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Demosthenes Semi Acc Turn Posts

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  • #46
    I've received the 3rd turn, but the game keeps crashing, so I've sent an email to Sophanthro with details to see if he has any advice.


    • #47
      Turn 3 to Sophix.

      Creator rightful Assyrian ruler will return to the game, now I sold all my garnaries ( in the next turn i will sell all my CW's too ) I sorry for not give reply in Sunady, but then I went to in a tuor ( out of contact) Do You admit me to back ?


      • #48
        Turn 4 ==> Jon

        Demosthenes welcomes the new leader of the Assyrian people, although warns king Rick that the usurper is still lurking. Creator of the Assyrians seems annoyed that his kingdom has been ripped from his grasp, but the noble King Rick appears to be a man of honour, and not a ruler of deceit.

        Creator has been banished, his road back to Assyria has been blocked. Let that be a warning to all not to make unreasonable demands (or idle threats ) for they may well backfire on you.
        Krzystoff, you said that unless you could keep the freebies you were out. I gave you ample time to reply, and you didn't. I warned that we had a potential replacement, and he is now the permanent leader of the Assyrians. He is also more than willing to comply with selling his freebies.
        [This message has been edited by The True Demosthenes (edited March 27, 2000).]


        • #49
          So... ok, no prob. But You must remember, That the problem ( free garnries and CW ) is not to result from my bad will, only from Quickpack bug... ,but I not to bear You a grudge... bye guys.


          • #50
            Turn 4 to Caligula.

            Our True and Trusted Friend.

            As a man of honour I pledge that never again shall the name Incitatus pass my lips.

            What an Emporeror does in the privacy of his own bedchamber and his choice of political advisors is a matter for him alone.

            Chief Jon


            • #51
              Chief 'Last Word' Jon,

              Turn 4 not yet arrived - 'E(Empire)Mail' seems to be working fine this end...

              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


              • #52
                turn4--> Sophanthro

                My message seems to be reaching here before the great Caligula's messenger hath arrived. Probably was detained stopping off for a goat-skin full of good Assyrian wine.

                Well, the last stone of the old city walls have been carted off. I can only hope that no barbarian hordes appear while our people labour to re-build them!

                Upon closer examination of our empire, I've been forced to banish several former Ministers for dishonesty and incompetence. They have been expelled from Assyrian lands, and if any show up seeking work in other civilizations, I'd suggest you check their resume carefully for falsehoods.I have refused to give any of them a clay tablet of reference.


                • #53
                  Turn 5 ==> Demosthenes

                  Never has the Pharaoh been blessed with such wonderful land, unfortunately from reports coming from around the world, the Pharaoh feels that all Civilization share this bounty.

                  The Pharaoh also warns other nations to not trust greatly in the power charts, although it would appear that Egypt is the weakest of all nations we doubt greatly that this is the case.


                  • #54
                    Turn 5 ==> Jon

                    Demosthenes is pleased to report that the island race of the Welsh is going to be a prosperous home.

                    What perturbs the great leader of men and sheep is that our closest neighbour is reported as being Very Strong. Already.

                    Jon, so history repeats itself, yes?


                    • #55
                      Turn 5 to Caligula.

                      You poor feeble Welsh are counted as 'Average' so methinks CTP doth become befuddled at times. I would have counted you as little more than hunter-gatherers had not the Diplomacy screen led me to believe otherwise.

                      Be assured I shall not harm you or your flocks. I seek not to interfere in that which man chooses to do upon beast. Let your own conscious decide whether you should tamper with nature!

                      Chief Jon
                      Champion of the Natural Order.


                      • #56
                        "I would have counted you as little more than hunter-gatherers had not the Diplomacy screen led me to believe otherwise."

                        Little more than hunter-gatherers? The insolence! Demosthenes does not beleive in the rankings also, surely one such as yourself could not be ranked so highly. Just because we live in a forest does not mean that we are not civilised. We are merely at one with nature, living in an ecologically beneficial way to the local environment.

                        And as for the insuations against the relationship between Welsh man and Welsh beast, we do not desecrate our sacred animals. We revere them. The sheep is a most wonderful animal, and the perfect example of how man and beast can live together in harmony.

                        You have a nerve, 'Champion of the Natural Order'. We know of your 'appreciation' of the camels and llamas that your civilisation possess. We know that living in a desert can do funny things to your head, but that really is no excuse!
                        [This message has been edited by The True Demosthenes (edited March 27, 2000).]


                        • #57
                          The re siting of Caesarea is going according to plan and the (remaining) citizens are planning a party to see it's erection any year now.

                          Emperor Caligula has decided to call them the 'Caesarian Section' in special honour...


                          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                          • #58
                            Turn5--> Sophanthro

                            The Assyrian people rejoice when they hear that a peace treaty has been signed with Caligula of the Romans. Caligula has indicated that his copy of the treaty has not yet shown up, but we remain hopeful that this is but a temporary delay due to the slow pace of our messenger (after all, bicycles have not been invented yet).

                            And he has had to slog through many swamps, travel along icy roads, and cross deserts, all of which we Assyrians find ourselves living in.

                            For this is, indeed, a hard land we have inherited, but we shall strive all the harder to make it into something we can be proud to give to our children.


                            • #59
                              Turn 6 ==> Demosthenes

                              All is quiet in the land of Egypt.


                              • #60
                                Turn 6 ==> Jon

                                The peaceful expansion of the Welsh Empire creeps steadily, unbeknownst to the majority of the worlds population.

                                The High Priest of Taff Vale assures Demosthenes that there is no external threat from these 'barbarians' yet we should be cautious.

