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Fixed Diplomatic Game

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  • #31
    Hey Stavros, have you next turned and passed the game on to the next player?

    messed up Stavros's name

    [This message has been edited by King Thor (edited September 21, 2000).]
    King Thor


    • #32
      So what can we do about it?

      Very simple to me. We all have ICQ, haven't we?
      So if you send the turn, send an ICQ-Message the same time to the one you send the turn to ...

      Visit my Band-Homepage


      • #33
        OK, NOW I'm up to my 5th email for turn 0

        Turn to


        • #34
          Turn 1 to King Thor....


          • #35
            Turn 1 -> Shaka of the Zulus!


            Am I fast or what?

            Also, I'd like to inform all of you that I have contacted TheBirdMan by private message and asked him to replace KeyGen, either permanently or atelast until we figure out which aliens abducted him.
            [This message has been edited by King Thor (edited September 22, 2000).]
            King Thor


            • #36
              Little Shakas moving
              With god along river...
              Little Shakas not go haunted ruins...
              Little Shakas too weak...

              Turn 1 -> bil
              (What is the situation with bilhq anyway?)


              • #37
                Thor ask Big Shaka,
                why his little shaka weak?
                Why send he, little shaka undefended.
                Barbarian, may not like little shaka.

                Dont know whats the deal with bil. I hope his game doesn't crash this time. If it does, we'll have to find another player, because the problem may be persistent. .. I sure hope everything goes smoothly on his turn.
                King Thor


                • #38
                  As I posted already, I am available. Temporarily or for the rest of the game.

                  Visit my Band-Homepage


                  • #39
                    Yes, Aaginor. We know we can count on you!

                    Here's the deal everyone.

                    Keygen - gone, disappeared, without a trace, word is out that he has given even the CIA the slip ==> I have asked TheBirdMan to take over his civ, I'm hoping for a positive reply, but lets see what happens.

                    billhq - trying to play, but last turn civ-CTP was dying on him every time he opened the map, this problem was ONLY with this game for him. He will try to open it and run it again, if it works, great, if it doesn't the problem could be persistent. ==> Aaginor has offered to take over from billhq if the game doesn't work on bill's computer.

                    Thats potentially 2 players that will be replaced.

                    Keygen => thebirdMan
                    billhq?? => Aaginor
                    King Thor


                    • #40
                      I'm in.

                      Woodstock was here!
                      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                      • #41
                        Glad to hear it Bird Man!! ... Welcome, and Good Luck!


                        Stavros: Give billhq 24 hours, after that send the turn on to Aaginor. I have had a similar problem to billhq's and I can tell you from experience that the chances are that he will not be able to play the turn. (Ofcourse I hope thats not hte case) .. either way, let aaginor play this turn.. if billhq shows up and says that he got the map working we can let him retake control of his civ.
                        King Thor


                        • #42
                          OK, I am back!
                          Sorry guys but I am experiensing great problems with my phone line. I actually couldn't even get online to inform you about it. I am off the work for a week or so and I can't get online from there either. I finally got to a friend of mine who went back from vacation, so I am able to post this message to you. I will go to work at Monday so I would be able to play normally then. In the meanwhile send me turn 1 and I will try to open my email from my friend if he have the time and play it, but if I haven't do so in 12 hours then pass it to TheBirdMan. Thanks for the good words for my scenario and sorry for the delay I have caused . And I hope Bilhq to overpass the problem with his turn.


                          • #43
                            Glad to hear you're alive man!

                            TheBirdMan: Thanks a lot for accepting to sub for Keygen. I really appreciated it.
                            King Thor


                            • #44
                              I'm not sure where we're at anymore. Which turn are we at? Who's turn is it? Who is substituting for who? Am I supposed to forward a turn to someone or something?????
                              Could we repost the turn list with the correct players and email addresses???
                              [This message has been edited by Stavros (edited September 24, 2000).]


                              • #45

                                I just get Bills turn an had to figure out, that the problem seems to be the gamesave itself, for I encountered the same problem as bill. Here's the situation:
                                First thing, I realized when I opened the game was a small non-black dot on my radar map, far away from my starting point. I checked this out and found, that there is a 3x3 square visible, like there was a unit with 1 sightradius. I wondered about that and did the turn, anyway.
                                Then I hit the end-button. At 50 Percent of the saving progress, the game simply crashed with an unexpected error. I tried again, and tried to save the game via the normal Save-Option. Same result. And, same to bill, all other PBEM-games running correctly.
                                So here my setting: CtP 1.2 (german version), no other mods applied. Win98.
                                I will send the turn to The Bird Man, that he can try to play this turn. But one think makes me wondering. How could Stavros save the game??? So I tried it the same way he did. Loading the game, pressing End-Button. And: Game crashed again. Maybe I NEED to install the scenario? But then, how can play King Thor even without the scenario?
                                Mysteries, mysteries, mysteries ...


                                (BTW: Didn't you overdo a bit with the goods?)
                                Visit my Band-Homepage

