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  • What do you think?

    I'm trying to compile a ww2 map, on 1. september 1939.
    So far i've only cities and amies.
    What do you think

    Any feedback appreciated.

    PS. How do you make alliances via SLIC?
    PSS. How do you implent the pilleboxes and barbed wire fences from activision ww2 scn to a another scn?

    Thank you
    Attached Files
    When it all comes to it, life is nothing more than saltfish - Salka Valka

  • #2
    Hi ískallin!

    This is a quick reply concerning the pillbox/barbed-wire question, since I already implemented them to my own mod-in-progress:

    Look into the /Scenarios/WW2_something(?)/scenario0000 or /scenario0001 folder (they contain basically the same files with just some different scenario-events).

    Find the graphics/sprite-files:

    If you have installed the Activision-scen. the tileimps for both the pillbox and the barbed wire are in the TileFile - I am not sure if the original TileFile already contains them.

    For the BARBED WIRE you only need the according *.tga's in graphics/pictures (unfortunately I actually haven't installed the Acti-Scen and therefore I can't tell you the numbers - but as far as I remember they included a list to be found in the /sprites-folder). For the BARBED WIRE you will have to find THREE files named like


    For the PILLBOX you will need the pictures for both the pillbox-ti and the pillbox-unit - something like:





    the pillbox-sprite:


    Next you will have to copy the PILLBOX-unit from the scenario's units.txt to your MOD_units.txt.

    SPECIAL ISSUE: The pillboxes work by creating a pillbox-unit on the pillbox-tileimp when a defined unit-type moves to the tileimp. As the script doesen't care for the owner of tileimp/unit (yet? - I am thinking but nor actually working on it), the pillboxes can be 'activated' by anyone. IF you use the 'auto-withdraw'-function in diplomod.slc this results in expelled enemy's pillbox-units spread over the enemy's territory, doing nothing and impossible to disband. My temporary solution is providing a special border-guard-unit as a 'pillbox-garrison' (I took the green machinegunner from the same scenario), that won't be built by the AI (which doesen't really matter since we haven't yet and possibly will be unable to teach the AI how to use the pillboxes properly).

    If you want to stick with this solution you will also have to provide some 'pillbox-garrison-unit' in your MOD_units.txt and NOT provide it to the AI in their unitbuildlist.txt.

    NEWSPRITES: According entry in your MOD_newsprite.txt for the pillbox needed.

    TILEIMPS: You will also have to copy the pillbox & barbed wire-entries from the scenario's tileimp.txt to your MOD_tileimp.txt.

    Apart from adding some entries to the Great Library and some other textfiles (have a look at the Activision-files again), the main thing will be the following SLIC:

    PHP Code:
    // Script for the Invasion of France scenario  //
    //     last update 12-19-00 by Tony Evans      //
    //adapted for MoT_Mod 20-Apr-2003:                                        //
    //                                                                        //
    //                                                                        //
    //Note 01-June-2003: Check for Airplanes (barbed wire) now performed by   //
    //IsAirUnit (MG's UnitCheckers from GoodMod) in aihelpers.slc.            //

     // Zeroes out movements points from any land units that move onto Barbed Wire

    HandleEvent(MoveUnits'WWBarbedWireMove_F' post {        

    location_t    tmpLoc;
    army_t        tmpArmy;
    unit_t        tmpUnit;
    int_t        numUnits;
    int_t        checkUnit;
    int_t        i;

    tmpLoc location[1];        // destination location
    if (TileHasImprovement(tmpLocTerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_BARBED_WIRE))) {    
    tmpArmy army[0];
    numUnits tmpArmy.size;
    0numUnits1) {
    checkUnit tmpUnit;
                if (!
    IsAirUnit(tmpUnit)) {        // if unit is not an airplane
    AddMovement(tmpUnit, -1000);             // subtract any remaining movement points

     // Creates/Removes Pillbox unit when Infantry moves on/off a Pillbox Tile Improvement

