Post your slic suggestions here!
Here's an old crusty file I found on my decrepit computer in which I came up with a slew of events suggestions (tailored to the Civ2 events macro language but probably translatable to Slic)
Some of these are moot things that Slic has totally different ways of doing. Maybe somebody can get something useful from this, as there are a lot of great suggestions for triggers and actions:
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by DarthVeda (edited November 20, 2000).]</font>
Here's an old crusty file I found on my decrepit computer in which I came up with a slew of events suggestions (tailored to the Civ2 events macro language but probably translatable to Slic)
Some of these are moot things that Slic has totally different ways of doing. Maybe somebody can get something useful from this, as there are a lot of great suggestions for triggers and actions:
Rough Draft Events File for NeoCiv "Ok I think this will work" --DarthVeda's last words Follows this pattern: @BEGINIF ifciv = "civ" and <trigger> and/or <trigger> then <statement> <statement requirements> <if there are more requirements> <only double option statements can get this far> <statement> @ENDIF ::Triggers:: IfAttackerCiv = (Civ name that this is done by... MUST PROCEED MOST "if"s) IfDefendingCiv = (Civ name that this is done to) IfUnitKilled = (Unit name) IfSpaceFilled = (If this x,y space is occupied) IfFieldFilled = (x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4 counter-clockwise around a square area) IfCityTaken = (Owner,City name) IfCitySurrounded = (If the city is surrounded on all sides) IfTechAchieved = (If the particular tech is attained) IfTechs = (If you have this many or greater techs) IfTurn = (Turn) IfUnitAmount = (If number of units equals this) IfCashAmount = (If money equals this) IfNegotiation = (Audiencer and then audiencee) IfTrade = (If your trade is greater or equal to this) IfScience = (Number of beakers per turn) IfLuxury = (Number of cups per turn) IfIncome = (If you are earning this much per turn or greater) IfDeficit = (If you are losing this much per turn or greater) IfManufacturing = (If your industrial power is greater or equal to X shields.[Civ,Manufacturing]) IfPopulation = (If the population is above this number...) IfCasualties = (If this many units or greater have been killed... *can* be followed by IfUnitType) IfKills = (If this many enemy units are killed... *can* be followed by IfUnitType) IfBuilt = (Number of units built... *can* be folowed by IfUnitType) IfStructures = (If this many city structures exist... *can* be followed by IfStructureType) IfStructureType = (Only used with IfStructures... structure type, like Factory or Pyramids) IfUnitType = (Used only with IfBuilt or IfCasualties... this kind of unit or domain) IfCivKilled = (If this civilization perishes...) IfWar = (If war is declared between Nation1,Nation2 [seperated by comma]) IfAlliance = (If an alliance is formed between Nation1,Nation2) IfNonAgression = (If a non-aggression pact is formed between Nation1,Nation2) IfCeaseFire = (If a cease-fire is signed between Nation1,Nation2) IfNukes = (If a nuclear weapon is used x times) IfWins = (If this many battles are won...) IfLoses = (If you lose this many battles...) IfCityPollution = (If there is this much pollution IN a particular city) IfPollution = (If there is this much pollution in the world...) IfNuclearPollution = (If there is this much pollution from atomic weaponry...) IfTerrainAmount = (terrain name followed by number of biomes: Arctic,10) IfStartup (Triggered when the game begins) ::Actions:: GlobalWarming (causes global warming) NuclearWinter (reverse global warming) KillUnit (kills a unit... see what must folllow below) <owner civ name> <unit name> KillCiv (Kills a civilization) <civ name> (for whom the bell tolls) KillCity (kills a city) <city> (city to be wiped from the map) ChangeMoney (change the monetary value by x) <civ receiving> <money> (400 or -400 for example) TransferMoney (move money from one civ to another) <civ one> (Giver) <civ two> (Receiver) <amount> (A negative value cannot be here) TransferUnit (move a unit from one civ to another) <unit name or "anyunit"> (If no unit exists then one is purchased and given to the appropriate civ") <civ one> (Giver) <city to be taken from> <civ two> (Taker) <city to be put in> <vetranized> (Yes or No.... is this unit now a veteran?) <health> (A percentage up to 100 but not lower than 1) ChangeIncome (set income for a civ) <civ to be modified> <new income> (-4 or 4 for example to be added *every* turn following) ChangeScience (set science rate) <civ to be modified> <new beaker rate> (7 or -4 beakers for example for every turn following) ChangeLuxuries (set luxury rate per city) <civ to be modified> <name of city or "all"> (could be specific cities seperated by commas) <luxuries> (a positive or negative number could be added to the rate) ChangeProduction <civ to be modified> <name of city or "all"> (Or you could do New York,Philadelphia for example) <production> (-3 or 3 for example to be added every turn following) BeginNegociation (start negotiation between) <audiencer> <audiencee> <atmosphere> (I.E. Enraged, Icy, Neutral, Worshipful, etc.) StopNegociation (prevent negociation from taking place) <allowed for or "none"> (cpu,cpu or cpu,human or human,human) CreateUnit (creates a unit) <unit name> <veteran status> <health> (could be over or under the original unit allotments) <fortified status> <number of units to create> <space or "no"> (x,y) <field or "no"> (x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4) ChangeCityStatus (changes the values of a city) <owner or "anyciv"> <city name or "anycity"> <new city name> (Leave it alone to not change) <allegiance or "no"> (Specify the name of the civ that owns this city) <shield progress or "no"> (set shield progress on current goal in percentage) <add population or "no"> (number) <set population or "no"> <subtract population or "no"> <happiness or "no"> (Disorder, Normal, or WeLove) <current project or "no"> (sets the current project, e.g. Pyramids) ChangePoliticalStatus <side one> (Civ or civs seperated by commas Greek,Babylonian) <side two> <new emotional state> (Enraged, Icy, Neutral, Worshipful, Etc. toward each other) <new political state> (War, Alliance, Cease-Fire, Peace, No Contact) ChangeCivStatus (changes a civ's properties) <old civ name> <new civ name or "no"> (no would mean not to change this value) <new king name or "no"> <new civ adjective> (such as "hittite") <new civ government> (such as "Fundamentalism") <new civ reputation> (this will adjust their 'evilness' 0 means they never backstab while 100 means they are Hitler) <political target, "all" or "none"> (sets initiative for next statement [none would skip] could be Nation1,Nation2,Nation3 seperated by commas) <new political status> (War, Alliance, Peace, Cease-Fire, No Contact to target) <new tax rates> (10,80,10 for percentage Tax, Science, and Luxuries) DeclareIndependence (cities break away from x civilization) <target civilization or "anyciv"> <breakaway cities or "anycity"> (Such as New York,Philadelphia) <new civilization name> <new civ adjective> <relationship to mother country> (War, Alliance, Peace, Cease-Fire, No Contact) <new civs king name> <new civ reputation> <political target, "all" or "none"> <political status to targets> <new tax rates> <new civ government> ChangeHumanPlayer (sets who the human controls) <player control is now> (Civilization name, such as "Greek") GiveTechnology <tech receiving civ> <tech number, "all" or "anytech"> TakeTechnology <civ losing tech> <tech number, "all" or "anytech"> ChangeAttack (modify attack values) <unit name or "all" or a domain> <multiple of change> (2 would double while .5 would halve the values) ChangeDefense (same as attack) <unit name or "all" or a domain> <multiple of change> ChangeMovement (same as attack) <unit name or "all" or a domain> <multiple of change> Duration (sets the duration of an event... if not stated then defaulted at 1) <number of turns> GiveOption (pops up an option... warning... this is complex) <civ> (Civ that gets the option) <option title> ^The Title of the option bar goes here <option 1> ^Here is where each option would go <option 2> ^All must start with a "^" <option 3> ^If they do not then put a "no" to ignore <option 4> ^Up to ten options allowed <option 5> no <option 6> ^The above statements do nothing <option 7> ^The following will demonstrate the ability: <option 8> ^Get 400 Money ChangeMoney TriggerAttacker 400 <option 9> ^Get a New Technology GiveTechnology TriggerAttacker anytech <option 0> ^Get an enemy city ChangeCityStatus anyciv anycity TriggerAttacker no no no no no no ChangeTerran (changes a terrain) <coordinate field> (Counter-clockwise around the rectangle x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4) <new terrain> (Arctic, etc.) <pollution status> (yes/no is this square polluted?) <nuclear pollution status> (does this square contain nuclear pollution?) MoveUnit (moves a unit) <units in x,y coordinate or "no"> (Any unit that gets in x,y moves) <unit name or "anyunit" or "no" or domain> (select a specfic unit) <end location> (x,y coordinate where they are headed) Flag (Flag an event) <number> Deflag (prevents an event) <number> ::WildCards:: Random (Picks something) Interval (turns only, followed by comma then number) TriggerAttacker (selector, killer, any initiator) TriggerDefender (selectee, defendee, or any recipient) JustOnce (don't do this twice) ::::Example:::: Here's something to do after the Greeks have built the FBI (Statue of Liberty) Wonder it allows them to do something special every other turn. Obviosuly you could just do this with a regular building as well. @BEGINIF IfAttackerCiv = Greeks And IfStructures = 1 And IfStructureType = FBI Then Interval,2 Flag 1 GiveOption Greeks ^FBI Wonder Option ^Take 100 cash from the Turks TransferMoney Turks Greeks 100 ^Get a Turkish City ChangeCityStatus Turks anycity no Greeks no no no no no no ^Corrupt the Turkish Government JustOnce DeclareIndependence Turks anycity Turkish Liberation Front Liberators War Muhammed 35 Greeks Alliance 30,60,30 Fundamentalism @ENDIF And if the Turkish discovered what negates the wonder @BEGINIF IfCiv = Turks And IfTechAchieved = 30 Then Deflag 1 @ENDIF Final Note: If you deflagged a deflag then the first deflag would no longer function