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Modern age scenario

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  • Modern age scenario


    I've been a great fan of Civilization since the release of Civilization I many years ago.

    As Civ II is getting old, I was curious about this Call to Power II game. I purchased it, and I must say that I really like it, despite of some annoying factors.
    Certainly better and more advanced than Civ II anyway!

    There's one thing, however, that I really miss. One of them is a good World War II scenario - either one that covers the whole world or only Europe++.
    The one released from Activision is really crappy.

    Another thing, that I miss even more, is a modern "World anno 2001" scenario or a "Cold war anno 1970" scenario. I had a few of them on Civ II.

    Does anyone know about such scenarios? (Or does any of the scenario guys like the idea?)

    I spent hours and hours on these on Civ II, and I'd like to do the same on Call to Power II :-)

  • #2
    Sorry, I posted this in the wrong forum. It was supposed to be posted in the scenario forum.

    Thus, follow-up to the scenario forum.

    (Maybe the administrator can delete the thread?)

