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Penguin (Linux) PBEM - call for players

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  • Penguin (Linux) PBEM - call for players

    I know Dattler's using the Linux version, but I don't know how many others are. Since there's a bug in the compatibility between Windows and Linux versions, I'd like to try to get a game going with just Linux players.

    I've never played multiplayer CTP before, but I can beat the Deity AI (assuming a not-too-unlucky start). I'm also a bit rusty (haven't played CTP seriously for a few months).

    I'm in US/Eastern (GMT-5 once daylight savings time ends), and can usually play turns in the evenings (0000-0400 GMT) and on weekends. I'm flexible as far as nations and settings go (I tend to prefer "normal" settings for the most part, but I'm willing to experiment with whatever is suggested).

    Advice from experienced PBEM players is welcome.

    Please respond here, or mail me at

  • #2
    Hey cool Gregurabi !
    this are news i´m looking for.
    we are three (linux-civs) and looking for the fourth player.
    do not worry about your civ-skills. AI is not getting more I(ntelligent) with harder gamesettings. There are just items like citicens content rate and start positions. HI is the thing to compare with.

    I would like to join and suggest a fast start with three or five settlers and a small world with maybe 7 landmass to meet soon others on the map (and get some diplomatic play). but any settings will be good for me.
    do you think we should wait for more players than four?(I have waited long)


    • #3
      On a small world, 4 human players should be just about right, I'd think. (Also, from looking at some of the other game threads, the larger the number of players, the larger the chance of a game stalling when someone finds himself suddenly unable to play for a week or a month.)

      Who are the other 2?


      • #4
        dattler has dug up two Linux players; we now have four players and will be starting this game shortly.

        I'm going to create a new thread called "Penguin (Linux) PBEM - Turn Sequence", to avoid confusion. Turns should be posted there.

        The players, according to dattler's list:

        [This message has been edited by Gregurabi (edited November 02, 2000).]

