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Technology ideas for Med mod II

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  • #16
    The "Wouter" technology I must say has been invaluable in making my Alexander mod. I think you should keep it in .


    • #17
      ROFL! Yeah, that's an advance that will change the history of mankind forever
      It allows you to build the Lazy Bastard unit
      Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


      • #18
        Here's the thinking behind Banking. Banks go waaaayyy back, but I don't think that's what CTP2 meant with its building. It meant a modern styled bank. Those didn't really start until paper currency developed, which happened around 800 AD in China and 1300 in Europe, I believe. Only with credit and loans done with "funny money" instead of hard coin, did banks really take off and become the things we think of today. So that's why Banking has been replaced by Paper Currency.

        I like all your other linking ideas.


        • #19
          Hi Harlan,

          4 for 5 isn't bad! I know of a lot of professional football teams that would like that kind of record. More seriously though, thanks for explaining the reasoning behind the Bank Improvement. Once you explained the reasoning I can see where it makes good sense in the scheme of things that ya'll are trying to represent with Wes's Mod. Glad you liked my other ideas. Now if we can only get Wes to buy into them we will be set. :-)

          Timothy Pintello


          • #20
            Hi Wes,

            I have now taken a look at your newest Adv. Chart. It looks really good. The only problem that I can see is that it looks like you can get Railroad without Steam Engine. Also one of the Prerequisites for Railroad is Banking, but I can't find Banking on the Adv. Chart.

            It also looks like you can get Paper Currency without first getting Paper and that you can also get Printing Press without getting paper. I would suggest making this order change. To get Paper Currency you have to first get Printing Press. To get Printing Press you have to first get Paper. Maybe to accomplish this you could position Paper between Classical Education and Printing Press. Possibly instead of putting Feudalism as the second prerequisite for Paper Currency put Printing Press. That way Paper Currency would still be in the tech tree as a prerequisite for Economics.

            Another suggestion I would make is to put Banking right after Currency. I would then make Banks available with Banking instead of Paper Currency. I would advocate putting Banking and Banks so early because Bankers are metioned in a couple of Jesus' Parables indicating that they existed as far back in history as 2000 years ago, if not much further. If I had to guess, I would guess that the idea of banks and bankers was developed about the same time that currency became a common medium of exchange.

            The Banking change listed in the previous paragraph would also allow you to change the second prerequisite for Railroad from Banking to Steam Engine. This would eliminate the problem listed at the start of this post while still permitting you to get Industrail Revolution prior to Steam Engine, which is the historic order anyway. The Industrail Revolution was less dependent on Steam Power than it was Mechanical Power anyway.

            Hope my 2 cents worth helps.

            Timothy Pintello

