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burchill PBEM 2nd posting

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  • Turn 53 --> MOBIUS

    Rome, and the rest of the world wait to hear the great Creator's thoughts on the multi-nation proposal for peace between Assyria and Greece



    • I'm not sure, Can I make Peace with Mobius ?
      It is very dangerous, because Greek not respect the previous pace treatly, and sneakly attack the Assyrian Holly empire, but now my noble friends: Romans and Russian urge me to do it. So I will make an exception for they and will sign Pace with Greeks, but only if Mobius the Snake, will send me sum of gold for war reparations [min 500g].


      • Where is the #!*#@! turn?????? The turn rate on this game is #@*!!# pathetic!!

        Who has it and why haven't you played it????


        [This message has been edited by Rick Elkins (edited July 27, 2000).]


        • I not receive turn from Mobius... It is sabotage ?


          • OK, I'll email Mobius. But I know from another game that he's gone until tomorrow (Sunday).

            Creator, it would speed things up in the future if you would let him know when you don't get the turn. Thanks.


            • Creator, I had already sent the twice (I know it got blocked once!) and have been on holiday since - I actually don't really have the time on my hands as I've just dropped out of 'World'. It was too slow anyway...

              The Greeks are basically in an untenable position, mostly due to the fact that the World is FLAT! And therefore, I've nowhere to expand - so I'm calling it a day...

              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


              • turn 53 to Jon


                • Turn to Rick.

                  As I explained in my email to all concerned I no longer wish to participate in this game. I have no long term interest and unless a replacement can be found quickly I would ask that The Russians be put under the stewardship of the AI.



                  • I'm ready to jump in for anyone - at least until I'm in 8-10 game at the same time.

                    As it is now - there are days where I get no turns from any of the 4 games, that I join right now.
                    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                    • Turn to MOBIUS


                      • I sorry guys, I now to go on a short vacation, [05-15th Aug], if you can find any replacement for me, I will be very gateful...

