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More than 8 Civs

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  • More than 8 Civs

    I had a world Map in CTP which had 24 other Civs has anyone any idea how I can do this in ctp2 I have edited the txt file but have not managed more than 8 civs

  • #2
    Very easy to do, if you really want to. There may be flaws in this if you edit a map which has already been set as a certain level of civs... check with skorpion on that... but all you need to do is change the number of players in userprofile.txt to whatever you want. Start the game. Use the editor, and load in the map you wish to use. If you cycle through the players available it will let you have however many you placed in the userprofile, as long as the map had no settlers on it when you loaded it. For example, my map found on the above website has 8 civs, and there is another map which has no civs. Load the no civs map and place settlers as above, or start locations.... c'est ton chois.

    Rich - if this is confusing, I'll try again later


    • #3
      I've sent a 28 civ scenario to you by email with the way to get it to work. Hope you'll be able to work it out from that. Palpatine made the scenario, it's on (Omnigod's website). It's great fun, but a little slow cause of the number of civs.
      Have fun, and I hope that helps!
      Chris Braund

      Quote from ancient Greece:
      "He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
      [This message has been edited by cbraund (edited January 06, 2001).]
      Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."

