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New PBEM Game

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  • #16
    Civ: Assyria
    Leader name: Creator


    • #17
      I don't use viagra - the name is Wiagra.

      But you saw it - I like to play with the language. I'm pretty god in danish and practice in english.
      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



      • #18

        I wanted to play Indians!! Waaaah! Doh! sob sob! Waaah!

        sniff! sniff!

        Okay, me take Germans then.

        Leader of Germans shall be Thor

        oh.. BTW, this is my first PBEM game, so instructions will be appreciated. Also, my email would be , at the moment my internet service is down, I'll call and scream at them, lets see if I can get it back up. I'll let you know once its working.

        Time zone: US east coast. I can play every evening. (extra info so that game can move faster) . Also, what patches, mods should I get. Right now I have stock game with 1.2 patch.

        --- Sorry, just thought I should add some extra info ---
        [This message has been edited by King Thor (edited September 06, 2000).]
        King Thor


        • #19
          One more then....

          Well, I could be Viking (Hagar and the Blacksmith, see other treads).

          I want to (I will) make a "person-gallery" and a leader/civ, that's my "own" - but I have not yet decided if this should be Viking or Indians.

          I might choose if "someone" pushes me.

          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



          • #20
            "I might choose if "someone" pushes me."

            *nudge* *push* *push*... *shove*

            King Thor


            • #21
              just kidding with the viagra...

              anyway my email should be
              the other one sometimes to slow to DL.

              and my time is GMT +7 and i cannot play on weekend. Info, just to make our game faster

              happy digging

              [This message has been edited by bilhq (edited September 06, 2000).]


              • #22
                Ok Thor, you can have the Indians. Leadername still Thor?

                I've found something from Silmarillion (stories from the and 2.nd age of Tolkiens, before Hobitten and Lord of the Rings) that I can use from now and in all new games.

                Civ? Well I think I must choose some of the defaults - I'll take the Cubans (and use my own city names).

                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                • #23
                  Civ: Romans
                  Leader: Caesar


                  • #24
                    Looks Like Billhq should get one of the first turns or the last turns. Because when its gonna be morning here, its gonna be night in Indonesia. and vice versa

                    BTW, billhq. I've been to Indonesia some time ago nice place. I remember one drink I had.. cant remember the exact name... it was "something coco susu". It was a sweet coconut milk drink. Heavenly!

                    and Yes, the Civ leader shall remain Thor.
                    King Thor


                    • #25
                      If there's still an opening here, I'd like to join in.
                      Email :-
                      Time zone = GMT
                      Civ = Spanish
                      Leader = Touplov


                      • #26
                        Okay so lets get this game going? Whats the hold up? My internet conenction is also up again, so make the mail account

                        Lets get the game moving already.

                        Also I installed the following right now:
                        1.21 Hack
                        CD Mod 4.22
                        AAIPS 1.0 (CD Mod version)..

                        We're all using these three right?

                        [This message has been edited by King Thor (edited September 07, 2000).]
                        King Thor


                        • #27

                          TheBirdMan - Cuban - ?????? (just finding out) -
                          Krzysztof – Assyria - Creator -
                          King Thor - India - Thor -
                          bilhq - Indonesia - Gajah Mada -
                          Vanni – Romans – Ceasar -
                          Krash – Spanish – Touplov -

                          Hope for 1 or 2 more during the day.

                          The game are nearly working. Settlers and advances ok, but I have trouble to find the right key for PW.

                          Game will be launced about 17:00-18:00 hours GMT today.
                          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                          • #28
                            If still looking I be the America. (-7GMT)
                            My e-mail address is


                            • #29
                              TheBirdMan [the true Creator ]- It is Cool !

                              King Thor: I think, that you must uninstal CD Mod and AAIPS, because the mods casses error in standart PBM games

                              [This message has been edited by Krzysztof (edited September 08, 2000).]


                              • #30

                                "King Thor: I think, that you must uninstal CD Mod and AAIPS, because the mods casses error in standart PBM games "

                                .... *sigh* .. .. Okay. Thanks Krzysztof
                                .. I'll just uninstall CTP, and reinstall it without mods.

                                So now this is what I'll have:

                                CTP with 1.2 update
                                and 1.21 hack

                                Is that fine? No CD mod, and AAIPS. cool?

                                oh and Arthur!

                                post info on what civ you want and what the name of your civs leader is. So that BirdMan can get set up the game to include you.

                                [This message has been edited by King Thor (edited September 08, 2000).]
                                King Thor

