Well the wait is over. I have finally uploaded the site I have been working on for the past mounth. Its address is http://shavlor.virtualave.net
Here is a list of things it can do
1st: It has a complete forum. This forum is meant for my tournament and hopefully some PBEM games in the near future.
2nd: A list of all the players who have signed up. So far not many but hell I just put the site on the Web.
3rd: Tagging threads: This means that if you are only intreasted in one or two threads you can tag them. And if anyone other than yourselve posts or edits it or any reply to it( or reply to a reply) it will message you.
4th: Secure messaging to players: Not really anything great ICQ is much better but it was a easy feature to add. And it was needed for the Tagging of threads anyway.
5th: Detailed profiles of each user. Equiped with the ability to have other people write profiles about you.
6th: User based Voting system: Meaning when a issue comes up that needs voting on you can only vote once on it. It requires a username and password when voting.
7th: Orignal tournament infomation now linked to profiles. When you sign up I will link your username listed in the tournament to your profile.
8th: Members must follow the rules: When signing up you must accept a set of rules if you break them you may be kicked out for good.(depends on the offense)
9th: Coming soon: A great Flash based CowBoy game where you can shot bad guys full of lead.
10th: Promised updates: I will do my best to constantly update my site and make it better and better.
Thats all for now.
If you find any bugs please post them here or email them to me.
If you have any pressing questions about my site post them he otherwise message the ADMIN on my site.
Last note: When you post, sign up, etc... I log you IP # so don't do anything stupid.
Here is a list of things it can do
1st: It has a complete forum. This forum is meant for my tournament and hopefully some PBEM games in the near future.
2nd: A list of all the players who have signed up. So far not many but hell I just put the site on the Web.
3rd: Tagging threads: This means that if you are only intreasted in one or two threads you can tag them. And if anyone other than yourselve posts or edits it or any reply to it( or reply to a reply) it will message you.
4th: Secure messaging to players: Not really anything great ICQ is much better but it was a easy feature to add. And it was needed for the Tagging of threads anyway.
5th: Detailed profiles of each user. Equiped with the ability to have other people write profiles about you.

6th: User based Voting system: Meaning when a issue comes up that needs voting on you can only vote once on it. It requires a username and password when voting.
7th: Orignal tournament infomation now linked to profiles. When you sign up I will link your username listed in the tournament to your profile.
8th: Members must follow the rules: When signing up you must accept a set of rules if you break them you may be kicked out for good.(depends on the offense)
9th: Coming soon: A great Flash based CowBoy game where you can shot bad guys full of lead.
10th: Promised updates: I will do my best to constantly update my site and make it better and better.
Thats all for now.
If you find any bugs please post them here or email them to me.
If you have any pressing questions about my site post them he otherwise message the ADMIN on my site.
Last note: When you post, sign up, etc... I log you IP # so don't do anything stupid.
