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The diplomacy/frenzy mod!

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  • The diplomacy/frenzy mod!

    Well, here's the one you've been waiting for!

    I would like to introduce the new Diplomacy/Frenzy mod. Written by Dale (diplomacy) and BlueO (frenzy).

    I need someone with a website to host it for me, I don't have one. Here's the readme.txt for a teaser.

    // Diplomacy/Frenzy script AI for CTP2
    // Diplomacy by Dale
    // Frenzy by BlueOrange
    // Other MODS by Dale
    // Finished: 14-Jan-2001
    // Free for public use and modification


    readme.txt - This file
    ctp2_data\default\aidata\diplomacy.txt - Updated diplomacy models
    ctp2_data\default\aidata\Goals.txt - Updated goals
    ctp2_data\default\aidata\ImprovementLists.txt - Updated improvement lists
    ctp2_data\default\aidata\strategies.txt - Updated strategies
    ctp2_data\default\aidata\UnitBuildLists.txt - Updated unit lists
    ctp2_data\default\gamedata\diplofrenzy.slc - SLIC script for changes


    1 - Unzip files to Call to Power 2 install directory.
    2 - Open ctp2_data\default\aidata\script.slc in notepad.
    3 - Change #include "diplomacy.slc" (at end of script) to #include "diplofrenzy.slc"
    (I have included new eventhandlers for the ones in diplomacy.slc)
    4 - PLAY!


    1 - New diplomacy models for AI to AI and AI to HUMAN interaction.
    - AI will not by default refuse another AI's proposal.
    - AI has higher priorities for making proposals. This makes the AI make proposals.
    - AI's with same governments are more likely to become friendly.
    - AI's of different governments will be more neutral.
    - AI/Human interaction will be more agressive/demanding.
    - AI's in FRENZY will only consider/respond to Cease-fire treaties.
    - Increased AI priority to build embassys with others.
    - AI will build slightly more diplomats.

    2 - BlueOrange's FRENZY script.
    - Implemented into new diplomacy model.
    - Changed so possible to return from FRENZY level 4.
    - In FRENZY, AI's will consider a cease-fire (returning them to normal diplomacy and FRENZY level 0)
    - Changed HateLevel so FRENZY level 1 begins at 15. (This allows normal diplomacy from AI when all you have is a

    border skirmish)

    3 - Other changes I saw as nice ones.
    - AI will build cities in 'nicer' areas.
    - AI will defend cities with more units.
    - Increased road desirability. (Causes slightly more roads to be built by AI)
    - Increased maximum amount of special units build by AI. (Needed so AI could build diplomats)


    1 - Increase AI timeslices in const.txt.
    2 - Play on larger maps. My diplomacy model works better on them.
    3 - Don't play with an un-modified version of CTP2, it's no challange.


    After playing a couple of games with the new models in force I noticed the following:

    1 - AI's will now generate positive regard for other AI's (increasing likelihood of treaties/alliances)

    2 - Due to internal programming settings of the game, it is actually pretty hard for an AI to have a treaty with another AI.

    The problem lies in that to consider a treaty an AI is not allowed to have been in a square controlled by the considering AI

    for at least 5 turns. Knowing how the AI plays (roaming through your area and fortifying units near you) this becomes a slim

    chance. However, I found the bigger the map, the better this chance is. Especially for AI's that are on opposite sides of

    the map. So, though it didn't occur very often, a treaty can exist to the best that SLIC can do. Maybe Activision can do

    something about this setting in a patch?

    3 - As an AI increases in frenzy, it kills more of your units/cities and drops back down again. Then when the time is right

    it will consider a cease-fire with you, thus ending the war. Wars become longer, harder to fight, and more intense. But

    there can be an ending to the war.

    4 - Once a war has started, the AI will not accept any proposals. I had to do this because there is no way to check if two

    players are at war/peace/ally or whatever. Therefore, only the AI will initiate a cease fire.

    5 - The AI built slightly less cities, but because they were in a 'nicer' area the cities were better.

    6 - When entering war, you can't just sit on your ass and wait. You have to kill off the AI's productive power quickly.

    This will increase frenzy, but a protracted war only benefits the AI.

