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World Scenario Turn Post Part II

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  • #61
    He, who lives and moves silent, has a long life.

    Order has been restored to Zululand. Long live ERU, the creator of this world and the Ainurs, his children.

    My name is now Aegnor, HighPriest of the Zulus.

    Turn to Maestro.
    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



    • #62
      The land of Assyria is an essential area, a crossroad between Europe, Africa and Far East. Their position is unfortunately or hopefully in the middle of the rest.
      This fact generates expansion and growth problems to the Assyrians as the other nations of the greater area grow and expanding, bounding the Assyrians advance.
      Therefor Proper Creator leader of the Assyrians has the main responsibility for the stability in the area. But the others have also some portion on it and may not take advantage of it against Creator.
      I suggest to split the lands between you NOW or you might split them at a later time with WAR.

      As for the "lost" units they probably still exist and can't see them. They might have became "phantom" units. This has been done in the past and can be undone only from another player. So I suggest to pass over your turn to a neutral player (me or Shavlor) to open your turn, find your "lost" units and move them to a new location so to reveal them. Just tell the type of the units.

      I salute the rise of the High Priest Aegnor to the absolute rule of the Zulu Lands!

      Those was the words of the respected High Priest Keygen.

      Turn 38 to Creator.

      [This message has been edited by Keygen (edited September 12, 2000).]


      • #63
        Turn 38 to TheBirdMan

        Thanks Keygen, in the next turn I will personally attempt to search my lost [meybe phantom] units...


        • #64
          Krzysztof, I suggest you ask the other players if they ever saw a message saying that the Japanese gone to war with the Assyrians. They never did.
          As for your units missing, I am not responsible for that.
          As for the emotions, I don't like being called a liar.
          [This message has been edited by Maestro (edited September 12, 2000).]
          veni vidi PWNED!


          • #65
            Turn to Maestro.

            My diplomat (hmm... diplomat?) crossing mountains and rivers, he continues to investigate the vast steps in the northern territory.

            To the leaders of Japan and Assyria: Pls use cultivated language. No stones in your gloves when you are slipping each others cheeks. That's how war is starting!

            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



            • #66
              turn 39 -> Shavlor
              veni vidi PWNED!


              • #67
                Foreign Minister Reverend Samuel J. Jonhson to Proper Creator:
                There was no rumor (message) about war between Japanese and Assyrians.
                I guess that the temporary Dictatorship (AI) is responsible for the disappearance of the units.


                • #68
                  Turn 39 ---> Keygen


                  • #69
                    The holy Assyrian empire officially declare war with Japan, but it is not a great crusade, because We have only a small teritorialy claims...

                    Turn --> 39 to TheBirdMan: My diplomat wait on the border for entry permission. Can you him ensure safety ?


                    • #70
                      Yes, he can pass.

                      Our National Guards to the North has been ordered to fortify.

                      As a sign of trust, I hereby offer an exchange of maps. By this, I reveal the positions of my secret informers
                      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                      • #71
                        Sure - all will meet again.

                        In another world - in another place.

                        Salute to Maesto.

                        And now serious:

                        Are the Assyrian going to conqour rest of Japan? If so, then I, ruler of the Zulus, has to watch my steps very carefully.

                        No turn send as this is a "sidekick".
                        [This message has been edited by TheBirdMan (edited September 15, 2000).]
                        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                        • #72
                          Turn 40 --> Arthur


                          • #73
                            Ever since I accepted the government of the Japanese people, the Assyrians have consistently treated the Japanese territory as their own.
                            With the fall of the city of Yokohama into Assyrian hands, it has become clear that all my efforts to protect the Japanese people from the Assyrians have failed.
                            I hereby resign from my position of leader of the Japanese.
                            I wish you all good luck on your quest for glory, and maybe we will meet again on another world.

                            (turn 40 sent to Shavlor)
                            veni vidi PWNED!


                            • #74
                              Message to Maesto, the honourable ruler of Japan:

                              His Eminence Creator salut you !

                              You most wisely ruled, but unfortunately you receive Japanese empire in very bad condition and you not has suitably amount of time for change the difficult situation. Your soldiers put up strong resistance, but our elitary forces was too strong for them and finally captured City Yokohama, after most bloody battle...

                              With kindnest regards... Commander-in-chief Genreal Antares.
                              [This message has been edited by Krzysztof (edited September 15, 2000).]


                              • #75
                                Hey guys ! Why the game is stoped ?

