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Just bought CtP, what next?

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  • Just bought CtP, what next?

    erm, played against computer a few times, anyone fancy a game?

  • #2
    Hello Bulldog,

    Greetings from America!

    My personal opinion is that the only way to play Call to Power is PBEM. The CTP Artificial Intelligence is more "artificial" than "intelligent", and the time-consuming multiplayer real-time games, while interesting, just don't seem to get popular (and the rhythm is just not right).

    Let us all know how well you do against the AI, and you are more than welcome to be "rated" in CTP PBEM. See the CTP Multiplayer topics "CTP PBEM Ratings and Rankings" and "PBEM Ladders?" for more details. The rated aspect adds a fresh dimension to the game.

    If you haven't already done so, you should install the CTP 1.2 patch in order to play by e-mail.

    Regards, Quinns


    • #3
      Net play is cool also. The server listing is built into the multiplayer section of the game. Just get online, load up the game, and hit multiplayer from the start screen. The calif12, igames, and nl servers are the most active. While you could play with as many as 8 players, you can only start a game with 4. The other 4 have to start as AI civs and the players jump into game after launch. I must say big games are slow, I prefer one on one. The game is much more challenging than playing agaist the computer.
      "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


      • #4
        Ok, I'll download the 1.2 patch and try some PBEM, but I also fancy a multiplayer 1 v 1, anyone interested?


        • #5
          IMO AI isn't to weak, as I haven't even beat the Emperor level, but I like the PBEM. I don't think it can substitute playing vs. AI - on weekends and in evenings I might have lots of free time, but PBEM games are slow. Then it's the right time to either:
          1) Start a game vs. CTP AI
          2) Start a game in AoE2
          3) Shut down Windows, go to Linux and do something there.
          So, slow speed of PBEM is it's only drawback, while real-time multiplayer games, unlike ones in AoE2, take lots of time and are quite boring, while you wait for your enemy to do the turn, so I wouldn't suggest playing in real-time. If you want real-time, better buy AoE2.

          Solver -
          Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
          Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
          I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

