The messenger trembled as he entered the room and stood before the spiritual leader of the Assyrian people. Few had ever seen the Ayatollah Swissy, for many years he had been in exile in the mountains north of Assur. An exile decreed by the Shah Creator. But as he had forseen, the Shah Creator had lead his people on a path of ruin. Swissy took the pouch from the messenger and examined its contents. The message was from the Imam of Nenivah, it told of the great folly of the Shah in his war against the Northmen called Germans. And how now the Shah was nowhere to be found. Swissy looked up to the assembled clerics as spoke, " It is time."
With that said, let's get down to bussiness. Since I do not have the time to contact everyone in this game without delaying it, I will do some broadcast diplomacy.
First, the Germans. You have obviously taken advantage of the situation of Creator not playing his turns. Pull your forces back to Dusseldorf, that is only fair considering you have beefited from non-mevement of Assyrian forces.
Next, the Zulu. Yon may HAVE the southern most Nile city. But you will have to take it. I will move my troops out NEXT turn, so you may then walk in. Seeing it is a size two city, it should survive your assault. Please leave a route ou to the north. The northern Nile city is another matter. Considering the size of the city, it must have been there for quite awhile. So I will not give that one up.
Finally the rest of the World, I do not intend to continue the policies of the former ruler.
Turn 53 to the Zulus
With that said, let's get down to bussiness. Since I do not have the time to contact everyone in this game without delaying it, I will do some broadcast diplomacy.
First, the Germans. You have obviously taken advantage of the situation of Creator not playing his turns. Pull your forces back to Dusseldorf, that is only fair considering you have beefited from non-mevement of Assyrian forces.
Next, the Zulu. Yon may HAVE the southern most Nile city. But you will have to take it. I will move my troops out NEXT turn, so you may then walk in. Seeing it is a size two city, it should survive your assault. Please leave a route ou to the north. The northern Nile city is another matter. Considering the size of the city, it must have been there for quite awhile. So I will not give that one up.
Finally the rest of the World, I do not intend to continue the policies of the former ruler.
Turn 53 to the Zulus