Turn 86 --> Sophanthro
No announcement yet.
Demosthenes Semi Acc Part II
It was ordered today that all Inca lands and Cities were to be ceded to the Roman Empire. Some have suggested that this was due to an unnatural affection for horse-flesh on the part of the High Priest but this is untrue. A Llama offers a far more comfortable ride, in all senses of the word!
Executor of The Inca.
Emperor Caligula of the Romans has accepted High Priest Jon's invitation to bring Inca's cities under the protective wing of the Roman Empire after their unfortunate decline into barbarism caused by the current power vacuum...
Rome has no quarrel with the Assyrians over this matter and is merely carrying out the wishes of her former Ally - if Assyrian forces reach an Inca city before Roman forces, we will not press the issue...
Turn 87--> Sophanthro
The Assyrian army has liberated the barbarian cities of Cuzco and Machu Picchu. It seems that the last cruel act of the Inca was to attempt to starve their own people to death! We found that all forms of food production had been deliberately shut down. Our first act, after removing military resistance was to feed the people, and they are again happy.
We intend to continue saving formerly Inca cities with all haste.
We see that our friend Demosthenes has sent warships to the region, and while we appreciate his concern, we wish to tell you that we have the situation well in hand. We request that you keep the ships away from the coast, for we have our own ships in the immediate area taking military action against the barbarians, and it would be tragic if they were to get caught in the crossfire.
To Mobius, we wish to say that we are appreciative of his understanding of the need for Assyria to continue to save the former Inca people from the barbarians.
As we now share another border, we will strive to keep our relations friendly!
King Rick
Turn 88 ==> Mobius
The Welsh hear the demise of the Incan people, and fell sympathy for their pain and suffering.
If only their leader had not cashed his chips so soon, and in more ways than one.
I am hopeful that King Rick can liberate the tortured Incan souls soon enough, and any assistance needed in this task shall be yours.
Turn 88--> Sophanthro
The last two Inca-Barbarian cities have now been liberated, and the starving citizenry within are being cared for.
It was pitiful how they had been mistreated, but Assyrian Red Cross have set up facilities to feed the people, and they are already quite happy.
Thank you to Demosthenes for his offer of help during these trying times. Luckily, the famine was not for want of food production, so no international effort will be needed to avert the crisis.
This is the time for Assyria to turn our attention to wheat and not munitions! The people must be fed!
King Rick