Turn 45 --> King Thor
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World Scenario Turn Post Part II
Turn -> Keygen
The following letter was sent to Creator, the Assyrian Leader. This should be regarded as an honest attempt to keep the peace by the Germans.
Creator of the Assyrians. I Lord Thor Of the Germans, King, and commander in chief of its armies wishes to discuss with you the recent deterioration in our relations. We can see the increase in tensions, and we have come to the conclusion that a war between us would be detrimental to us both. I hope that you recieve this letter as an honest attempt at restoring relations from my side. The Germans, understand your concerns over the distance from our border to your capital city. We wish to placate these fears. I have made the first move by removing my troops from the immediate vicinity of your new city. Now this is what we propose. The German nation will build no more cities in that region. We then call for a "neutral zone" all the way from the radius of our city, to the radius of your city. This zone will be demilitarized, and it will be monitored by diplomats from both our empires. Also, an explorer of ours in your land wishes to continue south to the land of the Zulus, we would wish to ask your permission to allow him to continue.
All we ask in return is that your city built so close to ours be moved to another location. You must understand, and look at this from the German point of view. Our cities will fight over resources if they remain in the same vicinity. If you move that city, you no longer have to worry about your defense issues since we'll put in place a neutral zone.
Please consider our proposal seriously. It is extremely important to prevent disaster.
Lord Thor of the Germans.
Also, we continue to search for the slaver that enslaved our citizens. Rest assured that when he is causght he will be killed.King Thor
Turn 45 to Creator.
Well in his point of view Creator is right.
You are very closed to his capital.
In the other hand he could build that city much earlier and not having this problem arising just in his back!
Yokohama, he just conquered a few months (turn) ago is next to Aaginor's capitol - Kyoto - too but he is not complained
I don't know if King Thor's city is in the Europian territory but it has been there long before you build your city Creator as he says.
My opinion is that you should accept Thor's proposal as it is reasonable and I recommend that another nation's military unit, which won't be possible to be expeled, should be settled into the neutral zone to make sure to be witness of any violation of this suggested treaty. I propose the Zulus of Great Priest Aegnor to be that nation.
I think this would be the best way to settle thinks down between you two and not war.
And no hard feelings Creator but I think that you are the one who enslaved German people. How do you explain the fact that you appear to have the three largest cities on earth in the charts with so many people in them?
That was the respected opinion of High Preist Keygen.
[This message has been edited by Keygen (edited October 06, 2000).]
Assyrian Inperialy Gurards unit caputured and killed German Slaver on deep assyrian territory, thus we fulffil the German order to killed all enemy slavers units, so we expecting recognition the just act. His Eminence Creator speak highly of changes The King Thor opinions about Dur Sarakin city, now his words more softly, and them can be considered. The great assyrians Council, soon should make decision in this question... [in one or two next turns ]
45 to Our Great Black Brother.
Turn to Aaginor
Indeed - the thoughs of Melkor - The Dark Lord of war, anger and mistrusts - have spread his wings over the northern part of the world.
We - the Zulu High Priest Council - has had a deep discussion on this matter.
Though we are pleased with our government most of the times - and we do know what's best and all agree to that - then Aegnor left this meeting with anger.
I - Shaka, High Pries of Wisdom, condemn the Assyrian. But only if the rumors, that they have made an aggressive act upon a neighbor, is true.
Aegnor was ready to cancel the alliance with the Assyrians at once. He took a horse and left right out to his garrison without signing the referandum from tonights meeting.
On the other hand - I, Shaka, and other wise men - wish to strenght the ties between our countries and enjoy the wisdom from the Great Creator.
[This message has been edited by TheBirdMan (edited October 07, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by TheBirdMan (edited October 07, 2000).]First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
(turn 46 > ctpshav@entermail.net)
We have no words from the assyrians about our embassy. Do you agree, or not?
So we told our diplomat to wait for another day (turn). If we won't get any message from Creator, we will establish the embassy.