    7 - The game in general is a freaking lot harder!!!!!


    I hope you enjoy the mods I made. Thanks to BlueOrange for the FRENZY script. If you have suggestions/comments, email me.


    Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."

  • #2
    I'll take a copy, if you don't mind

    Rich - that would be "email" me a copy.
    [This message has been edited by OmniGod (edited January 13, 2001).]


    • #3
      wow this actually makes the ai attack you.Wow ive tried editing txt files but what is this frenzy thing it sounds like the main thing in this.where can i download it?

      could you mail it to me too if it isn't too big
      " mind over body "
      [This message has been edited by Darkknight (edited January 13, 2001).]
      Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.


      • #4
        You do know how to get one's attention!

        Has OmniGod decided to post this great-sounding mod on his King Arthur website?

        If not, let me know if you would need my e-mail address.
        A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


        • #5
          He has decided, and is waiting for it... as for now I only have the frenzy part in the mods section. Come and get it for now Hopefully the diplomatic one will be there in a day.


          King Arthur's Court
          The site for all your CTP2 needs.
          Completely renovated on January 13,2001. People with bad vision can now see without strain


          • #6
            I unzipped this mod to this directory: Activision/Call to Power II/ctp2_program/ctp

            Is this where the Install directory is? I have not located an actual folder directory called Install. So did I unzip it to the correct directory?

            Thanks for any help you guys.
            A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


            • #7
              A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


              • #8
                Is there a way to possibly make the AI only cross boarders when at war with someone, or preparing for a war. Even when you tell them to leave they still don't even if they agree. I guess the main goal diplomaticly would be to make the AI play nicer, right now that just get pissed and by the end of the game its just a big world war.


                • #9
                  With an unmod'ed version of CTP2 it was too easy to keep the AI's happy. In my mod the AI will tend to be more demanding/threatening. Their regard will stay lower. While still able to get alliances, it's just not as easy. As to the borders problem, I see the AI sometimes crossing borders as good. It happened in the past where some leaders were bullying other nations by "right-of-presence". But my mod does change the "all-out-war". The AI tends to be happier with other AI's. BTW, you must remember that civilians don't inccur the constant incursion regard hit. They can freely wander over borders.

                  Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by kormer on 01-15-2001 01:54 AM
                    Is there a way to possibly make the AI only cross boarders when at war with someone, or preparing for a war. Even when you tell them to leave they still don't even if they agree.

                    it appears that the Ai only thinks of trespassing as actual movement. So if they agree to stop trespassing, it fortifies where it is. But by not moving, its in compliance.

                    History is written by the victor.


                    • #11

                      The install directory is the main Call to Power 2 directory. Hope this helps.

                      Alpha Wolf:

                      Actually, I think it's more that the AI see's it's regard hit like this:
                      a) It'll take -100 regard for breaking the withdraw treaty.
                      b) It'll take -10 regard for leaving it there.
                      Conclusion) It's less on its regard to fortify than to move it.
                      Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."
                      [This message has been edited by Dale (edited January 15, 2001).]


                      • #12
                        Hey Dale - where is the Install directory? Did I unzip it to the correct folder? I could not find a folder named Install as a directory.
                        A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                        • #13
                          Well i tried the dimplomacy mod and the A.I still
                          arent making treaties with themselfs.


                          • #14

                            Originally posted by Alpha Wolf on 01-15-2001 04:40 PM
                            it appears that the Ai only thinks of trespassing as actual movement. So if they agree to stop trespassing, it fortifies where it is. But by not moving, its in compliance.

                            The GOAL_RETREAT goal should move these units back to nearby cities if they are treaspassing, but if there are no nearby cities owned by the AI, then yes, they will just sit until being assigned to some goal.

                            -- Richard


                            • #15
                              *shocked* An Activision post! It's nice to see.

                              So basically (if I get this right) if I checked:

                              if(HasAgreement(player[0], player[1], WITHDRAW_TROOPS)) {

                              and it's TRUE, then cycle through all the units finding the one's in that player's territory and assign them a MOVE_TO_HOME_CAPITAL then it would move them out of the territory?

                              I could use that in my mod.

                              Author of Diplomod. The mod to fix diplomacy.

                              Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."

