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Avoid some technologies and units ?

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  • Avoid some technologies and units ?

    I just by CTP2, in France, and i'find it very cool !

    But i'd like to avoid some technologies (and some units), to have a game more realistic (like Civ 2, in fact)
    Is it a text file or something else i could modify ?

    ps : i'd like to kick off futuristic technologies and units, and "sea-cities"...Excuse my english, witch is poor, o know !-)

    Thanks for your help

  • #2
    You can edit advances.txt and units.txt (in [ctp2_folder]\ctp2_data\default\gamedata) and delete the entries on those units and advances that you'd like to remove from the game. Make sure that you don't screw things up: if you delete Genetic Tailoring but keep Life Extension (which requires Genetic Tailoring), you're asking for trouble.

    Don't worry about you're English: your English is still much better than my French
    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


    • #3
      well, merci beaucoup !

      i'll try this WE...

      Au revoir !-)


      • #4
        Locutus responds: De rien, et bon chance.

        Omni - the helpful translator... viva le canada


        • #5
          My French doesn't go much further than "Garcon, tres bieres, s'il vous plait!" but if that means what I think it means that is indeed what I would say
          [This message has been edited by Locutus (edited December 16, 2000).]
          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


          • #6
            At least your polite when asking for very beers...

            Omni - enjoys a good ribbing


            • #7
              I've got more difficulties to customize the game than to command beers !!!

              I try to delete some units and advance (age 4 and 5), but i'got a error message :-(

              After that, i try to delete juste one unit (sea enginer), but with the same result...

              (i got the french edition from ctp2)

              Do you have any solution ?

              Merci, cela m'aiderai bien !


              • #8

                Originally posted by OmniGod on 12-16-2000 12:36 PM
                At least your polite when asking for very beers...

                Well, luckily I *do* know how to pronounce "trois bieres"...

                What kind of error message did you get? Could you post it here (and translate it to english if it's in french )


                Originally posted by Ym on 12-18-2000 03:07 AM
                Merci, cela m'aiderai bien !

                "Thanks, that would help me a lot"?
                Hmm, this is really a good exercise for my French. I feel like I'm in highschool again
                Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                • #9
                  That's a good translation !

                  Ok, i'll post the exact error message tomorow (in english !-).

                  That's concern the DB (data base i think) : when i delete the "sea enginer", for example (and just this unit), i' got a message like this : DB error, units Sea enginer missing.
                  And the game crash.
                  That's the same thing with Advances.

                  I just want to delete Ages 4 and 5 in the tech tree, and sea-cities...



                  • #10

                    That's a good translation !


                    Ahh, wait a minute, you should delete it from more then just one file. Sorry for that, I had hoped this wouldn't be necessary, but if you remove anything, don't just remove it from advance.txt and units.txt but also from uniticon.txt, newsprite.txt, UnitBuildList.txt (and if that doesn't work gl_str.txt and Great_Library.txt as well).

                    I just remembered an even easier way to remove advances though: Mr Ogre told us that if you give an advance itself as prerequisite that will work too. It only requires you to edit one file and removed the advances just as easy. For units you'll have to do it the hard way though (although, when you delete the advance I don't think it's necessary to delete the acompanying units as well)...
                    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                    • #11
                      Ca serait génial !

                      Thanks for the post, i'll try the two solutions tonight...

                      The second solution (from Mr Ogre) seems to be more attractive !-)

                      Wish it could work...

                      See you tomorow at the same place !



                      • #12
                        I just test with the file Advance.txt : i've deleted all advances from age 4 and 5 with Mr OGRE method (give an advance itself as perequisite).

                        For the moment, there's no crash :-) , but i need more time to test it...


