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New PBEM game (good players for gigantic game)

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  • #31
    Pin It was only my sugestions, yours preferences is good for me too
    1.2hack file recomended but not recuired.

    [This message has been edited by Krzysztof (edited July 04, 2000).]


    • #32
      my votes:
      dry=0 wet=10 - i vote 8
      cold=0 warm=10 - i vote 7
      island=0 continent=10 - i vote 4
      land=0 ocean=10 - i vote 5
      diverse=0 uniform=10 - i vote 7
      min_goods=0 max_goods=10 - i vote 7
      and definitely max barbarians

      those are the settings i normally use with the med pack 3 and i've not had a major problem with them on a huge map. i would like to use the Nordicius trade goods pack 1.4 since it does make things a bit more interesting game wise but if that's to much then i won't complain.


      • #33
        I vote with Pin on the choice of worlds, that sounds about right to me!

        I've never played with the trade pack but if the general consensus is that we should, then I'm quite happy to do so.


        • #34
          My votes meybe looks little radical, but my exsperience demonstration, that such World paradoxically more realistic than if the seting was more balanced... especially if you set low value in archipelago-continet the land will be very strange


          • #35
            I think i will start the game today (no interest from other players).
            EVERYONE hve to dowload and install the semi_acc and read the helpme file to understand the features of this file.

            how to use:

            Important note:
            To Play this Scenario in a PBEM game follow these instructions:

            1.When you recieve your turn place it in a saved game folder

            2.Start Ctp and load the quicker scenario

            3.Once the scenario is loaded, go to options and load the email game
            you placed in your save game file.

            This only needs to be done for the first 5 turns, on turn 5 anyone can
            simply load the game by double clicking on it. The first player to do
            so we see SLIC errors which may cause the game messages to look funny
            but this will only occur once and only for the player who first drops
            the scenario on that turn.

            playing order:

            1. Pin - norway + 1gmt
            2. Krzysztof - poland +1 gmt
            3. Stavros - germany +1 gmt
            4. Krash - england 0 gmt
            5. Martock - usa - 5 gmt

            my suggestion for settings if no one have any major problems with it:

            Dry=0 Wet=10; I vote 8,
            Cold=0 Warm=10; I vote 7
            archipelago=0 continet=10; I vote 4
            land=0 ocean=10; I vote 6
            diverse=0 unify=10; I vote 5
            min_goods=0 max_goods=10; I vote 5
            max barbs, deity, gigantic map.

            i was hoping everyone could get online at the same time 1 day this week to play 10-20 turns fast. (i can anytime this week)post times you can in this forum asx soon as possible.

            veni, vidi, vici
            icq #51862133
            veni, vidi, vici
            icq #51862133


            • #36
              There's was something mentioned in an earlier post about CW and Granaries being "free" until the 5th turn. I couldn't find any reference to it in the doc. Does this mean if you fast buy these items, the cost will not be deducted?


              • #37
                the only time i would be able to get online and play about 10-20 turns would be this saturday around 6pm (EST or 1800 GMT) as i
                work from monday to saturday and i'll be busy
                on thursday and friday nights.

                Pin, i noticed u added me to your contact list in ICQ...i haven't logged into my system today but if u haven't already done so, could you please give me the authorization to add you to my contact list.


                • #38
                  Stavros if you select CW or Garnary improvment in 'production window'/'city menu' you should see green line under construction image, this means that the improvment sucessfuly build in next turn. It is little bug, because if some player will have bad will, hi can use it for get some gold [ sell option] , but in that case hi lost important turns too.


                  • #39
                    Saturday is really the only day that I could play several turns. Any time on Saturday is okay.

                    icq number is - 79064679.

                    Will we be getting started soon?


                    • #40
                      martock: i don't understand that time **** you write
                      you mean 18 gmt or 18 your time??

                      i will assume it is 18 gmt, i will start sending the game around now for some turns until saturday(use this as a test), then

                      we all be online at 18 gmt saturday to speed play a few turns

                      anyone hwo can't please tell me.

                      veni, vidi, vici
                      icq #51862133
                      veni, vidi, vici
                      icq #51862133


                      • #41
                        I just tried the mod and got a "cannot find string UNIT_SETTLER1" error, followed by a game crash. Is this because it wasn't in PBEM mode. I don't want to slow the game down so it's good if we can get this sorted out now. Is it a problem that I have the German version of the game? I haven't had any problems up until now, but I don't know this mod.


                        • #42
                          Pin u r right about the 18 GMT. i may or may not be able to play this coming saturday due to my lovely job. i shall let u know. as for trying the game out with the mod, i haven't done it yet but will do so once i'm off the net. hopefully there will be no problems.


                          • #43
                            Turn 0 -> .. ahhh I'm not sure... Icoodge

                            btw... I thought this was supposed to be a gigantic scenario... Why do I then wake up to find myself surrounded by my (potential) enemy (you know who you are )


                            • #44
                              stravos, i believe it's krash's turn now and exactly how did u get surrounded if this is a gigantic game??


                              • #45
                                Pin i just noticed that i don't know your email address that i'd be sending you the saved game file...could u please update me on that so when i'm done with my turn i could send it to you? thanks!

