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Wouldn't this be helpful????

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  • Wouldn't this be helpful????

    When you have say 50 cities, of which all are are producing the same thing, beit infrastructure or caravans because you already built everything else and have too many military units.

    I suggest there be a way to search any city which is building... say caravans and replace this with a city improvement once you get an advance. Instead of one-by-one.

    First time poster so if this doesn't belong here...
    If there is already a way to do this please let me know!


    * I hate typos! (see username)*

  • #2
    You can in the Overall City manager screen (I think that is what it is called) Just select which cities you want to change( Highlight with windows commands). Hit build manager and make a new queue. You can either append all your Q's or insert into top of all your Q's.


    • #3
      Perhaps it's a bug, but attempting to do this for multiple cities has never worked for me. It brings up a build screen; I can alter the queue; but after I exit, all my changes are discarded.

      - Metamorph


      • #4

        Originally posted by Metamorph on 11-29-2000 12:09 PM
        Perhaps it's a bug, but attempting to do this for multiple cities has never worked for me. It brings up a build screen; I can alter the queue; but after I exit, all my changes are discarded.
        you probably dont use any of the insert/append/overwrite buttons


        • #5
          At first it would not do it for me either, but like Mark said I was not hitting the buttons. Now I just hit them twice to be sure. Would be nice if a little message like "Build Q append" or something like that.


          • #6
            yeah that would be nice

            btw, if you hit instert or append twice, it will instert or append the selected items twice(of course this is only for units)

