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Increasing Maximum City Size

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  • Increasing Maximum City Size

    Here is what dennis_caver had to say...on this particular subject:

    The max city size was shipped at 60. One issue with
    this is that the Hospital city improvement does not
    increase max city size as stated in both manuals.
    So add a max city statement for Hospital in buildings
    .txt and adjust arcologies and aqua filter.
    I recommend the following max city sizes to get to
    a max of 102.

    Initial 18

    Aqueduct 14 (N/C)
    Hospital 17
    Arcologies 25
    Aqua filter 28

    Also one will have to adjust the 'overcrowding'
    parameter for each transition. For instance, I adjusted
    them so that a little 'red growth' remained after each
    transition after city size 19. (Except body exchange)
    Note: This includes adjusting 'Drug store' and '
    Incubation center'.


    Ok..I adjusted the overcrowding of each size 2

    Starting with Aqueduct..I left alone per your direction..then I added 2 to Hospital,Arcologies,Aqua Filter, Drug Store & Incubation..but NOT Body Exchange!

    I hope this works and By the way..I Thank you so much because there are some of us folks out here who are not happy with CTP:2..shipped version..and I am not a "MODDER" the great folks that post scenarios..(Although I hope to attempt one soon one day!!)

    I just enjoy tweaking some parameters here and allow me some different fun with the game!!!


    If they call an orange an orange, why don't they call a banana a yellow?-Christopher Lloyd-Taxi

    The Forum Fur Flyer
    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

  • #2
    Mr Troll,

    You might have to adjust the 'overcrowding' a little more
    but otherwise sounds good. The cities larger then 72 are
    hungry all the time.

    Spelelunkers forever,



    • #3

      Originally posted by dennis_caver on 03-01-2001 02:14 PM
      Mr Troll,

      You might have to adjust the 'overcrowding' a little more
      but otherwise sounds good. The cities larger then 72 are
      hungry all the time.

      Spelelunkers forever,


      Perhaps..I could alter what food silo does..or cornucopic vats..are suppossed to prevent starvation??

      I will report what I can find!!

      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


      • #4
        I don't know if anyone is still messing around with this, but I've had some success with increasing city sizes without altering the overcrowding info for hospitals, etc... I posted earlier in one of the forums, but here's the gist of what I did:

        --> I finally got my game to allow the cities to grow beyond 60 by making some changes in the citysize0.txt file. In the last two city entries I increased the value for the BaseMaxPop setting and then changed the MaxPopulation setting for the last city entry. Changing the workers category seems to decrease the city's productivity, so I stopped messing with that for the time being. <--

        I just performed a test in cheat mode, producing all of the pop-related buildings in a city and checking growth and food at every size the editor would allow. My city was still growing (slowly) at size 200 (when the editor stopped allowing me to increase the city size). I think the only reason I had enough food at that point was due to some modification I'd made to the tile improvements, but it looks like these changes allow a city to grow to whatever size the food source can support. I'm at 200+ and still growing...


        • #5
          It is also not aproblem to make cities +200 by cheat editor you just need to modify these lines in scenarioeditor.ldl:

          Pop:CTP2_SPINNER {
          # MDS 08/2000
          # int xpix 70
          # int ypix 112
          int xpix 58
          int ypix 63
          int widthpix 90
          int minxval 0
          int maxxval 20000
          int incxval 1
          int xval 1
          string statustext "str_SE_PopSpinner"
          string tipwindow "str_SE_PopSpinner"

          Now I am able to create cities with a pop of 20000.

          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


          • #6
            I have tried it, but I just can't get it to work, can someone please upload their file so I can see what I'm doing wrong? And I'm talking about maxing the population in cities!
            This space is empty... or is it?


            • #7
              OK here are the according files of my personal mod. It contains the MG_building.txt and the MG_citysize0X.txt's. Note that you have to modify every citysize0X.txt. These files are used for the different difficuilty settings.

              The MG_buildings.txt contains some more modifications. The obvious one is that I changed the order of buildings in this file. For me it does make more sense to make groups like defense, production, growth, happiness et cetera buildings. I hated to put the capitpol by accident on my build list. And to use aphabetical order if not a so good idea if you use the english names for this order in a German game version.

              The second modification to this file was a pollution modification. Unfortunatly I never well ballanced the buildings in my last game with this mod, I ruined the environment havily.

              So these files are for reverence and I think citygrowth is out of controll without the MG_building.TXT.

              Attached Files
              Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

