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Lung's Fast PBEM - part 2

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  • #76
    Hmmm... The barbarians managed to get my mounted archer as well. I obviously wasn't able to tactically withdraw quite fast enough

    What happened to the Romans???

    Turn Sent


    • #77
      Turn 52 to Jon


      • #78

        If there is a seat free, and if the other players will allow me in - I'll love to take over when I'm back from France 6.november 2000.

        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



        • #79
          Turn 53 to Don
          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
          - Anon


          • #80
            I'm back! Yeah, i think The Birdman could take over Shavlor's civ - at least until such time as he returns (if ever).

            Turn 54 not yet received by me.


            • #81
              Turn 54 to Jon


              • #82
                Turn 54 to Don.

                Oh dear! We aren't going in for the old rough and tumble this early are we Lung?

                You really are such an aggressive neighbour but I had so very much hoped that you would have put such things behind you.
                “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                - Anon


                • #83
                  You stick to your swamps, and i'll stick to mine Besides, you started it

                  I know it's only a piece of paper to you, Jon, but i still consider us to be at peace, brother!


                  • #84
                    Turn 53 to Jon


                    • #85
                      Turn 55 to Don.

                      Then why dear neighbour have you upped your War Readiness when you are encamped upon my border? Also we do not have a Peace Treaty as you rejected the one that I offered you!
                      “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                      - Anon


                      • #86
                        Turn 56 to Don
                        “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                        - Anon


                        • #87
                          Are you causing trouble again, St. Jon? It appears that the slave curse has extended it's evil hand throughout the world ! Shame on you, O' evil one!


                          • #88
                            Hey, what's all this wierd **** happening in this game? Okay, so the message that Paul is building/is finishing Stonehenge was in German - no big deal. But i had one of those little icon thingies telling me that Darwin's build queue was empty. Darwin?!!? F&*%ing DARWIN?!! Where the bloody hell is Darwin?? It ain't in my civ! Not that you'd find any cities in my civ with such a strange name

                            This also brings up the question of my military readiness - a problem that has appeared in more than one of my games. In "On Alert" status, your units are supposed to appear, not at full strength, but at the minimum level of green. However, in this game, "On Alert" makes me appear yellow, which is like a red rag to a bull to St. Jon Now that my units are green again, i will reduce my military readiness to "On Alert" in hope that they will stay green.

                            All these anomalies make me look like a trouble-maker, but it's all Craptivision's fault, not mine!


                            • #89
                              Turn 56 to Jon.

                              Who has been taking slaves from Arnhem? Was that you, Lung? It's bad enough that you're building a city on my land, but don't you also start taking slaves.


                              • #90
                                Turn 57 to Jon