    HandleEvent(MoveUnits'WWActivatePillbox_F' post {        
    location_t    tmpLoc;
    location_t    tmpLoc2;
    army_t        tmpArmy;
    unit_t        tmpUnit;
    unit_t        pillboxUnit;
    int_t        numUnits;
    int_t        unitType;
    int_t        foundInfantry;
    int_t        foundPillbox;
    int_t        infantryLeft;
    int_t        i;

    tmpLoc location[0];    // start location
    tmpLoc2 location[1];    // destination location
    foundInfantry 0;
    foundPillbox 0;
    infantryLeft 0;
    tmpArmy army[0];

    // If the tile left has a Pillbox and no other Infantry remain, kill the Pillbox unit
    if (TileHasImprovement(tmpLocTerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_PILLBOX))) {    
    numUnits tmpArmy.size;
    0numUnits1) {
    unitType tmpUnit.type;
                if (
    unitType == UnitDB(UNIT_BORDER_GUARD)) {        // if unit is Border Guard
    infantryLeft 1;
            if (
    infantryLeft == 1) {
    numUnits GetUnitsAtLocation(tmpLoc);
                for (
    0numUnits1) {
    unitType tmpUnit.type;
                if (
    unitType == UnitDB(UNIT_BORDER_GUARD)) {        // if unit is Border Guard
    foundInfantry 1;
                    } elseif (
    unitType == UnitDB(PILLBOX)) {
    pillboxUnit tmpUnit;
                if (
    foundInfantry == && pillboxUnit.valid) {

    // If the destination tile has a Pillbox and doesn't have a Pillbox unit, create one
    if (TileHasImprovement(tmpLoc2TerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_PILLBOX))) {    
    numUnits tmpArmy.size;
            if (
    numUnits == 12) {
                return CONTINUE;
    0numUnits1) {
    unitType tmpUnit.type;
                if (
    unitType == UnitDB(UNIT_BORDER_GUARD)) {        // if unit is Border Guard
    foundInfantry 1;
            if (
    foundInfantry == 1) {
    numUnits GetUnitsAtLocation(tmpLoc2);
                for (
    0numUnits1) {
    unitType tmpUnit.type;
                    if (
    unitType == UnitDB(PILLBOX)) {        // if unit is a Pillbox
    return CONTINUE;
    CreateUnit(tmpArmy.ownerUnitDB(PILLBOX), tmpLoc20);

    HandleEvent(MoveIntoTransport'WWPillboxTransport_F' pre {        
    location_t    tmpLoc;
    army_t        tmpArmy;
    unit_t        tmpUnit;
    unit_t        pillboxUnit;
    int_t        numUnits;
    int_t        unitType;
    int_t        foundInfantry;
    int_t        foundPillbox;
    int_t        infantryLeft;
    int_t        i;

    tmpArmy army[0];

        if (
    ArmyIsValid(tmpArmy)) {
    tmpLoc tmpArmy.location;
    foundInfantry 0;
    foundPillbox 0;
    infantryLeft 0;
    // If the tile left has a Pillbox and no other Infantry remain, kill the Pillbox unit
    if (TileHasImprovement(tmpLocTerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_PILLBOX))) {    
    numUnits tmpArmy.size;
    0numUnits1) {
    unitType tmpUnit.type;
                if (
    unitType == UnitDB(UNIT_BORDER_GUARD)) {        // if unit is Border Guard
    infantryLeft infantryLeft 1;
                if (
    infantryLeft >= 1) {
    numUnits GetUnitsAtLocation(tmpLoc);
                    for (
    0numUnits1) {
    unitType tmpUnit.type;
                if (
    unitType == UnitDB(UNIT_BORDER_GUARD)) {        // if unit is Border Guard
    foundInfantry foundInfantry 1;
                        } elseif (
    unitType == UnitDB(PILLBOX)) {
    pillboxUnit tmpUnit;
    foundInfantry foundInfantry infantryLeft;
                    if (
    foundInfantry == && pillboxUnit.valid) {

