might have, and perhaps Richard will answer them when he visits the forums.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by WesW (edited February 06, 2001).]</font>