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Fixed Diplomatic Game

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  • #16
    OK. When I get home (in a few hours) I'll open and next turn. This will also show if I have the same problem as bilhq. I'll sent the turn along to keep the game moving. In the meantime we can try to solve the problem in some other way...


    • #17
      Greetings ...

      If you agree, I'd like to substitute Bill for a while (of course, only if bill agrees). Just tell me, if or not and what I have to modify / install for this one.

      Visit my Band-Homepage


      • #18
        We'll Next turn for now, because Bill requested it, but thanks for the offer Aaginor...
        OK Turn Sent...


        • #19
          Lets plan for the next turn for billhq. Where is he anyway? Haven't heard from him.

          Assuming he doesn't get CTP working by his next turn, we'll need a permanent replacement for his civ.
          King Thor


          • #20
            ok. I still trying to figure out what happen to my CTP.
            I can play turn from Fly High group so far.
            But for this turn I have one unexplained situation.
            I can open the turn, play it but when i press N or END Button or Save, the game just quit without giving any comment neither saved game.
            I use NT4 and install only 1.2 patch.
            I don't modificate anything to may Civ CTP yet, couse i'm lack of C programing.
            Any suggestion?


            • #21

              I've emailed you with my experience with the same problem. Like I said, I still dont know how to fix it, and from all I know its map specific, and persistent. How about Conquer map? Is that working fine for you? Because if it is, your problem sounds exactly like mine. One map is somehow just not working on your current comp.
              King Thor


              • #22
                I still wait for my first turn, but probably in first must to take places all necessairy bio and geological evolutonions...


                • #23
                  Do we have a 24 hour rule in this game?
                  King Thor


                  • #24
                    OK... Sending my 5th email for turn someone called .....


                    • #25
                      Stavros: The person you are emailing to, is Keygen. The guy who created the map. Why have you had to email 5 times to him? Is the mail bouncing? Is he having trouble with the map? Whats going on?

                      I'm getting kind of annoyed. Not at anyone in particular, but it seems like ALL the games I'm in are having some sort of problem or the other. Playing 1 turn a week for a game is not my idea of fun. This is a small nice game (in number of players), I'm hoping to atleast have "this" game go fast.

                      I vote, we setup a 24 hour rule. I know, I know. I'm probably being a ***** about this, but lets do this, I'm willing to subject myself to the same time slice, so lets all do it.

                      For Keygen. Since this is his first turn. I say we give him till 15:00 .. 21st, and then we next turn his civ too.

                      For billhq, he has expressed his concern over not being able to play over the weekends, we'll try as much as possible to get him his turn over the weekend, and in the case that it is on the weekend, I think we should make that one exception, provided he plays it quickly on monday.
                      King Thor


                      • #26
                        OK OK, it was only my 4th post , 2 to the original, and twice once I "Next Turned".
                        I'm in full agreement with the 24 hour rule. AS LONG as the turn-sent message is posted here, and after the 24 hours, the turn is re-sent to the AWOL player, as well as the Next Turn, to the next player. This still gives the player a chance to play his turn. Email failures are somehow too common here.
                        I probably could have explained that better, but do you get my drift?


                        • #27
                          Stavros: Okay. I agree with you, However I have something to add to that.

                          After 24 hours, we send the turn once again to the missing player as well as "next" it and send it to the next player. We can only accept the missing players turn if he manages to play it and pass it on to the next player before the player after him has already played.

                          for instance.
                          Players a,b,c,d.

                          a : turn -> b
                          b is missing for 24 hours.
                          a: send email again to b
                          next turn & turn -> c

                          Now player b must play his turn and pass it to player c, before player c finishes playhing his turn and passes turn to d.

                          Good. Also we better find a sub for keygen. It seems like Keygen has disappeared ..
                          King Thor


                          • #28
                            Thats wat I said

                            Yes, The problem being that 24 hours can go by, before someone realises that the turn hasn't been sent to him. If you (like me) are in a lot of games, it can sometimes take a long time to wade through all of the threads, to see if you are missing a turn (especially if the Apolyton server is slow).


                            • #29
                              Ahhh... You're right of course.... but I think what we've suggested should be enough. It all takes time. I could devote my whole life to playing PBEM, but It would be a bit of a waste


                              • #30
                                Tell you what guys. IM ing the person through ICQ can be used optionally( not required) . I agree that this should be enough.

                                Stavros: Keygen has less than 2 hours left, remember to next his turn and pass it on to the next player if you dont hear from him. Also lets find a good replacement for him. Its strange that he left since he is the one that put so much work into making the map and all. Wierd..

                                Anyone of you know a good role playing kind of PBEMer in one of the other games, who plays turns quick? Lets get him/her ..
                                King Thor