    HandleEvent(BoardTransportOrder'WWPillboxBoard_F' pre {        
    location_t    tmpLoc;
    army_t        tmpArmy;
    unit_t        tmpUnit;
    unit_t        pillboxUnit;
    int_t        numUnits;
    int_t        unitType;
    int_t        foundInfantry;
    int_t        foundPillbox;
    int_t        infantryLeft;
    int_t        i;

    tmpArmy army[0];

        if (
    ArmyIsValid(tmpArmy)) {
    tmpLoc tmpArmy.location;
    foundInfantry 0;
    foundPillbox 0;
    infantryLeft 0;
    // If the tile left has a Pillbox and no other Infantry remain, kill the Pillbox unit
    if (TileHasImprovement(tmpLocTerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_PILLBOX))) {    
    numUnits tmpArmy.size;
    0numUnits1) {
    unitType tmpUnit.type;
                if (
    unitType == UnitDB(UNIT_BORDER_GUARD)) {        // if unit is Border Guard
    infantryLeft infantryLeft 1;
                if (
    infantryLeft >= 1) {
    numUnits GetUnitsAtLocation(tmpLoc);
                    for (
    0numUnits1) {
    unitType tmpUnit.type;
                if (
    unitType == UnitDB(UNIT_BORDER_GUARD)) {        // if unit is Border Guard
    foundInfantry foundInfantry 1;
                        } elseif (
    unitType == UnitDB(PILLBOX)) {
    pillboxUnit tmpUnit;
    foundInfantry foundInfantry infantryLeft;
                    if (
    foundInfantry == && pillboxUnit.valid) {

     // Stops the moving and disbanding of those pesky Pillboxes

    HandleEvent(MoveUnits'WWPillboxStayPut_F' pre {
    int_t    i;
    int_t    tmpNum;
    int_t    unitType;
    unit_t    tmpUnit;
    army_t    tmpArmy;

    tmpArmy army[0];

        if (
    ArmyIsValid(tmpArmy)) {
    tmpNum tmpArmy.size;
    0tmpNum1) {
    unitType tmpUnit.type;
                if (
    unitType == UnitDB(PILLBOX)) {

    HandleEvent(DisbandArmyOrder'WWDisbandFail_F' pre {
    int_t        i;
    int_t        tmpNum;
    int_t        unitType;
    unit_t        tmpUnit;
    army_t        tmpArmy;
    location_t    tmpLoc;
    int_t        numUnits;
    int_t        infantryLeft;
    int_t        foundInfantry;
    unit_t        pillboxUnit;

    tmpArmy army[0];
    infantryLeft 0;
    foundInfantry 0;

        if (
    ArmyIsValid(tmpArmy)) {
    tmpLoc tmpArmy.location;
    // If the tile left has a Pillbox and no other Infantry remain, kill the Pillbox unit
    if (TileHasImprovement(tmpLocTerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_PILLBOX))) {    
    numUnits tmpArmy.size;
    0numUnits1) {
    unitType tmpUnit.type;
                if (
    unitType == UnitDB(UNIT_BORDER_GUARD)) {        // if unit is Border Guard
    infantryLeft infantryLeft 1;
                    } elseif (
    unitType == UnitDB(PILLBOX)) {    // Stop disbanding if Pillbox unit is in army
    return STOP;
                if (
    infantryLeft >= 1) {
    numUnits GetUnitsAtLocation(tmpLoc);
                    for (
    0numUnits1) {
    unitType tmpUnit.type;
                if (
    unitType == UnitDB(UNIT_BORDER_GUARD)) {        // if unit is Border Guard
    foundInfantry foundInfantry 1;
                        } elseif (
    unitType == UnitDB(PILLBOX)) {
    pillboxUnit tmpUnit;
    foundInfantry foundInfantry infantryLeft;
                    if (
    foundInfantry == && pillboxUnit.valid) {

