I agree with all your points. At first I also bulked at lowered costs, but modifying the diffdb alone didnt give make the AI much better. Dont forget, as shipped the harder levels mean the AI simply starts far ahead, at which point the diffdb would handicap it since it was way ahead. I originally figured the barbarians would be my greatest threat and tweaked the risks file so that they are "modern"(BARBARIAN_RANK_MAX 2), numerous (MAX_HUT_BARBARIANS 6 and MAX_SPONTANEOUS_BARBARIANS 4), and frequent (BARBARIAN_HUT_CHANCE 0.5 and BARBARIAN_CHANCE 0.25). I found that unless i had 4 or 5 units defending a city by turn 20, the barbarians would wipe me out very quickly. By not starting the AI so far ahead, they arent handicapped and they greatly outproduce me. Since the barbarians prefer attacking the human player, my super aggressive barbarians keep me from steamrolling over the AIs as I'm constantly replacing lost garrison and scouting units. Every game i lose at least one major city to the barbarians and the civs collectively lose at least 3 or 4. i also think this is more realistic as barbarians were as much a historical threat as any nations. So altho it would at first seem that lowered costs benefit the human, with the other changes, it has actually made for a very competitive and enjoyable game. its not usually until at least 1500ad that I take the lead. I'm in the process of determining why the AI civs consistently seem to fall behind at that point. My guess is that I've not tweaked the advance build lists properly and they are researching something that hangs them up. Every game at least one civ and in many cases, most of the civs will get to gunpowder before me, but then i get to tanks first and then its over. I've also tweaked the unit types but be careful because you get some really screwy battle lines if you arent careful, like machine gunners in front of archers, ships in front of land units during a land battle, civilians in front line, etc. I've upped all the military support percentages (strategies.txt) to at least 35% and you are very correct that that is a necessity, but it seems to come into play only as the support costs get higher as the AI is far below the shipped percentages early in the game.
Ultimately it comes down to playing style. I'm a controlled expansionist meaning i dont go out to conquer the world from day 1. I build some scouts, a garrison, then start on buildings. I build settlers (which are still expensive) when I find strategic or highly productive locations and I only use force when my borders need additional room or I've been attacked or encroached upon. I figure the results have spoken for themselves as I'm usually on the defensive until at least 500bc and usually much later. The AIs will beat me to about 75% - 80% of the wonders and feats. i've been down to my last city as late as 200ad (didnt take the lead in that game until 1970s). had multi-ship ai navies attack me and been invaded (8 units, 2 of which were settlers) via naval transport. I've seen civs fight long pitched wars among themselves (in one case the barbarians finished off the one civs last 2 cities, hows that for realistic!). All this without any SLIC coding.
Even with these results, the AI still does whacky things and there are too many flags in too many files for me to figure out what each one does on its own so I'm hoping that others will lend their knowledge
History is written by the victor.
Ultimately it comes down to playing style. I'm a controlled expansionist meaning i dont go out to conquer the world from day 1. I build some scouts, a garrison, then start on buildings. I build settlers (which are still expensive) when I find strategic or highly productive locations and I only use force when my borders need additional room or I've been attacked or encroached upon. I figure the results have spoken for themselves as I'm usually on the defensive until at least 500bc and usually much later. The AIs will beat me to about 75% - 80% of the wonders and feats. i've been down to my last city as late as 200ad (didnt take the lead in that game until 1970s). had multi-ship ai navies attack me and been invaded (8 units, 2 of which were settlers) via naval transport. I've seen civs fight long pitched wars among themselves (in one case the barbarians finished off the one civs last 2 cities, hows that for realistic!). All this without any SLIC coding.
Even with these results, the AI still does whacky things and there are too many flags in too many files for me to figure out what each one does on its own so I'm hoping that others will lend their knowledge
History is written by the victor.