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Omni's World

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  • Omni's World

    Hey Rich,

    How's the huge map project going?

    Rich, Harlan, What source maps are you guys using for for your map conversions. I have a scanner but am having problems finding a suitable world map that doesn't fall along a bad crease line.

    Ἐí ἀñ÷ῇ ἦí ὁ ëüãïò, êáὶ ὁ ëüãïò ἦí ðñὸò ôὸí èåüí, êáὶ èåὸò ἦí ὁ ëüãïò.
    the Moderator of the World Creators

  • #2
    It's going but I've snagged lately with exams and practicals. But tonight I am continuing I've completed 90N to 40N. The map that I'm using for this is a digital one from Cornell. It has the geologic, topographic and geographic information on separate maps which can I am combining. Not the quickest way to map something, but I feel the map will suit most peoples needs. The only problem that I have is that the map is set using more tile types than I have available. From that then there is a slightly higher amount of forests. Not a bad thing and something that can be corrected by each individual mapmaker. As for the map that Harlan and I are using, it's a map of the eastern world and if you do a search in the creation forum for bmp2ctp2 you'll find the map. I guess I could put it in the db... hmmm... okay tonight after my practical I'll place it there for people to use.



    • #3
      Is the sourse map on line at Cornell and what is the link Please
      Ἐí ἀñ÷ῇ ἦí ὁ ëüãïò, êáὶ ὁ ëüãïò ἦí ðñὸò ôὸí èåüí, êáὶ èåὸò ἦí ὁ ëüãïò.
      the Moderator of the World Creators