    HandleEvent(DisbandUnit'WWDisbandFail2_F' pre {
    unit_t        tmpUnit;
    unit_t        tmpUnit2;
    int_t        unitType;
    int_t        unitType2;
    location_t    tmpLoc;
    int_t        infantryLeft;
    int_t        foundInfantry;
    int_t        numUnits;
    unit_t        pillboxUnit;
    int_t        i;

    tmpUnit unit[0];
    unitType tmpUnit.type;
    tmpLoc tmpUnit.location;
    infantryLeft 0;
    foundInfantry 0;
    // If the tile left has a Pillbox and no other Infantry remain, kill the Pillbox unit
    if (TileHasImprovement(tmpLocTerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_PILLBOX))) {    
            if (
    unitType == UnitDB(PILLBOX)) {
    STOP;                // Stop disbanding of Pillbox unit
    } elseif (unitType == UnitDB(UNIT_BORDER_GUARD)) {        // if unit is Border Guard
    infantryLeft 1;
            if (
    infantryLeft == 1) {
    numUnits GetUnitsAtLocation(tmpLoc);
                for (
    0numUnits1) {
    unitType2 tmpUnit2.type;
                    if (
    unitType2 == UnitDB(UNIT_BORDER_GUARD)) {        // if unit is Border Guard
    foundInfantry foundInfantry 1;
                    } elseif (
    unitType2 == UnitDB(PILLBOX)) {
    pillboxUnit tmpUnit2;
                if (
    foundInfantry >= && pillboxUnit.valid) {

    Please NOTE that you will have to replace the check for airunits in the first function (barbed wire) with your own ckeck if you don't use Martin G.'s UnitCheckers (from GoodMod) in your MOD.

    Well I hope & think I forgot nothing important so far. To achieve the demanded text length for today here is another piece of SLIC: Since we are very glad about our abilities to build advanced military facilities we don't want our ignorant mayors to build odd things like farms and shopping centers over them:

    PHP Code:
    // Prevents the building of tile improvements over forts, military camps, barbed wires,       //
    // pillboxes, air bases and villages - except for the replacement of one of these 'military'  // 
    // ti's by another one and except for roads, railroads, maglevs.                              //
    //                                                                                            //
    // Code snippets from City Expansion by BlueO, Pedrunn and IW                                 //
    // Adapted for preserveforts.slc by BureauBert 22-Apr-2003                                    //

    int_f TileHasFort(location_t tmpLoc) {        
    TileHasImprovement(tmpLocTerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_VILLAGE))) {
        } else {

    HandleEvent(CreateImprovement'DontLetPlaceImpsOverForts' pre {    
    TileHasFort(location[0]) == 1) {
    value[0] == TerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_ROAD)
    value[0] == TerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_RAILROAD)
    value[0] == TerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_MAGLEV)
    value[0] == TerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_UNDERSEA_TUNNEL)
    value[0] == TerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_FORTIFICATIONS)
    value[0] == TerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_MILITARY_CAMPS)
    value[0] == TerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_BARBED_WIRE)
    value[0] == TerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_PILLBOX)
    value[0] == TerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_AIR_BASES)
    value[0] == TerrainImprovementDB(TILEIMP_VILLAGE)) {
    // really odd: != does not work in the above statements            
                else {

    Note that you will most likely have to remove villages and military camps from the above list.

    I hope this helps - good luck and have fun!
    The modding knowledgebase: CTP2 Bureau (with CTP2 AE Modding Wiki). Modern Times Mod (work in progress): MoT-Mod for CTP2.


    • #3
      Thanks BureauBert, i'll try that.
      Oh and i forgot to mention that the scn is for now only playable with WAW but i'll change that in beta version.
      When it all comes to it, life is nothing more than saltfish - Salka Valka


      • #4
        Originally posted by BureauBert
        If you have installed the Activision-scen. the tileimps for both the pillbox and the barbed wire are in the TileFile - I am not sure if the original TileFile already contains them.
        The original tile file does not contain the graphics for these two tileimps. I don't know if the Apolyton tile file does but I know that my purple hills tile file does.

        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


        • #5
          I have the Activision-scen instilled so that is not a problem. But what do you think about the city placement and stuff...
          Feedback please!!
          When it all comes to it, life is nothing more than saltfish - Salka Valka


          • #6

            Looks like I'm the only one who downloaded the zip, and I can't find the map in it.


            • #7
              Peter is right, there are only two files, a txt and a slc one.
              "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill

