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Alternate Players Recruitment Center

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  • Alternate Players Recruitment Center

    I'm starting this post with the intention of creating a single thread that everybody in the CTP multiplayer forum can use to advertise either their availablity for or desire to obtain alternate players for PBEM play.

    I suggest those looking for alternate players give some general details about their game (i.e. mods used, turn they are on, general description of world setup, etc.).

    I don't know if this idea has been used in the past or not but since I've been here I haven't seen anything like this so I thought I'd throw it out there and see if it catches on.

    And,.....since I've started it I might as well be the first to use it. So,.....

    Hanibal Turn Post looking for an alternate player to sub in when the need arises. We're using the Nordicus Trade Goods v1.4 in conjunction with the Apolyton Pack. At present we're still in the early stages of the game. No wonders or units excluded. If interested please email me.

  • #2 responses yet. Kinda disappointing. Well as far as my game goes the need for an alternate player has just increased. We've got a player that's apparently gone AWOL. If anybody reading this post is interested in taking his place please post a reply or better yet email me with any questions you might have and I'll send you an answer as soon as possible.


    • #3
      Hannibul, I think this is a good idea. Both for games that have lost players, and for players looking for games.

      Unfortunately I'm involved in too many games at the moment to place myself on the reserves list. But if it's still going when I have more time, then I'll be sure to let you know.


      • #4
        Looking for a player for world sceinario

        Kryztof has disapeared and we need a replacement. We have a temp so its not too urgant. If you are intrested please email me.
        We just started Kryztof was playing the Assyrians and yes its on the world map.


        • #5
          We need a player to take Krzyzstof´s place in the Worldwide PBEM game.
          No mods or patches are needed except the 1.2 patch ofcourse
          The great thing about this game is that you can play it directly from your desktop (not like scenario games where you´ve got to load ctp and a random mp game before you can play).
          Hope to hear from someone soon as it is a bit frustrationg that the game isn´t moving

          BTW: Great idea Hanibal



          • #6
            World Scenario is a scenario but it doesn't need to be loaded in single player first to play you can just double click on the turn. Single Player loading is only nessicary with Mods not scenarios.


            • #7
              I am available to stand in for either short term or intermediate length games. I have not played a PBEM game yet, so some patience may be required (although I hope not :-) ).

              I live in GMT -6 (US CST) and would only be able to take my turn during the evenings (GMT 0:30 thru GMT 6:00, I think), which might be a consideration in game flow.

              Let me know.



              • #8
                (oops, posted twice...hate that)
                [This message has been edited by TrainWreck20 (edited April 25, 2000).]


                • #9
                  Ok Kryzstof is back so world Scenario no longer needs a replacement.


                  • #10
                    Hallo there,
                    Great Idea
                    I have never played PBEM before and would like to start so if anyone is starting up a game or needs a player or whatever just let me know



                    • #11
                      I'm cuurently involved in one PBEM, and would happily get involved in another.


                      • #12
                        OK, here is a thing. I have played Civs for years, but never multiplayer. Considering timezones etc. how about an email game on the world map? How does that work? Does that work? A turn a day or something?

                        Let me know... pleeze

                        ICQ: 929768
                        To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


                        • #13
                          I am new at the forum and at multi-player.
                          I am familiar with the game though.
                          Anyone looking for CTP PBEM players (new games or replacement) can contact me.
                          veni vidi PWNED!


                          • #14
                            i'll need a substitute from friday till monday for me in monkey2. i would be glad if someone a bit more smart than the last one could handle this. he called himself ai, and his head is now shown on a pole in the russian state-museum in moscow. perhaps you will earn a better fate?


                            • #15
                              I am currently looking for 1-2 replacement players to fill in for a Apolyton Pack PBEM game.

                              One of the positions will probably be pemanent and I will be able to confirm this after the weekend - the other is iffy now (the player might be able to return in the future).

                              This game had been averaging a turn a day too. To keep the game moving, I would give first preference to those who can play from 10:00AM - 5:00PM EST.

                              Here are the stats on the game

                              6 player game
                              Currently on turn 66 - Early Renassaince tech

                              Civ - Dutch - currently in 3rd with tech standing comparable with the leaders
                              Civ - Viking - currently in 4th with tech standing comparable with the leaders - (Sphinx)
                              Everyone is close on the power graph at this point in time.

                              Since this game is run off the Apolyton pack, you will need the following installed on your system.
                              Patch 1.2
                              Hack Patch 1.21
                              Apolyton Pack

                              In addition, you will also need a couple of mods - both installed within the Apolyton Pack folder - one is a quick start which the game is running off, and another is needed to be installed to make sure that the Apolyton Pack runs off the correct scenario. I have both mods and can send them to you, with installation instructions. I will also send you a test file to make sure that you are able to run the game off your setup.

                              I would prefer that you limit your installation on your system to the above, as problems do occur with modified files run off of different systems. There is a workaround, but it requires a dual setup on your system - one for this game and one for your normal single-player games.

                              If interested, contact me via email
                              Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner

