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Omni's Earth Map Finalized with Scenario files

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  • Omni's Earth Map Finalized with Scenario files

    Well the map is done as much as it's going to be until new trade goods are created and I have time to build a large civ base.... I got the scenario start up to work and should allow for game scores to be saved since you don't have to use the editor....

    Final update for the map and beta on the scenario files:

    Scenario file included to be extracted into the root directory for Scenarios. Select Scenario and choose World Map then Omniv1.2 - World Map... choose settings....

    ****Note: I'm having trouble getting the game to start it seems to hang on the first player (English) but if I choose England then there is no problem... any ideas on this?????

    All black tiles have been fixed and a general goods blank is on the globe. Default civs are England, Germany, France, Rome, Brazil, Russia, China, Japan, Egypt,India, KwaZulu, Canada, America + Barbarians... default difficulty is medium.

    Questions? Comments?


    by the way i was impressed 136 downloads in a day.... there must be a demand somewhere
    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by OmniGod (edited December 02, 2000).]</font>

  • #2
    Thanx a lot for the map Omni! I was really disappointed with the map Activision supplied for CTP2. Seems to be working great, except for those minor glitches that you are already aware of. Keep up the good work! Really appreciate your time and effort put into this!

    Just another Civ Addict
    Just another Civ Addict


    • #3
      First I want to tell you GREAT JOB on the map! I just have a couple suggestions...

      1. You seem to use mountains rather liberally. Mexico is virtually all mountains. The area around Denver is a desert, and there is a mountain range that cuts across North Dakota. The Appalacian mountains really should be hills in my opinion, and Australia has no mountians to speak of in real life.

      2. I think that the European countries are at a severe disadvantage to the other countries. The Zulus and Brazilians have virtually a whole continent to themselves. I am playing the English and at about 700 AD, the Zulus, Egyptians, and Brazilians are very powerful while the Germans and French are insignificent.

      Just a few suggestions... just a thought- a Pacific map would be awesome to contruct a cool WWII scenario!

      -- BJC


      • #4
        Tried your map. Its exactly this size i need. Not to big and not to small. Great work!.. One comment is as the above comment europe and japan looks abit strange.

        Maybe there isn't room enough in europe for all the civs?

        You like mountains me guess.
        Hope we can get those new trade goods aswell.

        Spent the whole weekend changing stuff in CTP. Tiles, constants, units, advances. Now i am ready to test it all in a complete game on your map.

        Ones more thanks for a good earth map.



        • #5
          Glad you two have enjoyed it...

          Yes I'm slightly partial to mountains since it keeps the calvary and other mounted units away from cities or areas in the beginning, allowing for a little more time to grow...

          Anyways, I've just started on my next project... it's a North Atlantic map from 90 degrees West to 90 degrees East and 90 degrees North to the Equator the map will be a 210 x150 map and the UK will be approximately 200 tiles big, hopefully that will please the people who want more room on the island for more than just London... expected to be finished next weekend...