Aaginor, Warrior King of the JapaneseVisit my Band-Homepage www.lostinnocence.de
Turn -> Keygen
I bring dire news from Germany. Today as I walked past the King's room, I saw Lord Thor sitting on his chair with all the candles out. He seemed distant and sad as he sat in the gloomy darkness and toyed with his sword distractedly.
The news of the slaughter of the German Explorers had reached Berlin and spread like wildfire. There was great anger in everyones eyes, yet I would not have been as frightened as I am now, if a eery silence had not fallen onto the city. It seems that the German people are either swallowing their pride or reppressing their rage.
King Thor himself had suffered a great and tragic loss, for his daughter was among the explorers who were butchered by the Assyrian hordes. His dreams of seeing her married to the Zulu King Shaka, now broken.
People cried silently as they found out about the King's grief, yet little did they know, that things wrere indeed worse than they seemed.
I overheard a messenger talking to the King. It appears, that one of the Samurai Armies found the Assyrians were actually massing troops near the German border and trying to fortify their new city. This is inspite of the fact that the 3 turn ultimatum of the King had ended this turn.
King Thor screamed at the messenger,
"Those fools!!! All they seem to want is WAR! .. Instead of Leaving our land they are fortifying MORE troops!! How much can I stand?!! Why must they test my patience Like this !! .. Why!? "
Despite the German efforts at reaching a solution to the problems, it appears the Assyrians have their mind set of escalating this conflict.
Killing of an Innocent Explorer is a war crime. He had engaged in no slaving activity whatsoever!
The Assyrians are massing more troops near our border and attempting to fortify their city within our land. It appears they do not seem to be considering our proposal to leave, but instead using the 3 turns we had given them to build up their weapons stockpile. The 3 turns are now up, and the Assyrians have shown no signs of leaving.
King Thor
"First was the Japanese. Now the Germans! It seems that Creator's appetite is getting bigger as time pasts. Who's next, Creator? The Zulus?
Be careful Aegnor of the Slaughterer as YOU ARE NEXT!
You must know that no Japanese and no Germans means no Zulus too."
Hight Priest Keygen.
Turn 46 to Creator the Plague of Middle East.
Due to the new war, I - HighPriest Shaka - has asked HighPries Aegnor to return from his "choosen exile" to take full command over the Zulu forces.
He will be allowed dictatorship for 10 seasons. All his orders will be accomplished.
Shaka - spokesman for the Zulu Counsil of HighPiests.
First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
Turn 46 send:
THe King Thor, have agressive intention and blocked my defensive unit near city DurSarakin, but i must defend it for all cost. The best Defence is Attack, so I must killed the agresor unit...
To Aaginor: I give you my permission, but your emisary, after the diplomatic act, should go back to Japan...
[This message has been edited by Krzysztof (edited October 11, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Krzysztof (edited October 11, 2000).]
(turn 47 to ctpshav@entermail.net)
We established our embassy in the assyran kingdom. Aaginor hopes, that this will improve the relationship between the assyrans and the japanese.Visit my Band-Homepage www.lostinnocence.de
Leaders of the World. The Assyrians have commited 4 acts of war against us so far, and we have commited none. Bear witness that we haven't launched a single attack.
THe King Thor, have agressive intention and blocked my defensive unit near city DurSarakin
I ask you all, is blocking an aggressive move? Blocking is a PURELY defensive move. I was protecting my land. There is nothing aggressive about blocking. However, here is a list of the crimes the Assyrians have commited against us so far.
1) Killed An innocent Explorer headed to the Zulu lands.
2) Attacked one of my Samurai armies while it was offgaurd.
3) Enslaved two communited of German Farmers, until we finally found the Assyrian Slave trader and put him to trial for commiting crimes against humanity!
We cannot stand this any more. It is a shame that all the other countries of this world stand by and let the Assyrians, rape, pillage and burn smaller weaker nations. Enough!
Assyrians: If you wish to bring peace, then you initiate talks, I have had enough of chatter, now its time to use the sword!King Thor